Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

Oh a bunch of copy pasted citations you expect me to look at, even though you didn't.

Come on, play along, which part of that wall of text leads me to what the scientists actually say?
Hang on a second...

You dont know how to access a journal article yet youre trying to school other people on "Sciencez" ??

Have you even been to University?
Anybody can copy paste the bottom part of the wikipedia page.
You asked how to get to the articles.

How can you claim to know ANYTHING if you cant even do that?

You learn it at the start of your first year of any science course in any third level university in the world.
You learn it at the start of your first year of any science course in any third level university in the world.
Sorry, most of the USA is 4th level University.


So you were just feigning ignorance then?

To what? Nobody has even really put forth an argument for me to explicate. You guys are starting to form a vague talking point about how the shifting rotational axis is correlated with climate change. I'm genuinely interested in this argument and I can be won over to your side.
To what? Nobody has even really put forth an argument for me to explicate. You guys are starting to form a vague talking point about how the shifting rotational axis is correlated with climate change. I'm genuinely interested in this argument and I can be won over to your side.
There's 24 sources posted for you.

Have it at.
To what? Nobody has even really put forth an argument for me to explicate. You guys are starting to form a vague talking point about how the shifting rotational axis is correlated with climate change. I'm genuinely interested in this argument and I can be won over to your side.

Guess who said this:

So does anyone have any citation concluding one way or the other regarding a correlation between the climate and the rotational axis?

You mad somebody did what you asked.
Guess who said this:

You mad somebody did what you asked.

Nope, you got me on internet technicality rules. bravo! :clap:

I refuse to read something you have not read. You really could have gotten such a big win out of it.

I'm moving the goalposts bongsmilie I don't just want citations (you copy pasted the bottom part of a wikipedia page). I want an argument complete with citations and links.
Nope, you got me on internet technicality rules. bravo! :clap:

I refuse to read something you have not read. You really could have gotten such a big win out of it.

I'm moving the goalposts bongsmilie I don't just want citations (you copy pasted the bottom part of a wikipedia page). I want an argument complete with citations and links.
Lol, you cant even access a journal article by yourself.

Such lols, very amaze, so wow.
Nope, you got me on internet technicality rules. bravo! :clap:

I refuse to read something you have not read. You really could have gotten such a big win out of it.

I'm moving the goalposts bongsmilie I don't just want citations (you copy pasted the bottom part of a wikipedia page). I want an argument complete with citations and links.
Have fun with that, I don't have a donkley in this show, I just come for the entertainment once in a while.
Just copy paste the abstract and link to the page. It isn't that hard, I can't fi

I already read the wikipedia article bro.
Lol, Wikipedia isnt a journal.

This is fucking comical.

No wonder you only ever say "SCIENCE!! SCIENCE!!"... cos you dont actually know any.
You asked for sources, you got 23.

You cant even look at the content for one because youre an ignorant pretender.

C'est tout, biatch.

so now wikipedia is a good source. a couple of posts ago they weren't.

your trolling is beyond shitty.