New Member
Tilbury Area
I am in your area, we should connect! I can't pm you so post more or share your email.
Hi OKLP - I'm an electronics guy and have an interest in building up something along these lines for the MM industry. We should discuss further.
Another wanna be here
Awesome forum and people
Small Facilty under 3000sq ft Eastern Ont, own it.
Actually not a bad setup, cement floors , drains, well, security system,mostly cement walls, thick cement for vault, not a new place, own hydro pole , three phase,Moe waste license,giant holding tank and septic system.
Recent survey done,ESA inspections, etc ..still a ways to go
Finding QA and added start up hard if one does not spend a pile or be a phd[shoulda paid lab for QA report, SOP gaaaaah]
I can interpret micrograms per kg of body weight and colonies of bacteria per blah blah but i have no real training for it.
yes just got the same.."send back in two weeks or close file" letter after being ignored for four months
Almost to the point that i may just give up after going so far and attempt to sell place, but did send the aerial photos and rest of requests in.
Have a lot of attributes to our building, put a lot of work in it but its lonely and stressful doing by yourself, i am experienced, but thats not necessarily a plus.
Possibly should have not done anything except on paper but went ahead anyway .wanted to save my genetics.
Also am an MMAR ppl always stayed under limits in since late August
very good people here in this forum been lurking for years.
So the town just got back to us told us At that meeting, the PAC was not satisfied that such facilities should be considered in the agricultural areas, but are comfortable with the facilities being established in Industrial areas. Has anyone had to fight to get there zoning allowed? And I'm wondering if anyone's facilities is close to dwellings? We are on a farm but have homes in the area and that is another complaint the town is throwing at us.
We just got our application back for the second time. Only thing left on it was our CEO did not qualify to be the quality assurance person. We have hired a Lab Technician with a diploma in quality assurance. I spoke to HC today from a callback we requested and they said once we resubmit if the application has been deemed complete it will enter the review phase and security clearances will be sent out. We have an executive with a DUI and were wondering if that will affect the application. Is anyone aware of people or companies being refused solely for security reasons?
Also once we are past the first review phase do they request much more information?
Our first review came back with requesting where we were going to get our source material, Quality assurance person qualifications, Record keeping templates and additional info on physical security requirements.
We resubmitted and the only thing that came back was the quality assurance persons qualification which we have hopefully figured out . I'm just wondering if this is the bulk of It or only the beginning. We are hesitant to start construction before we receive a build out letter.
If you do not mind me asking what did you tell them for starting material?
I think DUI can be a problem, I remember hearing one of the CEOs of one of the big guys saying that someone had a DUI and this was problematic for them.
There are 5 potential legal sources of material that can be used for cultivation of marihuana: 1) Health Canada supply of marihuana seeds; 2) Material (marihuana plants or seeds) obtained from a current holder of a Personal-Use Production Licence (PUPL) under the Marihauna Medical Access Regulations (MMAR) as per section 261 of the MMPR; 3) Material (marihuana plants or seeds) obtained from the current holder of a Designated Person Production Licence (DPPL) under he MMAR, as per section 264 of the MMPR; 4) Importation from a legal foreign source; 5) Material (marihuana plants or seeds) obtained from a producer who holds a licence under the MMPR. Please indicate which source you intend to use for starting materials.
We replied that we intend on using all 5 potential legal sources to get the starting materials used for the cultivation of marihuana.
They have written this to look like they will rat everyone out but they can only go after the DG's not those that grow for themselves. People who grow their own are protected by the access to information act.
They sent notices to everyone advising them of this. Just send them a note as requested and your done.
I am not aware of another source for starting materials, could you please tell us?There is another source, but they don't talk about it.
There is another source, but they don't talk about it.
The problem is that if you get your license after the April 1st deadline, people growing under the old system are no longer a legal source.