MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

legalization or not there will be a huge glut of cheap weed and 100+ dispensaries in the lower mainland coming sooner than most anyone expects.. BC will play the roll of spoiler and 30,000+ will continue to supply the needs of those in the greater weed community

personally I think LPs should only be allowed to exist in the medical market as it becomes pharmaceuticalized to the max, and the rec market be supplied by anyone and everyone else... the LPs made their bed and they should sleep in it.. but really all we need are a couple testing labs, 1 on the west coast and 1 on the east, to run cheap tests, to bring the evolution of BM to rec market up to mmpr standards.. would be easy enough since most gardens only run 1 variety.. the dispensaries who want to step up and move forward will test all their wares then there can be no reasonable complaints against the existence of dispensaries.. we need to evolve from BM to an intelligent free market.. folks should be able to buy their medi weed from the rec market with confidence but at a much cheaper rate..
Yes they all know and have no problem with it. Why would that be an issues more like a plus as I have skin in the game. I see no conflict of interest as my app is done and we are waiting on inspection? As a mater of fact all the apps I have worked on since March are better than my app, I'm waiting on HC just like everyone else is. I know I have a couple issues HC may pick on since the changes but I'm not worried, I'll wait and see what HC has for me. If you look at a number of other consultants they use the fact that they have a licence, only thing is they are dealing with the old system of a six months ago, lots of changes.

Thanks for the reply.
I guess I'm different from your clients. I do see a conflict of interest. If you look at the situation from a third party perspective you might see it too.
I was just interested in how you resolved the wannabe's concerns with the conflict, but seeing none of them see a conflict it's a mute point.
Transport Canada is in charge of trains , plains etc. scares me too.

Always nice to hear from you Hippy very to the point. Lots of people questing their choice of business right now, it's not for the faint of heart or those with a limited budget. Once HC deals with it's constipation on inspections there will be those who will get the Golden Egg. These companies will struggle through the Medical MJ phase that take off when recreational starts. There will always be companies carving out medical markets, but the real play is recreational let there be no doubt about that, that's what this is all about and that = $$$$$$$ and lots of it, just like in the states, have you seen the prices they get a gram!!!!! WTF $18.00 a gram for the cheap stuff, $30.00+ for some of it.

Were are charging $5.00 to $12.00, raise the prices so only the rich can afford it, appears to be no lack of customers in any of the states, so many people to hate on....

Well back to getting people licensed and myself as well.

I wonder how much oil will go for in BC now that it's legal?

That's just crazy, another tulip bubble in the making...

If it goes legal, there is nothing to stop people from getting in at that point. Of course anyone currently in the medical market will have a leg up, but it seems like a big risk to take.
That's just crazy, another tulip bubble in the making...

If it goes legal, there is nothing to stop people from getting in at that point. Of course anyone currently in the medical market will have a leg up, but it seems like a big risk to take.
It's an INSANE risk to take. The greed over ran their common sense....looks good on em.
Guess they didn't think sick folks could fight back....wrong-o ....LP-o's
More to come on the Ottawa issue down the road.

Hippy in this case the people bought the property over a year ago for an LP site. The city of Ottawa changed the rules a few months ago, so city is playing games with zoning. Who in their right mind would have a commercial zoned building with 150 set back, 150 is a big number and not you're not likely to find a spot like that in Ottawa. So many twists and turns makes my head spin.
More to come on the Ottawa issue down the road.

Hippy in this case the people bought the property over a year ago for an LP site. The city of Ottawa changed the rules a few months ago, so city is playing games with zoning. Who in their right mind would have a commercial zoned building with 150 set back, 150 is a big number and not you're not likely to find a spot like that in Ottawa. So many twists and turns makes my head spin.
Yep 150 setback is stupid and not too common in commercial....unless your huge. Sorry but proves my point that the LP business is far to uncertain to get into that bed. Plus no proven market or business model.....bravery needed.
Brave Ha need balls of steel on this walk through the park.

People are getting back to work a little early at HC starting to get more letters and some are encouraging, makes me very uneasy, kind of like looking over my shoulder all the time. lol maybe HC is going to get some real work done this quarter.

Have received a couple letters saying "a few more questions before scheduling inspection" one letter no big deal but two saying the same thing WOW maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel, hope it's not a train, lol

Have a great long weekend people, overgrow the world.

I was thinking that Israel grows some great Cannabis so why don't they just drop joints on Hammas, could work, everyone would get along, one can only hope for peace, smoking a joint together could be a start.
Thanks woodsman - your information is helpful as always.
Glad to hear something's moving forward.. hopefully it's the real deal soon enough.
An estimated 500,000 Canadians use marijuana for medical purposes, though most do not obtain it through Health Canada-approved suppliers.

Same statistic they've been using for years.
The stats are bogus because it's an annual survey and they ask you 2 things:

1. Have you consumed cannabis in your lifetime?
2. Have you consumed cannabis in the past year?

So then they ask you if, when you used it in the past year, it was for "medical reasons". If you check the "yes" box they consider it medical use. The statistical bias here is going to be significant. I would rather see a list of people who used it 5-10 times per month in the past year for medical reasons.

2011: said:
Among those who used cannabis, 17.7% (representing about 420,000 Canadians or 1.6% of the Canadian population aged 15 years and older) reported doing so for medical purposes.
Same statistic they've been using for years.
The stats are bogus because it's an annual survey and they ask you 2 things:

1. Have you consumed cannabis in your lifetime?
2. Have you consumed cannabis in the past year?

So then they ask you if, when you used it in the past year, it was for "medical reasons". If you check the "yes" box they consider it medical use. The statistical bias here is going to be significant. I would rather see a list of people who used it 5-10 times per month in the past year for medical reasons.


I looked long and hard at the different States #s....I pegged Canada at 400,000....I don't think that # is too far off.
That's just over 1% of the population...what would you think the number is?
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I looked long and hard at the different States #s....I pegged Canada at 400,000....I don't think that # is too far off.
That's just over 1% of the population...what would you think the number is?

I think separating recreational from medicinal makes no sense - half of one are probably the other at the end of the day.
That said, I think 500,000 is a safe number - I just don't think it's 500,000 "medicinal" users.
If any separation between the legal and recreational markets is to be made in the future it should be pricing. MMJ should not be subject to higher pricing and taxation, otherwise we are right back to the barrier to access due to price. Colorado got it right.
Colorado got it right.

I don't know that I would say Colarado "got it right". Colarado got screwed by federal laws - I imagine they wanted to do it very differently.
They can legally sell Marijuana but they cannot legally store that money in the bank - federal laws prohibit using banks to do any business with drugs, prostitution, etc. ( - - not "legal" reasons, but falls in the same line).

Because of this, those selling marijuana in Colarado have to store their money in warehouses in cash and they cannot accept debit, credit or cheques. Because of this, the government also cannot effectively impose taxes, etc.

The system being rolled out across the states, one by one, is a system that is proven and involves tax compensation for the state government and structured and control grows with standards. The legislation is written by a corporation, not by the government. It is pitched based on it's profitability for the State and the benefit to the corporation is that they get to be one of X approved grow operations in that State.

This is how it works and how they eventually want it to work in Canada.
("They" being the big companies behind this)