MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

I don't know what you're smoking, but you can't get quality extracts from companies that can't produce quality bud in the first place. End of story. For them, extracts will be what they are for CCs. Party favors and marketing tools. But above all, a source with which to dispense their trash that they couldn't sell otherwise, and at maximum profit.

It isn't quality bud that's reserved for its production, using the dirtiest means available. It's the mouldy stuff from their adolescent, self approved growers, and what they picked up off the floor.

These tools in the MMPR can't be trusted to do it any better or differently, or to do right for anyone else. I don't see how their opinion on the matter carries any weight either. Should it? I think no. After all, they're not exactly credible in the least.

Here's a laugh I just found earlier:
That Ivan Ross Vrana he for real?....bad weed coming from the BM yet it was Ok enough for LP's to buy so they would have a little stockpile?give me a fucking break!

Does anyone at tweed understand anything about how marijuana works? The 10g avg is really high (haha) and it is more like 1.5-3g/d I would not be functioning as a human if I only had 3G/d available to me. What an idiot. He's another one spewing the mould in home grows. And now that they have raised enough capital they can focus on growing. Wow.

Tilray is American? Lovely, and other countries should model their marijuana programs after the MMPR. World dominance at $10/g.

I note that the government acknowledges home security as an expense to home growers. Those darn diversional home break ins...

Long read and listen...informative though. Thanks for the post. I'll quit bitchin' now.

All that the government gave a fuck about in relation to applying for your own grow exemption under the MMAR was literally "locks on the doors/windows". The end. You didn't need to fortify anything and all that security bs on their part amounted to fear mongering. The best security of all is simply keeping your mouth shut and it's Health Canada that compromised that for everyone.
I was trying to show that they've sold the public a line of shit for so long, and now it's coming to the crunch with the next SC challenge, that the only way to make their point was to almost back paddle on the statements they made in previous challenges. Its like the growth in the mmar....supposedly exponential yet they are expecting the mmpr to grow. Totally fucking backwards logic.
I was trying to show that they've sold the public a line of shit for so long, and now it's coming to the crunch with the next SC challenge, that the only way to make their point was to almost back paddle on the statements they made in previous challenges. Its like the growth in the mmar....supposedly exponential yet they are expecting the mmpr to grow. Totally fucking backwards logic.

Oh absolutely, and they were double talking on the level of security even then, while approving very little of it, and doing all they could to compromise it, in terms of leaking info through the post office if nothing else.

Something to be said for self fulfilling prophecies.

At the same time, I could tell you of "advocates" who would have sworn that you really need a safe to keep everything in. They were also the same idiots that would toss out a moldly crop to the edge of the curb in front of their house, and flash their 20grams a day plant count card all over town, and then cried about how they got ripped off X times.

Something to be said again for self fulfilling prophecies.
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Has anyone heard of any progress from Health Canada recently on processing LPs? It has been strangely silent around here.
only people making money on wanna be LP's are the "so called" consultants that know how to squeeze money outta some poor sucker ..... stringing them along just enough for them to believe they are actually helping!... LOL
known as the LP scam