Well-Known Member
That's a really good question Spice.....what DOES constitute a "Big LP" vs a "small LP"? Putting a cap on square footage doesn't work. So how do you decide who the bad guys are and who the good guys are? It seems so arbitrary.
I considered starting a new thread, but that'd start a shitstorm, and really, where better to define a small LP than in the small LP thread?
I'd really like to hear everyone's definition too. The wannabes, the LP haters, the active LPs (how do you see yourself?), the patients planning to use an LP, and everyone in between.
Maybe it should be based on the quantity of product produced. Only a large scale operation would be able to put thousands of kgs. So I'll start the war at.....10 kg / month. Any more than this and I would consider it large scale ( now let's see how many friends I make today lol) .