

Ive been known to chase the tatanka myself its so much easier than the rest you just seperate them from the heard and spear them... might be a little more sweaty than usual but ovrall a good night.
I pissed all over a toilet at Texas road house because my friend's step dad was talking about hog pussy
That doesnt even make since I do that just to be an asshole sometimes and Im drunk...why the hog pussy? Just wait till you have to take a shit later, and you know what you did, but you dont care its sterile right?
That doesnt even make since I do that just to be an asshole sometimes and Im drunk...why the hog pussy? Just wait till you have to take a shit later, and you know what you did, but you dont care its sterile right?

Lmao ik and we were at myrtle beach and he told random people that he likes tge taste of hog pussy and we went to a store and he asked the guy if he had any hog pussy so later that night we were yelling hog pussy and he said there tight hog pussy there lose hog pussy and he said and there the tasty hog pussy and I lost it lol and I pissed all over the stall

Ive been known to chase the tatanka myself its so much easier than the rest you just seperate them from the heard and spear them... might be a little more sweaty than usual but ovrall a good night.

She has a good blow job face but here body is like uggghhhh I might whould tap that but I whould end up regretting it later