Inequality and the USA: A nation in denial?


Well-Known Member
flat rate tax system i want sum .

Neighbors, friends and families need to prop each other up if a person is in need, rather than our government just dipping deeper into the pockets of those who produce. If we live in a society that people are no longer willing to help their friends, neighbors and loved ones, then a civil war would be more productive than to prop more of the same up against a falling wall.


Well-Known Member
Neighbors, friends and families need to prop each other up if a person is in need, rather than our government just dipping deeper into the pockets of those who produce. If we live in a society that people are no longer willing to help their friends, neighbors and loved ones, then a civil war would be more productive than to prop more of the same up against a falling wall.
How do you fight a war among people who don't want to help each other?

The only war i see working in such a scenario, is the government's incrementally escalating war on noncompliance.


Well-Known Member
still doesn't help ginwilly's claim.
Adding cell phones was HUGE. That's the majority of our calls dude. If Bush had done it, you'd be on my side, but since you are a partisan hack, you try to spin into something it's not.

You are the problem.


Well-Known Member
Second, if working for a living got you ahead in this country anymore, a lot more people would be.
My wife grew up in a small farming town. Her whole family still lives there. At an early age she swore to herself that she was getting out of there when older. With zero financial help from her family, she worked her way through college. A few years later she went to school and earned her MBA, while working full time. Now she has a great job, with an even better job waiting in the wings.

All a person has to do is want it bad enough...


Well-Known Member
My wife grew up in a small farming town. Her whole family still lives there. At an early age she swore to herself that she was getting out of there when older. With zero financial help from her family, she worked her way through college. A few years later she went to school and earned her MBA, while working full time. Now she has a great job, with an even better job waiting in the wings.

All a person has to do is want it bad enough...
AGAIN, I have absolutely no problem with stories like this- except that she isn't stupid, sinking, never work a day in her life but buy a Ferrari every month rich, is she? AND WITH A CAREER TRACK LIKE THAT, SHE NEVER, EVER WILL BE!

So why is it that a few who already are stupid stinking rich think it's okay for the rest of the country to subsidize the wasteland of their lives on such a mass scale?

Because we tolerate it, and even celebrate it.

I'm not mad at mere millionaires. Most of them earned it. I plan to be one of them soon, in fact. I'm upset with the recent phenomenon of the extreme wealth inequality of the .01%, who got their money (on average, 27 million yearly!) with the help of tax breaks and are keeping it through same.


Well-Known Member
Do you think hamburgers are the only food?

Did you know we can also eat plants?
Ok, you're being too literal.

There is plenty of food sold for profit that is not a hamburger. Plants are sold as food also.

Basically if you have no money it's hard to find a meal.

But food is a human need. Isn't that evil?


Well-Known Member
Life's tough, sometimes...
In theory, theories should work in practice; in practice, they often do not.

Sure, hard work and perseverance are quite valuable, and can often produce desirable results... but those are not the only factors involved, because the ideal world for which the system was designed, does not exist for most people. The theory of "just keep working hard and you'll make it!" Is an invalid theory, because it doesn't account for the non-ideal (or worse) aspects of the non-ideal environment. We need a system that works in the real world, not just in the theoretical ideal world where little or nothing ever goes wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ok, you're being too literal.

There is plenty of food sold for profit that is not a hamburger. Plants are sold as food also.

Basically if you have no money it's hard to find a meal.

But food is a human need. Isn't that evil?
Think of how much it costs to produce a hamburger, compared to the cost of producing plants. And not just the money costs; think of the health costs of eating low quality hamburgers, since they're more affordable for the poor.

Also: repair vs. prevention.

Just like with plants, if you create and preserve "more ideal" conditions for a human, you will avoid most of the need for healthcare. The best solution to every problem, is to not allow the problem to occur in the first place. And if it does occur, solving it immediately and thoroughly is next best, while combining that with preventing it from occurring in others. Barring that, treatment is better than neglect.

Correcting the problems at the source... going to the source, to correct the cause of the problems, is the best way. Healthcare is a racket. Charging people for treatment for ailments they only developed due to an environment controlled by the same people who profit from charging more than they can afford for healthcare, seems a bit unethical... perhaps "evil."
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Well-Known Member
In theory, theories should work in practice; in practice, they often do not.

Sure, hard work and perseverance are quite valuable, and can often produce desirable results... but those are not the only factors involved, because the ideal world for which the system was designed, does not exist for most people. The theory of "just keep working hard and you'll make it!" Is an invalid theory, because it doesn't account for the non-ideal (or worse) aspects of the non-ideal environment. We need a system that works in the real world, not just in the theoretical ideal world where little or nothing ever goes wrong.
Things can go wrong at any anyone. I never said to "just keep working hard". If a person want to "get ahead", which is what the conversation is about, than they must strive for it. Sitting on a computer pissing and moaning about how tough life is won't get anyone anywhere!


Well-Known Member
Nobody is forcing poor people to eat at McDonalds.
I could dispute that... the word "force" may be a little strong... but it's like saying "no one is forcing the cattle to go where the herd-dog guides them..."

Plus, where can you get a burger for less money and time than at McDonald's?

I recently outlined how poor people who work, have almost none of their time available. They don't have time or money to do everything the right way. That's how the system is designed. ^^


Well-Known Member
Things can go wrong at any anyone. I never said to "just keep working hard". If a person want to "get ahead", which is what the conversation is about, than they must strive for it. Sitting on a computer pissing and moaning about how tough life is won't get anyone anywhere!
Spending all my time and energy in misery while slaving away at a job i hate, that doesn't even pay enough to maintain my already compromised health (let alone improve it), in support of practices designed to exploit me for as cheaply as possible, isn't going to get me anywhere either.

Show me the option where i can actually advance, and have a worthwhile and fulfilling existence, and that's where my energy will go. Anything less is not worth effort.


Well-Known Member
Spending all my time and energy in misery while slaving away at a job i hate, that doesn't even pay enough to maintain my already compromised health (let alone improve it), in support of practices designed to exploit me for as cheaply as possible, isn't going to get me anywhere either.

Show me the option where i can actually advance, and have a worthwhile and fulfilling existence, and that's where my energy will go. Anything less is not worth effort.
You're right, just give up. It's not worth the hard work and effort...