giving defoliation during flower a try

Woah UB!! quick question about the c02, we don't need it right? My neighbor is trying to get me into the c02 world and im heistant I don't think I need it.

Not worth the bother and yes you do need to make adjustments to other factors such as light for the most benefit. What the CO2 chest beaters won't tell you is that too much CO2 can be toxic. It's got to be set up properly, monitored, tweeked, which spells PITA for this bendejo.

Just make sure you have fresh air and you'll be fine.
Not worth the bother and yes you do need to make adjustments to other factors such as light for the most benefit. What the CO2 chest beaters won't tell you is that too much CO2 can be toxic. It's got to monitored, set up properly which spells PITA for this bendejo.

Just make sure you have fresh air and you'll be fine.

Thank you UB, I am sipping my coffee trying to get my head straight. I appreciate the straight forward answer.

I also want to note that by taking the advice of UB I am doing 100% better than I was 6 months ago. The proof is in the pudding people, he knows what he is talking about and that is why people go to him as a beacon of hope.
Oh yeah ub says u dont need co2 it doesnt do amything for him and that primarily because u doesnt know what he is doing, he probably ran co2 and started having deficiencies because he doesnt realize that when u inject co2 into ur garden u need to increase ur nutrient profile because ur plants are able to grow faster and stronger. Co2 in veg is proven to grow larger more robust plants maintaining optimal co2 levels while increasing your nutrients is the key to being successful using co2 i always say u should be matching your nutrient ppm to your co2 ppm and u willbe successful.. Its important not get one of the standard pre set co2 meters that just regulates 1500 ppm of co2.. Having an adjustable co2 meter is important in maintaining proper co2 levels just as u increase your ppm and ec depending on what week and stage of plant growth should gohand in hand in what level your co2 is being injected into your gsrden.

The earths atmosphere used to ave a much higher co2 content and plants have not lost that ability to uptake higher levels of co2 with tha being said using co2 is a great benefit in incressing plant size and growth leading to larger yields because of the size of plant. Can produce in a specfied period of time including short veg periods ie,, 3-4 weeks it is very useful

But uncle benny doesnt know that because it doesnt work because mel frank in 1982 said co2 doesnt work lmao
The only time co2 is toxic if it hits levels above 2000 ppm.. Maintaining proper co2 levels do increase plant growth.. Its now found that the standsrd 1500 ppm isnt necessary u need to regulate co2 snd sdjust depending on what stage growth plants are in u rsmp up co2 as u increase your nutrients and then bsck down sgain towards end of flowering i cut off wll co2 after week 6 in bloom anyways. This is becsuse as u lower ur temperstures during pesk flowering snd ripening the extra co2 lesves the stomata open in your plants and reduces respiration as u lower your humidity which would be counter productive.

People come on here and listen to UB because they dont know any better. If u get master growers and experts in cannabis field to come on here u would find that they would b tearing UB a new one with all his BS statements as i am trying to show everyone as well. Its a matter of opinion on some of the shit he spews but a good majority is just his lack of knowledge and ive ade that very clear
Canna started in 1979 ur w fuckin liar.

Now now, don't you get your blood pressure up son. I'm just quoting from their website which you chose to leave out.

Now, either you're lieing, or they're lieing, or.....ask me if I really give a damn. I was just relaying the shit they were trying to pull back in 2010 when they were getting their cannabis footsies wet hawking their products, most new, at the first cannabis website. Vbulletin forums weren't done back then.
The only time co2 is toxic if it hits levels above 2000 ppm..

Wrong, it becomes toxic starting at 1,500 ppm.

Don't care what any one else wants to do but the hassles far outweigh the benefits....that is if you're able to get it tweeked right to where it might provide increased plant vigor.....something I sure as hell don't need. :)

You know, we really need to have a RIU Gong show. This moron would have been gonged out a long time ago.

Where is Jack Barris when you need him, hah!

Oh yeah ub says u dont need co2 it doesnt do amything for him and that primarily because u doesnt know what he is doing, he probably ran co2 and started having deficiencies because he doesnt realize that when u inject co2 into ur garden u need to increase ur nutrient profile because ur plants are able to grow faster and stronger. Co2 in veg is proven to grow larger more robust plants maintaining optimal co2 levels while increasing your nutrients is the key to being successful using co2 i always say u should be matching your nutrient ppm to your co2 ppm and u willbe successful.. Its important not get one of the standard pre set co2 meters that just regulates 1500 ppm of co2.. Having an adjustable co2 meter is important in maintaining proper co2 levels just as u increase your ppm and ec depending on what week and stage of plant growth should gohand in hand in what level your co2 is being injected into your gsrden.

The earths atmosphere used to ave a much higher co2 content and plants have not lost that ability to uptake higher levels of co2 with tha being said using co2 is a great benefit in incressing plant size and growth leading to larger yields because of the size of plant. Can produce in a specfied period of time including short veg periods ie,, 3-4 weeks it is very useful

But uncle benny doesnt know that because it doesnt work because mel frank in 1982 said co2 doesnt work lmao

I am not sure you know how to read or write properly. He said it "could" be toxic if not regulated. I do believe he knows what he is talking about as he didn't disregard any benefit of c02 just simply said if it is not regulated that it could be more harm than good aka toxic. I am not going to get into a quarrel with you about this but you should take the time to read his responses.
Did u read my post dipshit i even say in it u dont need to run at 1500 new research proves u should be running co2 and same ppm u feed ur plants i dont exceed 1200 ppm and yes u can run at 1500 on high feeding strain such as the original Chem D #4 phenos i have.. I start at 800-900 weeks 1-2 bloom as i increase my ppm of nutrients i add roughly 50-100 ppm esch week until week 6 then turn it down as i cut back on my nutrients ur saying same thing.
Running co2 up to 1500 ppm is fine u dont want to exceed 1500 plm and i agreed eith that but saying using co2 like he did in a post i resd somewhere someone asked his opinion on using it and he said he doesnt bother and sees no benefit thats because he isnt usingit properly

Just like if u have co2 levels under 250 ppm will stop growth and restrict plants ability to properly grow and cause plants to starve from oxygen and roots from breathing.
During plants life cycle the primary goal is to make sure photosynthesis is occurring.. There are 3 primary elements in making sure that glucose is being driven and fueled through the photosynthesis process.. U need oxygen, light and co2

Understanding how light, tempersture and humidity effects plant growth is important when adding co2 which is why when you run co2 you need to increase your room temps while lowering humidity. As plants produce oxygen and breathe through their stoma (stomatas) having proper oxygen and temp humidity is vital in benefiting from co2 supplementation. U also need to have a certain amount of light or co2 is uselsss.. I dont know exact parameters of co2 but i believe its a minimum of 60w per sq foot around there i could b off s few watts not positive

With that being said if you dont have the proper growing environment running a sealed room with optimal temps and humidity and nutrients then yes co2 wont work its a tricky thing to master and get right but when u do the growth and yields u get over not running them are 10-20% increase in yields and thats a fact
Oh yeah ub says u dont need co2 it doesnt do amything for him and that primarily because u doesnt know what he is doing, he probably ran co2 and started having deficiencies because he doesnt realize that when u inject co2 into ur garden u need to increase ur nutrient profile because ur plants are able to grow faster and stronger.

I don't think you get it, when you slander a member on these boards anything you say after that is irrelevant.

Keep wasting your own time though posting things I am not going to read. Do yourself a favor and leave out the parts that you have no idea what your talking about lol.
Co2 is not recommended for beginner growers because primarily they dont have the fundamentals of growing down correctly to begin supplementing it. However once u know what your doing snd your room is properly set up and established then co2 will increase your yields because u are able to grow larger more robust plants including larger root masses leading to bigger plants and greater yields

Is co2 for everyone no, but when everything is dialed in and your growing inside without fresh air exchange then co2 serves many purposes including ability for people who cant get their temps down into 70s to use co2 and run in the 80s without sacrificing their plants growth
Well keep listening couchlock u can think ub knows what he is doing im tellin u he doesnt.. So u wanna listen to him and use cheap bs fertilizers and the other nonsense he doesnt tell u that u should b using then u can keep gettiing ur dismal results and low quality flowers i dont care lol
Running co2 up to 1500 ppm is fine u dont want to exceed 1500 plm and i agreed eith that but saying using co2 like he did in a post i resd somewhere someone asked his opinion on using it and he said he doesnt bother and sees no benefit thats because he isnt usingit properly

Just like if u have co2 levels under 250 ppm will stop growth and restrict plants ability to properly grow and cause plants to starve from oxygen and roots from breathing.
What do you expect from a guy whos dropping clips from tv shows from 1977.....those kids and their new fangled co2 crap! We grow outdoors round here! Just like it was done in the 50's when i was a boy. At least im learning from arguing with Ben. Some learning is happening thanks to PK lol. Its so funny that when you poke people with sticks that they usually spout off valuable information in order to defend their "rightness". Ah well, PK, your smackin this old man all around the ring again today bro, keep up the good work, im off to go smoke some new fangled cherry pie. :):):)
Gonna toot my own horn......

Speaking of 600W...back in the day no one had even heard of them much less used them, but me. I started to reveal the efficiencies compared to 1000W while this kid was still drooling in his Booster chair. :mrgreen:

Like the 4 main topping drill, air layering, use of Citrus FeED, and using other normal conventional plant foods, etc. the trend (600W HPS) caught on and the rest is history.

LOL! You're such a legend UB.:dunce:
Canna is a deutsch based nutrient company been in business for over 30 yesrs designed nutrients specificall for growing medicsl grade cannabis in a country where its been doing trial research and development on a plant for almost half a century and you are gonna tell me its not good?

Owww.... did you mean Dutch (Netherlands) instead of Deutsch (Germany....)

So what's this bullshit about designing nutrients specifically for growing medical grade cannabis? There's only one legal medical grower here (in the Netherlands, in whole europe...), Bedrocan, the only licensed company in Europe to grow cannabis for medicinal use by patients. They've been around for 13 years. Stocks available since recently on Canadian stock market. Way better investment than something like Canna. :lol: A new company is in the making, Spirocan, also in the Netherlands, and Denmark is getting there too...

Anyway, those 1 liter terra vega and flores bottles are designed for small uneducated cannabis growers and people like you who are trained wrong on purpose...

Also funny how you promote CO2 and bullshit additives at the same time. I won't bother explaining the irony there, funnier this way :clap:
Well keep listening couchlock u can think ub knows what he is doing im tellin u he doesnt.. So u wanna listen to him and use cheap bs fertilizers and the other nonsense he doesnt tell u that u should b using then u can keep gettiing ur dismal results and low quality flowers i dont care lol

Low quality flowers for the win bro
