New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

Cop said ...

"I hate me some blacks. I think I'll go gun one down. Hey, there goes one now. Yo, blacky, run as fast as you can. GO!! BOOM, BOOM, BOOM ... WOOT!!! WOOT!!! Got me one. Gonna put a notch on my gun stock."

True story.

Why is Michael Brown guilty of robbing the store but the cop innocent of shooting an unarmed man?

My point innocent until proven guilty, or is that only for white cops?
Brown isn't on trial
I've never thought that if the cop had popped him in the cranium while the in car struggle was taking place it would be a justified shoot.

The cop lost his ability to kill the dude when he turned and ran. The threat to his life was over.

The story seems to be the kid stopped and turned and was killed. Presumably while on his knees. Not a good shoot.
Way are you presuming he was on his knees?
It figures that you right-wing idiots would defend the sadistic pig. He should not have shot the kid, no matter what pigshit you believe.
Chesus has been wrong on numerous occasions but I wouldn't charactorize him as a right wing idiot.:bigjoint:
So what you think happened is this: Cop gets call about kid stealing from store, cop pulls up seeing nearest black person and unloads in him. Is that about it?

Kid got killed because he tried to hurt the police officer, period.

He did hurt the police officer. Then he tried to do it again...
except, of course, the four independent eyewitnesses who said he didn't.

but don't let reality stop you from pushing your racism, kiddo.
Trumped by the 8 at the grand jusry hearing and the autopsy report
Along with the blood splatter and injuries to the officer
except, of course, the four independent eyewitnesses who said he didn't.

but don't let reality stop you from pushing your racism, kiddo.

So the injuries to the cops face happened spontaneously? You havent heard about them and the St. Louis Police Department hasnt called you and filled you in yet so it hasnt happened??

So the injuries to the cops face happened spontaneously? You havent heard about them and the St. Louis Police Department hasnt called you and filled you in yet so it hasnt happened??


what does that have to do with whether or not he was justified in shooting him at a later time?
has there been a single report in all of these one sided leaks stating that they contradicted the four eyewitnesses?
all 8 of them

Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown fought for control of the officer’s gun, and Wilson fatally shot the unarmed teenager after he moved toward the officer as they faced off in the street, according to interviews, news accounts and the full report of the St. Louis County autopsy of Brown’s body.
Because Wilson is white and Brown was black, the case has ignited intense debate over how police interact with African American men. But more than a half-dozen unnamed black witnesses have provided testimony to a St. Louis County grand jury that largely supports Wilson’s account of events of Aug. 9, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke with The Washington Post.
Some of the physical evidence — including blood spatter analysis, shell casings and ballistics tests — also supports Wilson’s account of the shooting, The Post’s sources said, which casts Brown as an aggressor who threatened the officer’s life. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are prohibited from publicly discussing the case.
who reviewed the report for the Post-Dispatch, said it “supports the fact that this guy is reaching for the gun, if he has gunpowder particulate material in the wound.”
Melinek, who is not involved in the investigation, said the autopsy did not support those who claim Brown was attempting to flee or surrender when Wilson shot him in the street.
Victor W. Weedn, chairman of the George Washington University Department of Forensic Sciences, said the autopsy report raises doubts about whether Brown’s hands were raised at the time of the shooting but is not conclusive.
“Somebody could have raised their hands way above their head and lowered their hands and then be shot,” Weedn said. “So an autopsy will never rule out that the hands were above the head. It can only say what happened at the time of the shooting. . . . With the graze to the right arm, it appears the arm was in a vertical position, suggesting that it was closer to down by his side, but it could have been higher.”
Benjamin L. Crump, an attorney for the Brown family, said Brown’s family and supporters will not be convinced by the autopsy report or eyewitness statements that back Wilson’s account of the incident.