How Working In Washington Taught Me We’re All A Little Like RT America

[/COLOR]Seriously lmfao!

I posted an article from a liberal journalist criticizing the Obama administration and yet my inclusion of the GOP in media manipulation is seen as "limpwristed". For fucks sake Kynes, I could come out and say "Obama fucks little boys and embezzles money from prostitution to pay liberal journalists to hide it!!!!! But (insert conservative politician) did it one time, too..." and you would be bitching about how "NO CONSERVATIVE WOULD EVER DO SUCH A THING!!!!!!! YOU LIBERAL LYING PIECE OF SHIT!!!"

Come on, bro.. a little perspective might do you some good..


This article was focused on the left wing outlet because that's who the guy worked for, you idiot

Then carry on soaking up those sweet, sweet GOP ideals you so lovingly coax to completion... all over your face

...because this one article, on this one website didn't mention it, I guess you must be right..

..again, because this one guy who worked for a liberal outlet expressed his opinion on the liberal outlet he worked for didn't comment on any conservative outlets doesn't mean the absolute same exact bullshit doesn't happen behind conservative doors, and you're a naive retard if you don't think it does

again, because you apparently have a metal bar through your head,

The "We" in that article was all about Think Progress, and the lefty press and lefty organizations being controlled by lefty government regimes like Bwana Obama's.

as much as you might want to believe it, NO Republican administration has been able to influence the press in any meaningful way since the early 1900's.

Democrat regimes however have been dominating the press with an iron fist since FDR rolled his crippled ass into washington.
the issue, which you probably dont recall, is the article posted in the OP, and YOUR assertion that the press is also controlled by republicans.

You are conflating my argument to literally mean there are liberals and republicans who have infiltrated American media, like some sort of mole, and are secretly controlling what gets aired somehow.

Idiot, this is not what I am saying at all

You done arguing with yourself about that?

You ready to actually hear what I have to say and no doubt argue with that instead?

Journalists conduct interviews, if the interview goes south, the politician will probably not give another interview to that journalist or that network again, eliminating the single most important aspect of being a professional journalist; exclusivity, lowering their future potential ratings based on a lack of what viewers would consider to be actual fact. To avoid this, networks tell their journalists to keep the interview light, so they continue gaining access to that politician. THAT is how American media is manipulated and controlled. Management tells the workers what to do and how to act, they deviate, they face the consequences. Just like the two journalists from RT America and this journalist from CAP.

You've gotta be living under a rock to be ignorant of the way this works at this point
as much as you might want to believe it, NO Republican administration has been able to influence the press in any meaningful way since the early 1900's.

Democrat regimes however have been dominating the press with an iron fist since FDR rolled his crippled ass into washington.

Straight up delusional, that's all there is to it. Partisan, delusional hack. Keep that wheel turning
Buck, what are you trying to prove here?

Pada is living in a fantasy of lefty media like a 13 year old girl in a Mormon cult.

Throw away that TV.

How do you hillbilly's come to such conclusions?

I'm sitting here saying the media is manipulated by both liberal, Democratic politicians and conservative, Republican politicians. Kynes, and you seem to be arguing "NOOO!! Only the LEFT does that!!!!!"

You two are fucking idiots
How do you hillbilly's come to such conclusions?

I'm sitting here saying the media is manipulated by both liberal, Democratic politicians and conservative, Republican politicians. Kynes, and you seem to be arguing "NOOO!! Only the LEFT does that!!!!!"

You two are fucking idiots

Other than the Fox cable program.
When and where have the conservatives controlled the media?

LOL, Bush's invasion of Iraq never was a positive story on TV.
They just reported the event.
Other than the Fox cable program.
When and where have the conservatives controlled the media?

LOL, Bush's invasion of Iraq never was a positive story on TV.
They just reported the event.

I suspect the manipulation of media happens in every major outlet, right or left, because the same principles apply. Be good, get access, be bad, denied access

Where were you from 2002~2006ish?
I suspect the manipulation of media happens in every major outlet, right or left, because the same principles apply.

This is why I say get a shortwave radio.
Listen to the broadcasts from other countries.
They mostly want to boast their leaders agenda to the world.
Just like in the Ukraine and Russia.

Russia is in the process of closing down the TV stations there and replacing the frequencies with their own stations propaganda.

No, I don't trust the source media.
Just shit I saw on TV.