Will you buy irradiated medicine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.5%
  • No

    Votes: 109 86.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
There are rumours that Tweed is holding what I would call "grow offs" - giving each grower a certain square footage to prove himself/herself and, if they do, they get to keep their job. If that's the case, they'll be producing more inconsistent product for at least one whole cycle.

WOW, I know this is hearsay at this point but I hope it isn't true. Do they offer some sort of prize for the winner?(sarcasm) IF this is in fact true it shows an astronomical level of ineptitude on Tweeds part. This isn't some bro dude frat house grow off. Get your shit together, legitimate patients need this. Maybe if they hired some patients(not for their plant counts and how it can up their inventory but their grow experience and more importantly, SKILL) they would be able to produce something better than what looks to be wild ditch weed or feral Hemp.


Well-Known Member
I live in Ontario and we have 90 days probation as well. I imagine the process was concocted in their boardroom somewhere and passed along to the actual operators as directive. I haven't been able to confirm it, but I heard the story from a couple growers who interviewed there and were informed of how it would work.

This is the type of "motivation" these business clowns bring to a medical field. It may work in a commission based environment where it would help drive employees to work harder for that ultimate goal: a fat commission cheque. But this certainly is not the case now is it?


Well-Known Member
Would this be considered a projected timeline more than a hard number to follow? Curious myself
I've heard people (of no specific knowledge) reference it either way. Various news articles have mentioned the fact that there will be 51 licenses issued, but I believe this is the only source of that.


Well-Known Member
"Master grower."

With what's been produced and shown online so far from all LP's, there doesn't seem to be any "Master Growers" :)

Again...the only thing that will make a crop grow well is to have an experienced person around doing all the work as designating authority only leads to work not being done correctly. Which leads to the swag you see here which people having to buy for medication?
It's sad.
What it comes down to is integrity. In my work place, coaching is huge. The people who listen to me and do what i say, have good end results because im the guy who sets the standards. the ones who don't carry the weight and affect our end product don't make it. that's what im getting at. The master grower can tell them whatever he wants, but if his employee's don't respect him and act like unprofessional stoners, then the product won't be proper. You're right, this seems to be the issue, you see the product and have to ask, who's in charge here? But if the right people are directing and making sure employees are in their place, doing exactly what they should/were told then none of the lp's should have problems. Think of it as a factory, as long as all the components line up and people work together, then everything goes smoothly. ALSO, the growers need to know what they're doing. And with working for an LP, will come more experience. But the reality of it is....most people have never grown on such a large scale like tweed is doing. MASTER GROWERS NEED TO STEP UP, OWN THEIR POSITIONS AND SHARE THEIR KNOWLEDGE WITH THE NEWER EMPLOYEES.


Well-Known Member
WOW, I know this is hearsay at this point but I hope it isn't true. Do they offer some sort of prize for the winner?(sarcasm) IF this is in fact true it shows an astronomical level of ineptitude on Tweeds part. This isn't some bro dude frat house grow off. Get your shit together, legitimate patients need this. Maybe if they hired some patients(not for their plant counts and how it can up their inventory but their grow experience and more importantly, SKILL) they would be able to produce something better than what looks to be wild ditch weed or feral Hemp.

I agree. They need more patients/people who really care about patients/have a passion for meds, to work there.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I agree. They need more patients/people who really care about patients/have a passion for meds, to work there.
Well I think we already had that until this circus came to town. It was working great for a lot of patients. Yes there were issues but they were able to be over come. Now patients are left twiddling their thumbs with hardly any choices.


Well-Known Member
Well I think we already had that until this circus came to town. It was working great for a lot of patients. Yes there were issues but they were able to be over come. Now patients are left twiddling their thumbs with hardly any choices.

Maybe you'd go so far as to say...........TWEEDling their thumbs? Same lack of choices apply.


Well-Known Member
the compassion left health care in Canada a long time ago.... with managers and the administration.... it's only most of the front line workers in health care that still have compassion (I know my wife's a nurse). mostly in Canada health care is run like a corporate model..... save money..... give the head honchos more pay and larger severance pay, make ppl work longer hours with less pay, ensure cleaning staff do their jobs quickly not thoroughly just quickly (ppl wonder why they get secondary infections at hospitals)

Hate to say it but health care is getting Americanized.

MMAR with all it's so called problems.... at lest their was a lot more compassion ..... personal strains for patients.... free meds if the patients was in hard times.... heard many stories of compassion with MMAR.... not so much with MMPR ... MMPR we hear money.... corporations... money....non affordability..... 30% off (like that helps... fuck u).... inability to go from one to another with ease.... has anyone got a story of compassion stemming from the MMPR???? I would certainly love to hear it


Well-Known Member
Well I think we already had that until this circus came to town. It was working great for a lot of patients. Yes there were issues but they were able to be over come. Now patients are left twiddling their thumbs with hardly any choices.

That's true. But unless people who care work there, then the product will be grown with no love. The medical community should reach out to Lp's instead of talking them down because everyone will be forced to purchase from them soon. I think it's time we all started trying to help. We all care about the patients, thats why i applied to OrganiGram. I offered my knowledge on cannabis, passion and management experience because if this is how people have to get their meds, then i want to be a part of it and help.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
That's true. But unless people who care work there, then the product will be grown with no love. The medical community should reach out to Lp's instead of talking them down because everyone will be forced to purchase from them soon. I think it's time we all started trying to help. We all care about the patients, thats why i applied to OrganiGram. I offered my knowledge on cannabis, passion and management experience because if this is how people have to get their meds, then i want to be a part of it and help.
Respectfully need to say that i don't think were gonna see eye to eye on that...But that's all cool


Well-Known Member
geezus are ya sure we need the liberals.... hell there all wacked as far as the big three are concerned.... isn't there a marijuana party anymore :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Respectfully need to say that i don't think were gonna see eye to eye on that...But that's all cool
Lol, i wasn't an MMAR patient so i don't know what it was like to switch over to MMPR. I can see those who were MMAR having a bigger issue with the new laws. I see why people have issues with it, for sure. I like it because i now have an opportunity to help, where as you had to be MMAR to posses/produce before. I care about all patients, i have seen seriously sick people who need medical marijuana, both family members actually. I understand the frusteration everybody has with affordability,quality and hassle of finding the right LP. I get that patients have spent years finding the right strains to help them, and invested money and time in their grows. Right now im just trying to help any way i can.


Well-Known Member
Lol, i wasn't an MMAR patient so i don't know what it was like to switch over to MMPR. I can see those who were MMAR having a bigger issue with the new laws. I see why people have issues with it, for sure. I like it because i now have an opportunity to help, where as you had to be MMAR to posses/produce before. I care about all patients, i have seen seriously sick people who need medical marijuana, both family members actually. I understand the frusteration everybody has with affordability,quality and hassle of finding the right LP. I get that patients have spent years finding the right strains to help them, and invested money and time in their grows. Right now im just trying to help any way i can.
In the corporate world your compassion has no place..... only if you believe in the bottom line.... money is where it counts and corporations tend to use and abuse ppl with compassion and promote the workers that would screw over their fellow workers to get ahead. It's a shitty world but the corporations made it this way.. also peoples desire for money over everything else made it this way.

Don't want to poop on your helping parade as I'm sure your compassionate towards the sick, but in the end working for a greedy corporation.... will suck all those ideas out of you until you become a cynical old fucker like myself...LOL
When you have no control as a worker in that situation, your options tend to be a)start being part of the problem or b) quit.

I hate corporate greed and them having so much control over our govt officials is sickening


Well-Known Member
geezus are ya sure we need the liberals.... hell there all wacked as far as the big three are concerned.... isn't there a marijuana party anymore :bigjoint:
We need none of the current parties in our political landscape, regarding marijuana use that is!



Well-Known Member
In the corporate world your compassion has no place..... only if you believe in the bottom line.... money is where it counts and corporations tend to use and abuse ppl with compassion and promote the workers that would screw over their fellow workers to get ahead. It's a shitty world but the corporations made it this way.. also peoples desire for money over everything else made it this way.

Don't want to poop on your helping parade as I'm sure your compassionate towards the sick, but in the end working for a greedy corporation.... will suck all those ideas out of you until you become a cynical old fucker like myself...LOL
When you have no control as a worker in that situation, your options tend to be a)start being part of the problem or b) quit.

I hate corporate greed and them having so much control over our govt officials is sickening
I worked at McDonald's as a manager for 4 years. I know corporate BS. I honestly didn't get that vibe from OrganiGram..i believe they are one of the smaller LP's which may help them to have a stronger connection with their clients. Money is key, but i believe that the LP's that show the most compassion (in the form of quality, customer service, pricing and integrity) will make the most money.I think that goes without being said. SO, if someone like myself who cares, could work for them, and show compassion to clients, it would be a win for them, and the clients.


Well-Known Member
I hope they are what you say...... as I'm in MMPR and wish all LP's had those ideas but this doesn't seem to be the case... until I hear differently of course.