MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

Any of you LPs feel HC is just making it up as they go along?

I guess they could be real priks and just give 1 denial and say no thanks :s ?
id say HC is delayed, and taking there sweet time, but for me they have been helpful and good, no issues here except I figured to be growing by now........ that sucks, then they change there saying a lot, witch drives me mad, but it hoop jumping with the gov. anyone who has dealt with the gov knows this is the only way they work/
there are only two sources, another LP or import from a country, good luck with both of those right now.

Do you know where that's documented right now?
Is it due to the MMPR or is it just that the MMAR is locked down and they cannot share any longer?

The reason I ask is because Tilray has been wandering around trying to buy up product from all sorts of different sources. Are they going to put it on a shipment to the US and re-import it?
Do you know where that's documented right now?
Is it due to the MMPR or is it just that the MMAR is locked down and they cannot share any longer?

The reason I ask is because Tilray has been wandering around trying to buy up product from all sorts of different sources. Are they going to put it on a shipment to the US and re-import it?

I don't know if they changed the documents but I have many letters asking where you getting your starting materials and they list the two options. Just send a email to HC and ask they will tell you.

No Tilray can't do that.

The MMAR was changed so LP's could use patients MMAR as a source of starting materials but you had to do it by April 1. The regulation is in the MMAR and the opportunity closed with the MMAR. I do have a few clients that would like to fight that ruling but I think your wasting money doing it.
This is out of the current MMPR regulations

260. Sections 261 to 266 apply until March 31, 2014.

Sale or Provision by Holder of a Personal-use Production Licence
Marginal note:Authorized sale
The holder of a personal-use production licence may sell or provide marihuana plants or seeds to a licensed producer if the holder does so in accordance with a notice of authorization issued by the Minister under subsection 263(2).

Marginal note:Application for authorization
  • 262. (1) The holder of a personal-use production licence who proposes to sell or provide marihuana plants or seeds to a licensed producer must submit to the Minister an application for authorization of the proposed sale or provision that contains the following information:
    • (a) in respect of the holder of the personal-use production licence:
      • (i) their name and date of birth,

      • (ii) the number of their licence,

      • (iii) the address of the place where they ordinarily reside, and

      • (iv) the address of the site where the production of marihuana is authorized;
    • (b) in respect of the licensed producer:
      • (i) their name,

      • (ii) the number of their licence,

      • (iii) the address of their site, and

      • (iv) the name of their senior person in charge; and
    • (c) a description of the marihuana plants or seeds that are to be sold or provided and their quantity.
  • Marginal note:Signature
    (2) The application must be signed and dated by the holder of the personal-use production licence and by the licensed producer’s senior person in charge and include a statement by each of them indicating that all of the information submitted in support of the application is correct and complete to the best of that person’s knowledge.
Hey Woods, at what point is HC raising the most stink about applications? Screening stage or review? We submitted our LP app April 1st, 10 days later they sent us a request for more info on one of our teams spouses, 10 days later they sent us a letter stating we were in the security clearance stage, that was 13 weeks ago. We haven't heard from them since. Should we expect a flurry of info requests after our security clearances clear? Or from your experience are we in the clear after security clearances are done.

hmmm either your app is spot on, witch is rare imo, or they don't like something and trying to deny you. imo they do what ever by repeat questions and time frames asap to make you quit.
If you want to be an LP. Make your investment account information available so they know and can see the funds are there. :lol:
The rest won't matter any.
Wanna bet? ;)

Hey Woody. :)
Who've you helped so far? Can you prove that for us?

Getting in the door is a big plus, as HC turns away 3 out of 4 apps. The questions just keep coming even when or after security checks. HC has also changed the build out letters to reflect this. Your app goes through different stages of review and that can cause a time lag, before you get more questions. The closer you get to the top the longer it takes for questions to come out.

I sign NDA's with all clients so can't disclose who they are, but I have worked for a few people on this site, most you would not know as companies want to keep quiet about getting an LP. The only ones making lots of noise are the stock promoters and big money companies like Zenibis, most of the companies are full of you know what. Can you say pump and dump!
Getting in the door is a big plus, as HC turns away 3 out of 4 apps. The questions just keep coming even when or after security checks. HC has also changed the build out letters to reflect this. Your app goes through different stages of review and that can cause a time lag, before you get more questions. The closer you get to the top the longer it takes for questions to come out.

I sign NDA's with all clients so can't disclose who they are, but I have worked for a few people on this site, most you would not know as companies want to keep quiet about getting an LP. The only ones making lots of noise are the stock promoters and big money companies like Zenibis, most of the companies are full of you know what. Can you say pump and dump!
Turns away 3 out of 4...what a joke......imagine HC being in charge of business they know nothing about. What do they know about business or running a company. And some of you put your money in their hands...are ya crazy....good luck wanna Beeezzzzz
Fuck it's like getting advise from your doctor about what car to buy.
Getting in the door is a big plus, as HC turns away 3 out of 4 apps. The questions just keep coming even when or after security checks. HC has also changed the build out letters to reflect this. Your app goes through different stages of review and that can cause a time lag, before you get more questions. The closer you get to the top the longer it takes for questions to come out.

I sign NDA's with all clients so can't disclose who they are, but I have worked for a few people on this site, most you would not know as companies want to keep quiet about getting an LP. The only ones making lots of noise are the stock promoters and big money companies like Zenibis, most of the companies are full of you know what. Can you say pump and dump!

I've asked this before and didn't get an answer, going to try again.
Do you disclose to your wannabe clients that you are also a wannabe along with being a consultant?
I have a hard time understanding how this obvious conflict of interest is not an issue.
so then, you have not worked with even one LP that has got through the door!

what I figured.


Leaf. He's full of .... ;)
Hey Woods, at what point is HC raising the most stink about applications? Screening stage or review? We submitted our LP app April 1st, 10 days later they sent us a request for more info on one of our teams spouses, 10 days later they sent us a letter stating we were in the security clearance stage, that was 13 weeks ago. We haven't heard from them since. Should we expect a flurry of info requests after our security clearances clear? Or from your experience are we in the clear after security clearances are done.


From what I've found (I have less made up experience than woods), being in the "security stage" is just their way of saying that they have no control so you'll stop asking for updates. I've seen numerous wannabes sit in that category forever, but 3 weeks ago one of them called in (after being in security clearance for 4 months) and Health Canada said "We just sent the file off to the RCMP this week so you are officially in the security clearance now and we have no control over this portion of the process".

I've also spoken with people who know the RCMP well and have proven that their file was sent from the RCMP back to HC and HC still says they're in the security clearance stage. I think the whole industry is in the security clearance stage.