Well-Known Member
LOL I always wonder that too when I see any law enf. officer, (YES male OR female) that looks like a bag of potatoes in shoes. (the shoes ARE the best, they scream douche) I sit there wondering "how is that lard ass going to chase down a felon?" I mean don't they have fitness standards?Lol! This reminds me of how unfit the police were in the UK. Coupled with their pathetic patent looking black shoes, the buggers wouldn't have stood a chance of catching me if I'd have bolted. Just no way. Why? Coz I'm a woman, and I was a fit one at that!
Why can't they were awesome running shoes (maybe steel toed at that). They need a total revamping of their uniforms. Esp. the State trooper hats with the Dudley Do right crease and the little chin strap…. Get something more bad ass. Too bad Oscar De La Renta died yesterday…

@lahadaextranjera IDK, these are pretty sweet, practical too...

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