And I bet when they do, they'll use different lenses. I hate trying to decide how I want to reply to repsonses like yours.. might as well say "cmon guys, don't give your opinion, I bought this light and don't want to hear anything negative,"
Thats not why we are here, its called constructive critcism. Just like Psu suggested takin em off...
And mike very well may know what he's talking about- I can say, no doubt he probably knows more about what he is trying to accomplish with his light than myself. But thats the problem. You stated it yourself DB. They are not built for our applications- so they are not going to be as efficient or deliver or cover on the same playing field as something built FOR what we are trying to do.
The fact they run xmls is kick ass, I know psu would like to see some different CREEs used in horticulture, and I am sure Supra wouldn't mind some serious adjustments to efficiency in the mainstream panels

but like what the OP of this thread just said earlier Mike hypes up how he spreads the light but speaks nothing to whats hitting the floor beneath it... unless you are growing coral, intensity may not be a huge thing for aqua. users. Im thinking not since they are using the WW XMLs instead (to replicate the effect of the natural Sun on water?) of something more blue heavy (mono blues for photons...)......but that is for growing in water, not scenery. From what I've read.
O and fuck the fanBOI thing. You think im a "fan" then you're more igorant than I thought. Im a Consumer. A fucking damn good one thank you very much, probably 5% of the US Economy's spending in a single household, right here! GD.

No, but I bust my ass to due credit to what I know is right, and I take my time to make sure before pulling the trigger that it is the best decision to make. No speculations, no bullshit. Just fact. The only reason Area 51 pops back up time and time again, is because of just that. They are proven, and they use down to earth logic (not bullshit, "simply misconstruing the truth's into lies logic" like chinese comps do all over) and show numbers, along with explanations and cold hard data. So the fact that the ~#2 company in horticulture LEDs right now rubs you wrong- thats something YOU gotta work out. Call me a fan all day long, I am- of their lights, of the company... ahhhh.. we get along. Id keep it at that. What I can tell you: they stick to customer service, they make one of these best products on the market... hang on... here:
-Quietest panel Ive owned (between pro grows spectras apache and apollos, literally quieter than my Tetra Whisper 100's)
-Delivers what they state
-Literally lifetime warrantied, so far, as long as YOU keep it.
-And universal, so if you end up not needing it here... maybe you can use it there (just like youre all white panel)
I am a fan of good quality products, Id like to keep spending my money in the US as much as I can- but the gov needs to get on the INSANE amount of dependents it has sucking from the teet and not getting out and getting jobs, i know i know jobs are hard to come by... whatever, anyways, whether I go through '51, or AT, or CLW, yea..., Im still going to be supporting some other countries economy in some way shape or form down the grapevine. (solder, pcbs, what the fuck ever..) Sorry I've gone off in a tangent, did I black out? what happened?
No dude, Im not trying to hurt your feelings, I think that onyx is sweet, but I do think it is made for a different application, thus holding it back from its true "potential" in the garden. (intensity), I do like the concern he shows for spread, but that's not the whole game....