Well-Known Member
that's hilarious coming from the guy whose entire argument is appeal to emotion, specifically appeal to bigotry and homophobia.
Me no likey da gayz!
that's hilarious coming from the guy whose entire argument is appeal to emotion, specifically appeal to bigotry and homophobia.
yeah, don't let facts or evidence or scientific studies convince you,
just let your bigotry and homophobia guide the way.
How does this work out? My cornfusion is how he is able to maintain a Hebrew wife if he would actually be a Stormfront member, unlikely. If you want to dismantle the troll that is Bucky you are going to need fire not a pocket knife.Please point out the bigotry and homophobia in my posts. I'll wait.
Please, i really want to hear what a long time stormfront member like you has to say
FFS, you're the guy that thinks women aren't natural caregivers
Here are some facts and evidence that indicates you're a foaming at the mouth little nazi!
Please point out the bigotry and homophobia in my posts. I'll wait.
Please, i really want to hear what a long time stormfront member like you has to say
FFS, you're the guy that thinks women aren't natural caregivers
Here are some facts and evidence that indicates you're a foaming at the mouth little nazi!
in this group, four member, nietzschekeen, slavenomore, shotgun420, and echelon1k1 engage in holocaust denial, white supremacy, planning white "revolutions" and the like.
Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more...
If your reading was better than a in orbit little retard you'd realize that the only claim I've made is the LGBT couples are no better parents than heterosexual couples.
Yep save your pennies, you'll be spending a pretty one on mental health professionals.
the only claim I've made is the LGBT couples are no better parents than heterosexual couples.
You pretty clearly implied as much with this post
The idea that a kid can't be raised "correctly" (whatever the fuck that is) without a mother & father figure in their lives is nonsense, demonstrably so
This is the one and only fallback bigots have to hold onto.. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"...
Well, got news for you, bud, your antiquated idea of what's correct is simply an opinion, imo, not worth repeating twice
There's not a single thing my mother couldn't have taught me growing up that my father did, and likewise, not a single thing my father could have taught me that my mother couldn't. I challenge anyone who disputes that to provide a single example.
and the only evidence, facts, or scientific studies presented so far have all shown that "LGBT couples" do in fact make better parents.
your pic comes from dailymail, a right wing shit paper not worth the ink on its pages.
On measures of general health and family cohesion children aged 5 to 17 years with same-sex attracted parents showed a significantly better score when compared to Australian children from all backgrounds and family contexts. For all other
health measures there were no statistically significant differences
all we have heard from you is the same thing we hear from kynes: "nuh UH!" "BULLSHIT!" "leftist!" "marxist!" "stop calling me RACiiiilllllll1iiiiilll1iiiiissssss$ss$$ssssssTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!".
Ahh it all becomes clear, perhaps you should stop tarring everyone else with the brush that damaged you while growing up./shrug
First, I was raised in a single parent home. Go figure.
gay couples I have known and their kids are normal as can be.
You pretty clearly implied as much with this post
The idea that a kid can't be raised "correctly" (whatever the fuck that is) without a mother & father figure in their lives is nonsense, demonstrably so
This is the one and only fallback bigots have to hold onto.. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"...
Well, got news for you, bud, your antiquated idea of what's correct is simply an opinion, imo, not worth repeating twice
There's not a single thing my mother couldn't have taught me growing up that my father did, and likewise, not a single thing my father could have taught me that my mother couldn't. I challenge anyone who disputes that to provide a single example.
Uhhhhhh, it's obvious someone doesn't know the difference between (normal) male and female and the (normal) roles they play in the family and society.
Like I said, every male incarcerated in prison either did not have a stable male father figure in the household or if they did, that male was a loser.
Like welfare, it's a hard cycle to break.....a set of learned responses.
Your parents would've been well advised in teaching you some personal responsibility. All you do is cry about what the rich have and what you don't, apart from all the wanking you do about what you feel you're "entitled to"...
Think of the children? Yeah we should think about how overpopulated this planet is. I welcome the coming cull. You included.
All I feel I'm entitled to is equal opportunity, as is everyone else.
I have a feeling if this situation were taking place at the turn of last century, you'd be the one complaining about labor unions demanding workers rights, telling everyone they should just shut up and be happy with substandard working conditions.
If all it took was personal responsibility to be financially successful, 95% of the wealth earned in this country wouldn't be going to the top 10%.
If you're too shallow and stupid to understand how the economic policy has shifted the wealth to the rich in this country over the past 4 decades, you're well on your way to complaining about the government keeping their hands off your social security in some town hall in bumfuck Alabama while nursing the teeth you have left.
You reap what you sow.
This is what happens when you put bankers in charge.
They are obviously more dangerous than standing armies.
For the record, I'm a big supporter of EEO, Anti-Discrimination legislation, Workers Rights, Minimum Wage and workplace rights and protections in general.
You have allowed a system to manifest in which corporate America has nearly unlimited influence in the political and financial realms - this influence and manipulation extended all the way to the Obamacare rollout.
But i'm glad you've got your guns.
For the record, I'm a big supporter of Anti-Discrimination legislation
there is not enough data