giving defoliation during flower a try

LOL.. Im glad someone else sees through this dudes ridiculous posts its like when he got his first computer he joined the Army: "you can be anything you wanna be with the internet" as kong u got idiots who think the bs u say is true.

Im here to sctually help people not ridicule and belittle them like u do for no reason trest people w respect and an open ear not ur close minded principles and bs rederic u aimlessly spue on here hoping ppl think what ur saying is true because ur full of more poop than a porta potty
U dont want your plant to have green leaves all way through flower the point if relieving them of excess nitrogen to focus on bud production is what u want to do.. So idk wtf u are talking about u just keep sounding dumber and dumber

What do you think makes the bud? GREEN leaves, chlorophyll, you fuckin' botanical retard.

In another post you made another one of your bogus statements that too much N hurts bud production. Wrong. I've used a 18-4-9 all they way thru and had excellent production. Homebrewer did a quality experiment and found that DG Foliage Pro which is a high N food, produced more yield when used start to finish than their high P Grow food.

I'm sounding dumber and dumber? You can't even spell.

I'm beginning to think that if indeed the photos are of your garden that you either got lucky or someone else is managing it that knows what makes a plant tick.

Keep the leaves green until harvest! It's the Uncle Ben Way. ;)

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Anyone who listens to your nonsense is only limiting their ability to produce premium medical grade flowers... In one post you tell people that using potassium silicates has no benefit to your plants..mare u fckin serious? Go get w tissue swmple done on plants running silicates vs ones that havent been and u will see all scientific proof u like to seemand the benefits of silicstes in developing cell wall and structure to support larger denser flowers compacted with increased trichomes and thc glands.. But u wouldnt know about this becuse u tell people not to use them

U also tried tellin people w one of your cronies that you dont need to add carbohydrates to your plants flowering regimen which is another absolute BS statement

Big Mike who is a cannabis expert with his team of botanists and scientist at Advanced Nutrients were one of the first company on the planet to make a cannabis specific carbohydrate that many people have heard of called Carboload.. This product changed the game for the entire cannabis industry proving from taking hundreds of thousands of tissue samples throughout a plants life stages on the impact of carbs to increase flowering and bud production.. But once again u tell people they dont need to run molasses or sugar cane or yucca extracts because they dont do anything for you.. Hahaha u got alot of learning to do man.. U should open up some scholarly articles and do some 21st century research not your 1980s based plant knowledge thats outdated and garbage. Bol u need it
Am I supposed to be impressed?

My results speak for themselves. Ill have my buddy come on here who is a high times journalist and works for grozine editorial process with Erik Biksa. He also worked for Advanced Nutrients before moving into cannabis journalis maybe if tou think im full of shit you would listen to him but lemme guess hes lying to sell products too right.

You can keep your cheesey magazines, your cheesey snake oils, and your cheesey stoner friends. :spew:
Wow man.. Nitrogen in flowering causing over abundance of foliage by trying to continuously grow and produce more leaves causing plants to stretch, grow lanky and become brittle which leads to pests and disease. Over abundance of Nitrogen causing plants to grow hollow stems during flowering becoming brittle which is main cause of powdery mildew (PM).. and it is not needed in same amounts as in veg stage.. Excess Nitrogen also inhibits flowering development, effects taste, smell and quality.. This is all proven what are u talking about man? Are u fckin joking brah..
he never said
Wow man.. Nitrogen in flowering causing over abundance of foliage by trying to continuously grow and produce more leaves causing plants to stretch, grow lanky and become brittle which leads to pests and disease. Over abundance of Nitrogen causing plants to grow hollow stems during flowering becoming brittle which is main cause of powdery mildew (PM).. and it is not needed in same amounts as in veg stage.. Excess Nitrogen also inhibits flowering development, effects taste, smell and quality.. This is all proven what are u talking about man? Are u fckin joking brah..
He NEVER said EXCESS N, He said enough of ALL nutes to keep plant happy, not your misguided way of doing things. Tell me, How does Big Mike's dick taste?
LOL.. Im glad someone else sees through this dudes ridiculous posts its like when he got his first computer he joined the Army: "you can be anything you wanna be with the internet" as kong u got idiots who think the bs u say is true.

Im here to sctually help people not ridicule and belittle them like u do for no reason trest people w respect and an open ear not ur close minded principles and bs rederic u aimlessly spue on here hoping ppl think what ur saying is true because ur full of more poop than a porta potty
What did i miss! Holy hell this thread got goooood! @pk_boosted2 , hey man, thanks for sharing that info. Your grow looks great and your theories all seem sound. Do you have a blog or a journal, or a this is how I do it thread? I bust UBs balls all the time but you seriously know some shit about some shit. Id love to read up on your systems of doing things and learn a little bit from you. I dont care if its on riu or another site, just let me know where your brain spews and ill be there to sponge it up. Good literature to read, recomend away, by the sounds of things you can teach me a pile of tricks that it would take me years of riu reading to find, especially with so many uneducated growers throwing opinions around like hundreds after harvest.
Please, hit me up. Id love to learn how to grow. Im three yrs in and feel like i havent learned a thing, i still pull over a gpw and hold my own but i know i can do better. And i know that having a closed mind only puts you farther behind.

~ I take full credit for being an ass kisser. I just want big sexy buds that my friends fiend for. And ill kiss anyones ass to get there on the way, and when im done ill spread the good word along to as many new growers as i possibly can. Overgrow that shit.
Become "brittle" ? :mrgreen:

Wow man.. Nitrogen in flowering causing over abundance of foliage by trying to continuously grow and produce more leaves causing plants to stretch, grow lanky and become brittle which leads to pests and disease.

.....Excess Nitrogen also inhibits flowering development,

There you go again! It's P that induces the stretch, not N, shit-fer-brains. How about stating something based on science for once. Here's the science behind it, shit-fer-brains.

Regarding flowering development - sure glad my plants can't read!
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No i dont have a journal or anything like that i usually dont come onto these platforms im working on a co-op with hightimes erite now to write articles in their magazines still waiting for the call back.. Wish me luck!! Hopefully be hesring from them back next few weeks ive done a couple write ups for them to review and provided my credentials and shit like that but its really hard to get in with them tight knit group of guys.. But yah man im always around to help i dont know everything either im 12 yesrs into the game myself and im always learning new shit myself it never ends the minute u think u got things figured out new information and science proves otherwise and sets yah back and makes u ponder everything u thought u knew.

I primarily do drain to waste systems only I dont like hydroponics or aero grows. I stick to peat/coco blends i make my own using humus by ancient forest and meal worm castings, powdered oyster shell and vermicultie and perlite..mif im in a pinch i prefer sunshine #4 thast an awesome medium very oh stable great drainage. I still prefer to water all my grows by hand ive messed around w drip irrigation and it does work but always got play around w it to keep it dialed in which is why i prefer watering everything by hand.. Obviously im a little biased on nutrients from what ive done and things that work for me but theres so many options and shit to chose from theres def not one right answer over others..

I just started getting heavy into TLO and ROLS growing focusing on using beneficials microbes and pure veganics in growing highest quality possible.. But thats only for personal for medical instill stick to synthetic and organic blends because i want the yields without sacrficing quality..

Feel free to shoot away i love talkin shop and i always wanna try help others thats my goal i figure ifi can help a perosn a week im being successful.. bOL with your grows and happy harvests brah cheers!
When all of these results are put together, it is clear that
the form of nitrogen did not govern plant size. Repeatedly, the differences in
plant growth were a consequence of the amount of phosphorus supplied to the
plants, not the form of nitrogen. Going back to the original question,
“Does ammonium-nitrogen really cause plant stretch,” the answer
would have to be no. Differences in plant height among the many fertilizers
varying in ammonium-nitrate proportion are controlled by the phosphate —
low phosphate levels result in compact plants, high phosphate levels result in
tall plants."
Ahh go fuck yourself chuck. Youve been suckin uncle bens dick for years so dont give me shit for wanting to learn from someone who ACTUALLY knows something about growing. Post another meme you unoriginal follower.

As a joke.jpeg

You and the booster kid need to get a room.

"cum soon"
No i dont have a journal or anything like that i usually dont come onto these platforms im working on a co-op with hightimes erite now to write articles in their magazines still waiting for the call back.. Wish me luck!! Hopefully be hesring from them back next few weeks ive done a couple write ups for them to review and provided my credentials and shit like that but its really hard to get in with them tight knit group of guys.. But yah man im always around to help i dont know everything either im 12 yesrs into the game myself and im always learning new shit myself it never ends the minute u think u got things figured out new information and science proves otherwise and sets yah back and makes u ponder everything u thought u knew.

I primarily do drain to waste systems only I dont like hydroponics or aero grows. I stick to peat/coco blends i make my own using humus by ancient forest and meal worm castings, powdered oyster shell and vermicultie and perlite..mif im in a pinch i prefer sunshine #4 thast an awesome medium very oh stable great drainage. I still prefer to water all my grows by hand ive messed around w drip irrigation and it does work but always got play around w it to keep it dialed in which is why i prefer watering everything by hand.. Obviously im a little biased on nutrients from what ive done and things that work for me but theres so many options and shit to chose from theres def not one right answer over others..

I just started getting heavy into TLO and ROLS growing focusing on using beneficials microbes and pure veganics in growing highest quality possible.. But thats only for personal for medical instill stick to synthetic and organic blends because i want the yields without sacrficing quality..

Feel free to shoot away i love talkin shop and i always wanna try help others thats my goal i figure ifi can help a perosn a week im being successful.. bOL with your grows and happy harvests brah cheers!
Good luck and please post a thread or contact me with some precise info on how you do your soilless blends and feed them because id love to learn. Ill be the first to subscribe to your thread.
Hey dipshit im not talking about N causing your plants to stretch in early flowering im talking about the entire life cycle, Nitrogen causes plants to grow lanky, and stretch because high N ferts do just that.. Yes adding high P ferts during esrly bloom causes your plants to stretch which is what you want them to do, when you initiate flowering the stretch is one of the most important parts of building and developing bud sites and setting you up for a successful floweringmphase.mthats why products such as bush master that contwin paclobutrazol are counter productive and stunt that added growth you need to set up your sites and bud development.. Only should be used in extreme cases where ceiling heights are dependent on your grow environment.

With that said whats your point? High P ferts during first few weeks of bloom are highly important in triggering hormonal responses in your plant to set sites for bud development why do you think products like bud ignitor and bud blood are high in P? Oh lemme guess some more snake oil right?

Too bad that article has nothing to with growing cannabis lol. In a cannabis plant its called ATP which is Adosine Triphosphate which is the primary energy molecule in marijuana, since the flowering process takes so much energy for a plant to produce increasing high P ferts provide the building blocks for plant success..

After intial flowering has begun resuming a lower P fert and increasing K potassium leads to increased flower density and mass. Both these macros used at the proper times allow the plant to produce the proper enegy for metabolic activity within yornplants leading to increased yields, with fatter plumper buds.
Inrun drain to waste systems using peat/coco blend whats the huh for.. Indont like hydroponics IE: ebb n flow, flow and grow, rockwool, dwc or aeroponic

Whats so difficult to understand? I run containers and i feed to run off - drain to waste DUH