New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

what would prevent him from trying to do so? what would prevent a struggle from appearing to be that way?

this community has seen the cops do all sorts of fucked up shit in their lives.
The witness statement that the cop tried to pull Brown into the car is about as believable as Zimmerman did nothing to provoke Martin.

Go out to your car roll down the window and Try to pull your wife into the car
Which hand you going to use?
Irrelevant since neither would give you the leverage to do so
The witness statement that the cop tried to pull Brown into the car is about as believable as Zimmerman did nothing to provoke Martin.

Go out to your car roll down the window and Try to pull your wife into the car
Which hand you going to use?
Irrelevant since neither would give you the leverage to do so

like i said, it could easily appear that way and i'm sure they've seen cops do far ore fucked up shit over their lives.
like i said, if 90% of everyone who doesn't have an ID when out and got one, blacks and minorities would be disproportionately disenfranchised.

and you want this to happen.

which makes you totally not a racist, even though the people trying to do it have explicitly stated that this is the point behind it, not voting fraud.

you are a dumb racist idiot.
Stupid fuk, how is that segregation?!? When you have a community that is 80% black, the police force should not be 95% white, THAT is segregation. If racist assholes weren't in charge of the hiring, the police force would have ratios that reflect more of the demographic of the community. I wonder what the uproar from the white community would be like if a 98% white community was policed by a 99% black police force and white teenagers kept dying in the community by the hands of the police? Maybe there wouldn't be any uproar, maybe they would see the killing of unarmed teenagers as just part of the job?

So you DO support segregation.

Got it.
To add a minor point... The cop didnt have to go looking for trouble, it was walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic.

I have no dog in this fight. I despise thuggish punks and ain't too fond of the piggy wiggy's either I'll agree, his antics in the strong arm robbery cast doubt on the deceased as being a guy minding his own business.

Whether the cop had to shoot him with lethal force or not I can't say. Cops have been known to kill when it isn't necessary. I acknowledge my bias towards thinking of most cops as guilty until proven innocent, given their license to kill and general immunity from laws that ordinary people must abide by.
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Moving quickly to answer a police officers request = fucking with police, check. Didn't realize, I guess I better be careful to move turtle slow next time I'm pulled over

Absolutely. How old are you? Everybody knows to not make sudden movements when dealing with the police. If you get pulled over and need to get your registration/insurance out of your glovebox you better let the cop know what you are doing or move slow as fuck or both. It doesn't matter if he just asked you for ID/insurance/registration, you don't reach for something quickly when dealing with the police.
We don't know who the perpetrator is. Cops are not always innocent just as teenagers aren't. Being big does not mean you are an adult, it means you are big, the mind is still that of a 16 year old child and the officer that of a full grown adult. Kids make mistakes, they need to be taught lessons not shot to death, cops aren't supposed to make misstakes. They are supposed to be beacons in the community not hated figures due to racial discrimination and violence against youth.

Why wasn't he shot once? or twice? people stop after being shot, it's called shock.

Being that big makes you a physical threat, especially if the person confronting the big guy is a lot smaller. Lots of people hate the police and it has been that way for decades. The police know this and they are on edge a lot of the time.

People stop after being shot.... WOW... you watch way too many fucking movies. People do NOT magically go down after being shot once.
Being that big makes you a physical threat, especially if the person confronting the big guy is a lot smaller. Lots of people hate the police and it has been that way for decades. The police know this and they are on edge a lot of the time.

People stop after being shot.... WOW... you watch way too many fucking movies. People do NOT magically go down after being shot once.
People do tend to reflexively throw their hands up when being shot. Doesn't mean they are surrendering.
I know I threw my hand up when I got shot.
I'm sure brown had his hands up when he was charging the officer and getting ventilated
how does that cast any doubt on the four eyewitness statements about what he was doing when he was shot?

Criminals commit crimes, go figure. Witnesses keep talking about his hands being up as if that means something. If I fuck with a cop and then put my hands up at the last second before the cop retaliates with force does that make me a victim?
Whats a good distance?

At what point did he put his hands up? (assuming that this is true)

i think they shot him at 15-30 feet or so. not sure.

if four eyewitnesses say he put his hands up, an easy detail to remember, why would you think that it is not true?