If this was going to be a bust why would people be putting so much money into it. Look at Tweed 20 million to blow, Bedocan has been doing this in the NL for 10 years, opened up shop in TO and import their meds for now. I have been designing gardens and operating them for 9 years so I know lots of people and they recommend me to people. I have worked with distributors , hydro shops, seed companies. That so far has me working with 4 companies who want to get there licences. But the great part is when ever we ask someone for help, they want in. I have helped connect some people and when they get by the snickering they see the money to be made. Not for the faint of heart but you don't need 400 clients to make money, well you may if they don't purchase enough. If we just use the low price out their now $6 a gr than if you had 100 clients that bought 3 g a day, average script, than that would generate $604,000 a year!!! Your cost are less than 25%, your mileage may very. So if your start up cost is $600,000 for a small operation with 2 rooms 20x25x10 with forty eight 1000's, over three years that's all paid back plus $200,000 profit each of those 3 years and your cost covered too. Sounds like a great business model to me. This is a simple example and on the low side, I don't want to start 100's applying as this is not for the faint of heart. By the way anyone we talk to has to sign an NDA, Nondisclosure Agreement to protect yourself.
So I was talking to some friends I have known for 45 years, and they wondered why I was so excited about the Med business? So when I got into the computer business back in the 80's I told them to buy Apple and Microsoft and guess what, only one of them did. Me and this is one of those times that comes around once in a life time, a non existent market to 1.3 BILLION in 10 years. This is that time and I only want .2% for me.