At the end of my purchasing, I was able to come up with approximately $500/month, but I also was not buying my entire prescription either. I will say that we were living payday to payday and there were times when I would have wait for the next payday in order to get some relief. Spending this amount also prevented me and mine from saving anything. We have 2 teenagers,heat with oil, pay top dollar for electricity, gasoline and food. I really hate sounding like a whiner but I am really quite afraid of what's coming. I will have spent almost 2 years coming off an extremely high dose of morphine and I really have no desire to start chewing pills again. So I will probably continue to grow until either wcb picks up the tab, i get arrested, miraculously become pain free or die.
So really I can't even afford that much if I want to retire with anything to live on. This has got to be the worst feeling - not wanting to break the law, but not wanting to suffer either. These really are the choices I am presented with. And I don't hate wannabe lp's -everyone's gotta make a living, I just don't see that happening on the backs of medicinal patients. I think ultimately it will be the recreational users that carry this forward.
The one thing we can do is make sure your getting the best mileage out of what you have. You may be using some of these ways but just in case;
smoking is the most wasteful and does not last long. it's not good for you.
Vaporizing I'll skip due to cost of the vap, but a very good way to use your meds, recommended.
Baking is an excellent way to get the most out of your meds, highly recommended, can triple or quadruple the effectiveness and duration of your meds, just like making you own caps, oils, green dragon and canna butter.
Just a suggestion to lower cost and consumption.
I think we are a long way from MJ being anywhere near main stream medicine for so many reasons, and as long as Dr are in denial we have a long way to go yet.
I think LEO will stay away but if they do come calling and you were a legal grower by the time your case came to court the Charter challenge should be over and if not, all cases will be put on hold till it is decided. They will not take the chance of convicting a bunch of people only to overturn them all. IMHO
The way I read it if your growing 5 or less plants your fine. But the real story is the mandatory sentencing, but that my friends only applies if your convicted of being part of organised crime. Judges are resisting mandatory sentencing too. Don't know about you but I can grow a lot of meds with 5 plants.
I can not agree more with you on your last comment, were not going to get rich on the sick people, 70% of Canadian patents are on disability pensions so have to watch every dollar.
Our company will have a compassion application process and we will allocate a % of production to that avenue. We need to clear it with health Canada because I don't think we can just give it away. I'll look into it.