MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

That's a really good question Spice.....what DOES constitute a "Big LP" vs a "small LP"? Putting a cap on square footage doesn't work. So how do you decide who the bad guys are and who the good guys are? It seems so arbitrary.

I considered starting a new thread, but that'd start a shitstorm, and really, where better to define a small LP than in the small LP thread?

I'd really like to hear everyone's definition too. The wannabes, the LP haters, the active LPs (how do you see yourself?), the patients planning to use an LP, and everyone in between.

Maybe it should be based on the quantity of product produced. Only a large scale operation would be able to put thousands of kgs. So I'll start the war at.....10 kg / month. Any more than this and I would consider it large scale ( now let's see how many friends I make today lol) .
Maybe it should be based on the quantity of product produced. Only a large scale operation would be able to put thousands of kgs. So I'll start the war at.....10 kg / month. Any more than this and I would consider it large scale ( now let's see how many friends I make today lol) .
I've applied for a license for 240kg a year. I would definitely consider myself to be small scale.
Maybe it should be based on the quantity of product produced. Only a large scale operation would be able to put thousands of kgs. So I'll start the war at.....10 kg / month. Any more than this and I would consider it large scale ( now let's see how many friends I make today lol) .

I consider myself a small guy and that's at 30kg a month vs Tweed 1250 kg a month. I think we need to move the small number up more into the 100's kg. so when some of us get there and you don't hate us.
Around a year of operating and Ill be maximizing my current capabilities at 80 - 100 kg/month,

I think we need a better metric...

What separates tweed from peace naturals, and them from canna farms, or mettrum? Cannimed is fucked, so we dont have to bring them into the discussion, lol.
I consider myself a small guy and that's at 30kg a month vs Tweed 1250 kg a month. I think we need to move the small number up more into the 100's kg. so when some of us get there and you don't hate us.

I don't hate any of you. I just don't like the situation I've been put in. I don't like having to make a choice between suffering or not being able to feed my kids or being illegal. It's not fair!
I dont think anyone under 10kg/month will have problems at all selling their product at $4-$7 if its top shelf, cannabis users will favor smaller ma and pa's.
Around a year of operating and Ill be maximizing my current capabilities at 80 - 100 kg/month,

I think we need a better metric...

What separates tweed from peace naturals, and them from canna farms, or mettrum? Cannimed is fucked, so we dont have to bring them into the discussion, lol.

Hi everyone! :) Having a Board of Directors, and being top-heavy, I would add to the criteria for being "large". Also, multiple VPs and perhaps substantial venture-capital investment. Of course even small LPs may have CEOs and such, but there wouldn't be a need to have 4 VPs, lol. Those are my 2 cents.
First I want to do a little lingual victory dance for BC's first small LP....

I agree with most of what you all are saying. I think that when I said 10,000 sqft was the line, I was way outta line in two ways.
One is, that is just not a big enough space and second, measuring sqft is akin to HC's MMAR plant counts, and not a good or fair way to measure anything.
Kilograms per month is probably the best measure of an LP's size.
Though I would love to count "chiefs vs. indians" but that will show in the price at the pumps, I suspect, anyways.

I have been working on an LP rating system and these are my main headings, can you add a main heading I missed?

Quality, Price, Availability, Selection, Service, Nationality, Compassion, Corporate size, and Website.

This was my order of importance also, how would you order the importance to an average canadian patient?
Notice how low size ranks in importance to me, (while wearing my patient hat).
Great info Woodsmaneh!, really enjoying your informed take on things, and your thoughtfulness too.

Glad to see Whatfg still giving us a steady dose of reality and doing the hard work of researching and reporting on each an every LP.
My probably unwanted advice,... wait for cannifarms product to be ready Whatfg.
I don't always agree with you, but I respect your perspective and think that you give us an unbiased assessment even from your painful HC and WCB experiences. I know from personal experience how hard it is to deal with WCB too, we don't envy your frustration, your self control is enviable.

Welcome to the latest wannabes who came out of the perverbial closet the last few days too.

I am still changing gears here and have not resumed forward motion yet on my quest for LPdom, but hope to decide soon.

Best advice to all the wannabes is to bug HC constantly, one month intervals was not enough. Two weeks, between contact, no longer. HC does not have any etiquette, spellcheck or remorse and will end a conversation without letting you even know, don't let them waste your time.

I am now going to communicate through a lawyer from this point forward for two reasons, first, my frustration level with HC will soon become destructive if I don't, second, I think HC is trying do some culling of the smaller applications, to concentrate their limited staff on fruitful applications, and giving your app some teeth (a lawyer), might persuade them to take you more seriously.
I don't hate any of you. I just don't like the situation I've been put in. I don't like having to make a choice between suffering or not being able to feed my kids or being illegal. It's not fair!

That comment was meant to be funny about moving up and getting big. I understand your frustration and maybe one day we will get there and be like Mane. I can't believe I'm comparing the two countries, boy has Harper lost his way.

WHATFG just grow 5 plants with two 1000w I don't know how much you need but 5 plants done right should net you a couple pounds at the low end and 5+ at the high end. If you need help growing that big ask were here to help. I look after a number of gardens for patents and that's what were doing, just low plant count's, we don't need lots of plants to produce a good yield. I know of very few gardens that will go dark on April 1 and that's no joke. If LEO want's to spend time busting small opps so be it, but they won't too much paperwork.

So if you just can't bring yourself to break the law like 20,000 other people who are in the same boat I guess we will be getting some of your hard earned money, but after all we are a business and we need to survive too.
Great info Woodsmaneh!, really enjoying your informed take on things, and your thoughtfulness too.

Glad to see Whatfg still giving us a steady dose of reality and doing the hard work of researching and reporting on each an every LP.
My probably unwanted advice,... wait for cannifarms product to be ready Whatfg.
I don't always agree with you, but I respect your perspective and think that you give us an unbiased assessment even from your painful HC and WCB experiences. I know from personal experience how hard it is to deal with WCB too, we don't envy your frustration, your self control is enviable.

Welcome to the latest wannabes who came out of the perverbial closet the last few days too.

I am still changing gears here and have not resumed forward motion yet on my quest for LPdom, but hope to decide soon.

Best advice to all the wannabes is to bug HC constantly, one month intervals was not enough. Two weeks, between contact, no longer. HC does not have any etiquette, spellcheck or remorse and will end a conversation without letting you even know, don't let them waste your time.

I am now going to communicate through a lawyer from this point forward for two reasons, first, my frustration level with HC will soon become destructive if I don't, second, I think HC is trying do some culling of the smaller applications, to concentrate their limited staff on fruitful applications, and giving your app some teeth (a lawyer), might persuade them to take you more seriously.

Thank you for the kind words K girl. I hear your frustration with HC, the poor bastards. My advice is never call HC, the only reason to call them is to find out what time it is, they will tell you that. When you call you get a level 1 tec, they don't know anything and it's a waste of your time, they have no meaningful answers. Always use EMAIL, one company I'm working with got some answers on the phone but what if it's wrong when they come to inspect? But the person on the phone said it was OK, like that will fly.

K Girl I have a new chain on my chainsaw, call me and I'll fix your breezeway. Keep going you'll get there HC is the road block but I thought you drove a plow.
Prices will soon drop well below $5 a gram, due to market forces/competition. These medical LP's will be the ones who first transition into a recreational market *exactly like colorado*. Home grows will return in a few years, the sky will not fall, and this is what 'tax and regulate it' looks like.
First I want to do a little lingual victory dance for BC's first small LP....

I agree with most of what you all are saying. I think that when I said 10,000 sqft was the line, I was way outta line in two ways.
One is, that is just not a big enough space and second, measuring sqft is akin to HC's MMAR plant counts, and not a good or fair way to measure anything.
Kilograms per month is probably the best measure of an LP's size.
Though I would love to count "chiefs vs. indians" but that will show in the price at the pumps, I suspect, anyways.

I have been working on an LP rating system and these are my main headings, can you add a main heading I missed?

Quality, Price, Availability, Selection, Service, Nationality, Compassion, Corporate size, and Website.

This was my order of importance also, how would you order the importance to an average canadian patient?
Notice how low size ranks in importance to me, (while wearing my patient hat).

My list:

This is my personal list but would say many others would be similar, it is basically the same as yours KG, perhaps just worded different at the end.

Each LP should be judged individually on their own merits, not based on some sort of consensus of opinion.

Quality and price will most likely always be most peoples top two, and availability and selection the next most important.

Most seem to be trying to offer many varieties to allure customers, its a good incentive. To your average person is 20 varieties at $120/oz more appealing than 100 varieties at $200/oz?

I hope the gatekeepers lower their prices to provide not only incentive to get one medical document but multiples, this would be a huge pressure relief for LP's.

Say if your a reg medical customer and you see a list of 50 - 400 providers on that list, thats overwhelming, so your first instinct is probably going to be to google for sites that rate, provide reviews and organize all the information available for the LP's and their products, much like the headings KG posted with the most likely addition of "reported beneficial medical use".
Every client has unique needs and desires, being properly informed will allow them to find the right LP for them. Its the 21st century and your market is sick people and stoners, they will want to know who and what and where and why their ganja is coming from.
I am hearing rumors that HC is forcing LPs to grind their product before packaging. This means patients can't buy whole buds.

Is this true?
Hello there, I'm also interested in all this. I spent all day going through every post in this thread. However, who do you sell your product to? How easy will be to sell it?

I'm in Edmonton, have experience growing, and have worked in different quality roles but in another industry.