Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Hey.. also, I needed to ask you, so when the "corn" jars are fully colonized, could I then put the colonized grain/corn into a different substrate to "spreed" to other jars instead of having to have another syringe, and have to go through the inoculation all over :??:

As Dan says, yes, but in your case, frankly I would wait until I had the concepts down and managed to get a better handle on contamination. G2G depends upon good tactics and smooth movements.
Thanks Dan..

Ok cool, so when you say force a flush, you mean bring on fruiting :??: Or start to see growth of the mushrooms :??: I was reading about fruiting by placing an "ice pack" inside the fruiting chamber if the terrarium was humidified by an humidifier :??: Is that accurate :??: I'm afraid if I turn off the heater the temps will drop to low (under the 70 degree mark).
Depends upon your ability to force a flush. If you are unable to do that, then you will simply have to wait, could be a couple of weeks. If you force it, it can work in as little as one.
Thanks Dan..

Ok cool, so when you say force a flush, you mean bring on fruiting :??: Or start to see growth of the mushrooms :??: I was reading about fruiting by placing an "ice pack" inside the fruiting chamber if the terrarium was humidified by an humidifier :??: Is that accurate :??: I'm afraid if I turn off the heater the temps will drop to low (under the 70 degree mark).

I don't want to set you wrong here, and Tylerrr will shoot me if I imply that temperature shocks are more important than they really are. Ok? Tylerrr? They are not. you do not need to go to the extreme of using ice. Unless you set up all of your triggering parameters to go off in concert then temperature is not much of a concern. We may again get into some debate over what the primary trigger really is. I say light, others say humidity. I have found that if you colonize in the dark, and then expose the surface you wish to fruit to light, however short that exposure, AND you initiate between 2 or 3 or even 4 fresh air exchanges per hour - while keeping your humidity in the mid to high 90's, you will shortly thereafter see pins (fruiting). There will be few lagging pins, if your substrate is rich enough you will have few aborts and the fruit will tend to open with in a few hours of each other.

But I am getting way ahead of you here. All you need really do is simply keep your little grow in a consistant state of humidity so it doesn't dry out. If you want, spritz it with some good water every day or so and just wait, your mushrooms will grow in spite of everything else. They are very very smart and they really really want to fruit. They want to fruit so badly that you are going to have to seriously abuse them in order to prevent that from happening.

Relax and consider what your next step will be with your new grow, start now, it will take your mind off the ones you are growing now.
Ok cool thanks.. Been reading allot recently. Also was reading about placing a straw in the middles of your substrate to make a hole in the center,then fill hole with perlite, then sterilize making it easier for adding your water for future flushes,. Have you ever done this method :??: I also had read that the cakes respond to fruiting by starting to dry out (not overly), then get moisturized again :??: LOL.. Small grow you say :??: I went ahead and started big. Thinking it would be easier then it sounded, which I was sadly mistaken. lol I have the one fruit chamber seen in those pictures, then another huge tote I was planning on using for fruiting as well. I was planning on just using the smaller one (fruiting chamber) for "older cakes", then use the bigger one for newer cakes and ones fruiting just have the bigger tote separated in the center with a drip shield on hinges over both sections.. ;) been making the holes in the bigger tote earlier this evening. Seriously though, thanks 4 all the help. All of you.. :)
I don't want to set you wrong here, and Tylerrr will shoot me if I imply that temperature shocks are more important than they really are. Ok? Tylerrr? They are not. you do not need to go to the extreme of using ice. Unless you set up all of your triggering parameters to go off in concert then temperature is not much of a concern. We may again get into some debate over what the primary trigger really is. I say light, others say humidity. I have found that if you colonize in the dark, and then expose the surface you wish to fruit to light, however short that exposure, AND you initiate between 2 or 3 or even 4 fresh air exchanges per hour - while keeping your humidity in the mid to high 90's, you will shortly thereafter see pins (fruiting). There will be few lagging pins, if your substrate is rich enough you will have few aborts and the fruit will tend to open with in a few hours of each other.

But I am getting way ahead of you here. All you need really do is simply keep your little grow in a consistant state of humidity so it doesn't dry out. If you want, spritz it with some good water every day or so and just wait, your mushrooms will grow in spite of everything else. They are very very smart and they really really want to fruit. They want to fruit so badly that you are going to have to seriously abuse them in order to prevent that from happening.

Relax and consider what your next step will be with your new grow, start now, it will take your mind off the ones you are growing now.
lmao Dank bro now you know why i order the cakes already made already to fruit. So i soak them in water put in bag with micro holes close bag put under any kind of light and let them do there thing. and Good morning. Ill be picking up my light in 2 hrs.
Ok cool thanks.. Been reading allot recently. Also was reading about placing a straw in the middles of your substrate to make a hole in the center,then fill hole with perlite, then sterilize making it easier for adding your water for future flushes,. Have you ever done this method :??: I also had read that the cakes respond to fruiting by starting to dry out (not overly), then get moisturized again :??: LOL.. Small grow you say :??: I went ahead and started big. Thinking it would be easier then it sounded, which I was sadly mistaken. lol I have the one fruit chamber seen in those pictures, then another huge tote I was planning on using for fruiting as well. I was planning on just using the smaller one (fruiting chamber) for "older cakes", then use the bigger one for newer cakes and ones fruiting just have the bigger tote separated in the center with a drip shield on hinges over both sections.. ;) been making the holes in the bigger tote earlier this evening. Seriously though, thanks 4 all the help. All of you.. :)
Well, see thing is, I want to make this grow/hobby experiences all it can be, and learn as much as I can.. Even if that means staying up late nights reading my ass off, having killer headaches, and not to mention toking 10 x more chronic then usual. lol I think i have my own little method of making my substrate down pat. With the BRF + V that is. lol Wasn't sure about the Popcorn nor the WBS. All but 1 of the jars that came with the kit that stated they where "pre sterile" was "sterile" at all! I should have went ahead and PC those bitches anyways!! Oh well, live & learn I guess. I want to get to the point where I can have 2 tote boxes going at the same time, and get the process down of casing bulk substrates in the 2 totes. I was seriously thinking about casing to either coco choir, or straw. I hadnt made my mind up yet. Although I have been reading, it stated that the "straw lacked in nutrients". So therefore I am leaning more towards coco choir.. ;)
lmao Dank bro now you know why i order the cakes already made already to fruit. So i soak them in water put in bag with micro holes close bag put under any kind of light and let them do there thing. and Good morning. Ill be picking up my light in 2 hrs.
Don't take this the wrong way Dank, but I think esspecially to get started you'll be better off trying to take one method and follow the recipe all the way. Rather then trying things your own way yet, or trying to mix different methods to "optimize". Reading is great, and the best way to learn about all this stuff, I spent months doing it before I started my grow, but like anything there are lots of ways to grow mushrooms and alot of bad info out there too. Then when I started I tried to follow one spcific technique all the way through. Trying different things can be great once you have the basics down, but I really believe when possible its best to K>I>S>S. I don't have nearly the experiance some guys have so I don't try to push one tech over another. I decided on the WBS because of a member here at the time that helped walk me through it step by step. He helped me on my thread, and on others, and was actually kind enough to send me my first prints I got started with many years ago. I started from dry prints so I had to learn the process step by step, how to make a syringe straight through to fruiting.
Not taken wrong at all bro.. In all honesty I dont see where I am really trying things my own way, except for maybe the fruit chamber is a little different then others. And the thought of doing "bulk" casing. I had read you can take the "cakes' thats fully colinized and add them to a bulk substrates for your larger yields. Just wanted to maximize the big ass totes is all. lol I may wait to do that though. Had thought about using coco choir to case with and or hay, just taking the (WBS & Popcorn) jars only and letting that go for awhile. I really didn't know the entire process using grain at the time I had made that choose. I was thinking maybe the growth would "hold" the contents WBS & Popcorn together a it, as to where it could be sit into a fruiting chamber.. Boy was I wrong I guess. lol I now know I like the idea of the cake staying together, such as the BRF + V does. I had went ahead and birthed the only one that didn't become contaminated that was partially colonized (read it could be done if you where taking a trip) I just wanted to see if it would do its thing & fruit, mainly because I have 12 other cakes consisting of WBS, Popcorn, and BRF +V that's colonizing now.. So its looking like I will be growing these thin for a good while.. lol ;) Thanks though for checking up on my progress. I will be updating this today.
Don't take this the wrong way Dank, but I think esspecially to get started you'll be better off trying to take one method and follow the recipe all the way. Rather then trying things your own way yet, or trying to mix different methods to "optimize". Reading is great, and the best way to learn about all this stuff, I spent months doing it before I started my grow, but like anything there are lots of ways to grow mushrooms and alot of bad info out there too. Then when I started I tried to follow one spcific technique all the way through. Trying different things can be great once you have the basics down, but I really believe when possible its best to K>I>S>S. I don't have nearly the experiance some guys have so I don't try to push one tech over another. I decided on the WBS because of a member here at the time that helped walk me through it step by step. He helped me on my thread, and on others, and was actually kind enough to send me my first prints I got started with many years ago. I started from dry prints so I had to learn the process step by step, how to make a syringe straight through to fruiting.
Here is a small update guys.. The last jar has started showing signs of growth.. ;) checking out the progress earlier PIC_0491.jpg last jar of GT starting to colonize PIC_0492.jpg Pes Hawaiian PIC_0493.jpg Gulf Coast PIC_0494.jpg
Hell yeah, me 2... :)

Over the weekend I went ahead and mixed me up BRF + V and inoculated x's 4 more jars, also needed to go ahead and use the last bit of spore I had.. I also had a jar of fully colonized Golden Teacher (popcorn). So I went ahead and birthed the jar. Used one of those Rubbermaid pans to fruit in. Drilled a few holes in the top cover. In 2 days I have seen more growth that looks super white & fuzzy then I have the entire time. I can even smell what seems to smell like mushrooms when I take the lid off to fan.. I wear a mask of course.. lol Here's the pictures. Like said, the growth is so damn white it barely is showing up on the pictures, but trust me its all over the place!! ;) PIC_0505.jpg PIC_0506.jpg PIC_0507.jpg PIC_0508.jpgPIC_0508.jpg
Love seeing that colonization :)!
It does look nice and white, what exactly did you mix it with? Is all that white mycilium, or what you mixed it with?
It does look nice and white, what exactly did you mix it with? Is all that white mycilium, or what you mixed it with?
Yeah, if you look really close at the popcorn , you'll see all the mycillum growing onto the corners, and also spreading down into the medium. Which all I have on hand is perlite. I suppose I could have did a 50/50 mix of perlite & vermiculite. But I think the perlite will do just fine. According to what I have been reading. On the other grain jars WBS & Popcorn, I guess I will do the mix, or perlite and coco choir.

Sweet. bro you got it. keep on trucking bro.
Thanks. ;) hopefully they will do there thing now. Still no signs of contaminate. I made sure everything was super sterile though before using.. Today it's fuzzy as ever in there.. :)

Here take some shrooms and look at this pic i just took in my flower room.
View attachment 3038161
you can see more on my thread in signature. is she not beautiful?
Hell yeah bro, she sure is.... Great job! + rep
IDK if it's just me, or its some other rock that was in the perlite I used, but I swear. In those pictures I just posted, it looks like a tiny mushroom already growing. lol In the 3rd picture ^ up there.. ;)
lol.. After I got to looking at my pictures just a few minutes ago and seeing what looked to be a small Shroom I jumped my ass from the computer here and just had to go look.. lol.. Yeah it seems to be a small chuck of perlite, or some other type of rock formation that worked it's way into the perlite they sent with the kit. ;) still looking white as ever (more growth working its way into the perlite). I was thinking about going ahead and purchasing (when I have some extra $) a few more of those little Rubbermaid pans, get me some coco choir, add in the perlite to case the other grain jars I have. Then just do the shotgun tek with the other BRF +V cakes. Like said previously, wished I could have used something other then the plain vermiculite to case to, but time being that's all I had.. Just hope it keeps growing and fruits as is..
i thought same thing its the corn hehe.
Man I hope I'm wrong, but I do not think that the perlite will have any benefit here, and may even prevent the mycilium from colonizing properly. Perlite has no nutrients in it, and the myc needs nutrients. I used perlite in my large fruiting chamber just to help hold humidity, but I've never seen or heard of anyone mixing perlite with the mycilium. I'm sure canndo will chime in once he see the pics. When I mixed my colonized grain with a medium, I used straight course verm. I've read since then that I could have used better options, but it was convenient and cheap and seemed to work well. Anyway hope this works out.