Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.


peter north pole, circa 1985.

No, I'm not sure. I think I recall reading that very conclusion in a NASA article but I can't find it.

I would love a citation if you are claiming that global warming does in fact have an effect upon the rotational axis.
How about turning that question around?
Can you prove the shifting magnetic fields have no effect on the melt rate of Arctic "multi-year" ice?

No, I'm not sure. I think I recall reading that very conclusion in a NASA article but I can't find it.

I would love a citation if you are claiming that global warming does in fact have an effect upon the rotational axis.
Nope, it's got more to do with the fact you think our rotational axis and magnetic north are the same.

The correct answer is no, you can't, because you can't prove a negative

You Can Prove a Negative

Can't prove a negative? Sure you can!
Published on September 15, 2011 by Stephen Law, Ph.D. in Believing Bull

"One reason that some people suppose science and reason are incapable of establishing beyond reasonable doubt that certainsupernatural claims—for example, that fairies or angels or spirit beings exist—are false, is that they assume you can't prove a negative. Indeed this is widely supposed to be some sort of "law of logic."

You just don't understand science!
How about turning that question around?
Can you prove the shifting magnetic fields have no effect on the melt rate of Arctic "multi-year" ice?
Now that is a very specific claim and we're going to have to tussle with the burden of proof but I will admit I made the first claim. I would settle for any peer reviewed scientific research article which draws a conclusion one way or the other on it. So let's cooperate and share anything either of us finds which meets the standard.