Is being black in US worse than being white?

Hey Uncle ignore Bend Over Billy. He's upset because he was in after school detention and missed his short bus. So he's late to the thread and he's a tad bit ornery. He ready to start kicking over garbage cans.
Wow this thread is racist ...why cant we all get along? That being said the white mans bin keeping me down for years.. being mexican ain't no walk in the park one time my boss called me pancho villa.



Literally laughed out loud, twice! Have to spread it around....
Wow this thread is racist ...why cant we all get along? That being said the white mans bin keeping me down for years.. being mexican ain't no walk in the park one time my boss called me pancho villa.

same shit happens to me but I keep getting called Fernando... for reals motherfucker, my name ain't Fernando!!!
I always wanted to ask if I look like a Fernando, but that's just stoopid
You didn't know I am Native American? No, it doesn't offend me. I am not easily offended. I am fed up with PC. It's ruining our country.
You didn't know I am Native American? No, it doesn't offend me. I am not easily offended. I am fed up with PC. It's ruining our country.

I might have known and just didn't care enough to remember.

Yeah PC is more BS than anything else... it's getting worse every day. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
I always hear blacks griping "if u ain't white, u ain't right" and "keepin' the black man down". Seems to me, the black man is doing a great job of keeping himself down. I never hear a contemporary Jew crying about what the Nazis did to his family back in 1944. It's integrity, and far too many blacks seem to lack it. After all, it's much easier to play the victim and sell crack day and night, while complaining about a lack of opportunities and the "white devil" who's keeping them from becoming an astronaut. There is an undeserved aura of entitlement displayed by most blacks, and it is like respect. It is not given, rather it must be earned. Grabbing your crotch, pulling up those saggy-ass pants, speaking like a complete retard, while looking for yet another "baby momma" and ducking my parole officer is hardly the way to earn respect. I came to this country in 1985, and my experiences consist of personal accounts with African Americans. I've known actual Africans from Nigeria and Tanzania and the only similarities between the 2 is the dark skin. The Africans I speak of, were intelligent and had integrity, instead of a truckload of scapegoats and excuses.

Wow if i had the energy id go in on this one. But for now ill just say let me apologize on behalf of all the poor pitty me black folk out there. Im sorry that the few of us who have swayed your opinions this way have ....


No fuck that

Dude thats the most retarded shit ive heard today. Open ur eyes. Theres alot of black ppl in this country and ur describing a small percentage of them. Smdh
Fuck that was quick... ah well... I didn't wanna play anyway... :cry: *sniff*
Fuck you... there's dust in my eye...

What were you mad about?

Quit trippin, Boo, I will always love you You must of missed the jk

It is entirely unrelated to the topic at hand, but it killed me to find out the actor from that commercial was not of native american descent, but italian.

You're welcome for being allowed into this country and you're welcome your family was generously set free. wtf what a stupid question. and it has nothing to do with weed!

These days, it's all about the shoe size. Shoe size over skin pigment. The smaller the better.
I always hear blacks griping "if u ain't white, u ain't right" and "keepin' the black man down". Seems to me, the black man is doing a great job of keeping himself down. I never hear a contemporary Jew crying about what the Nazis did to his family back in 1944. It's integrity, and far too many blacks seem to lack it. After all, it's much easier to play the victim and sell crack day and night, while complaining about a lack of opportunities and the "white devil" who's keeping them from becoming an astronaut. There is an undeserved aura of entitlement displayed by most blacks, and it is like respect. It is not given, rather it must be earned. Grabbing your crotch, pulling up those saggy-ass pants, speaking like a complete retard, while looking for yet another "baby momma" and ducking my parole officer is hardly the way to earn respect. I came to this country in 1985, and my experiences consist of personal accounts with African Americans. I've known actual Africans from Nigeria and Tanzania and the only similarities between the 2 is the dark skin. The Africans I speak of, were intelligent and had integrity, instead of a truckload of scapegoats and excuses.


pant sagging, crack slinging, recidivists with negro entitlement, eh?

well, thanks for removing all doubt.
There's been a lot of sink holes occurring lately Uncle Buck, guess what and who have been crawling out of them. Hope that answers your questions.
Wow if i had the energy id go in on this one. But for now ill just say let me apologize on behalf of all the poor pitty me black folk out there. Im sorry that the few of us who have swayed your opinions this way have ....


No fuck that

Dude thats the most retarded shit ive heard today. Open ur eyes. Theres alot of black ppl in this country and ur describing a small percentage of them. Smdh
Apparently the Large percentage of blacks in this country are philantrophists - How silly of me to have grossly misjudged the majority / my eyes WERE opened when I came to the states from a place where i coulnd't have had any stereotypical predispositions about blacks because there were none. Look, i'm not saying Every African American..... Anything, because that would be unfair and ignorant, However in MY experience I am describing the majority. I'm sure there are cool brothas somewhere in the USA...... sadly, they must all be overshadowed by that "small percentage" you mentioned ;-)_~