Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

please don't take it personally..i don't date muslim men either.
Lol....i wasnt dissapointed in your dating preferences...I was disappointed because I thought we were of like mind and I didn't know you were a bigot until just now.
And double lol that you think i would take it personally that you wouldn't date me, like that was the reason i found your statement absurd.
It had more to do with you generalizing a whole group of people and perpetuating stereotypes... but arent you the first one to point the racist finger?
Throw away lie.

Iraq and BenJi, the dog hero are two different things.

How callous to those who died in battle. Did you spit on any returning Vets?

Did they tell the parents of these Vets it was all about a 3rd rate video on youtube?
Iraq and BenJi, the dog hero are two different things.

yep. one was a purposeful coverup and bad intelligence that led to 4000+ american deaths.

the other was bad intelligence that led to a bad explanation about why 4 people died in an embassy attack.
yep. one was a purposeful coverup and bad intelligence that led to 4000+ american deaths.

the other was bad intelligence that led to a bad explanation about why 4 people died in an embassy attack.
Oh, it was just a bad explanation now? Hey buck, I got the hope diamond in my pants pocket. That's no lie, just a bad explanation of pocket lint, sorry.

How many ways can you twist a lie? only Bucky knows.
That is just not the way many of us see the situation re:Iraq and BenJi.

Call a bunch of names, run around in circles, foam at the mouth, etc.
Lol....i wasnt dissapointed in your dating preferences...I was disappointed because I thought we were of like mind and I didn't know you were a bigot until just now.
And double lol that you think i would take it personally that you wouldn't date me, like that was the reason i found your statement absurd.
It had more to do with you generalizing a whole group of people and perpetuating stereotypes... but arent you the first one to point the racist finger?

bigot? because i have dating preferences?

i've also dated black men and latino i still a bigot?
A poor explaintion does not go on for 2 weeks. And if it was a poor explaination, you can't have it both ways.

Obama maintains today, it was not a poor explanation, that he sufficiently invoked Terror, in the Rose Garden, and yet, still claim, thru State. to a Parent of the dead, that they would get the video guy.

So, were they scared. We have teams of RIsk Death, ready to Rescue, by act of Congress.

THERE IS THE COVER UP. They broke the law and they know it. They left the US dead where they lay,. breaking the Century's Old promise to the Warriors.

Enjoy the summer. They tried to have it both ways.

Like the dad, who leaves his baby to die in the car seat, and tells some cock and bull story about his car keys, but never called a locksmith to save his kid.

They specifically ignore the Legal aspect of the Patriot Act.
I saw this dark sugar gal, yesterday, and I almost wreaked my car in downtown San Jose.

Stunning. It ws an unseasonably warm day, and she had on jean shorts and a blue checked shirt tied into a halter top. OMG!!!! She was looking at me and I had my head out of window looking back at her.

WOOOOPS....straighten up. She was hitchhiking but by the time I got turned around,.,..

damn...too late.
Dating is all about preference.

And love is all about the extended family.

So, my dating out of race, has always been stymied by family, hers and mine, when it looks like love.