Bad week for Israel

Which is of course completely against what our democracy is supposed to stand for.

Then again, we stand for little we don't corrupt and our democracy is as much a sham exercise as Putin's Russia, so why should this be any different?

Israel is a good customer for American weapons, in part because they have a habit of using them. This means that a shareholder in an American defense company is going to support policies and politicians who will continue to encourage Israel to keep doing what it's currently doing. Democracy or human rights be damned.

These major shareholders have bought the political process in this country so thoroughly they can continue to play silly puppet vs puppet theater games every couple of years to fool the unaware, which sadly includes most Americans of voting age. The game of course is rigged; two Princeton professors did the study and showed the oligarchs in this country get their way politically 93% of the time, whereas the middle class gets favorable policy outcomes in Washington only 5% of the time. That's better than Putin.

This IS how our country works now; if you don't like it, start sending letters expressing your support for change to your representatives. It won't do any good of course, but send them anyway.

this also translates to the recent grand jury non-indictments..same thing imo..everybody's in it.

not to derail..if we can't handle ourselves here at home, how can we be expected to have/maintain a positive position throughout the world?

being married to a police officer for 11 years..all these people getting killed (this has been happening; not new; where have you all been? now the news reports it? asshats) none of that would have flown in my town..NONE!

the eric garner case is extremely disturbing..isn't that what you call a "snuff film"?
Most Christians support Israel. Since said Christians vote, the politicians that get voted in also support Israel.
I believe the Christians that you are referring to are Evangelical, and the do not speak for the majority of Christians. The Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christians need Jews in Israel, or the Rapture will never take place. The Congress doesn't care about Christians, it cares about AIPAC and all those Jewish donors. Just watch how the politicians in Washington support Israel in it's refusal to sign the non-proliferation treaty, while calling for more sanctions on Iran. It's all about the money, honey. No more, no less.

What good is the poll without american moslems included? This is cherry picked science BS. imo

To be honest I'm not sure I understand what people are complaining about. The subject of the article was:
"Religiousness Has Effect Within Both Major Political Parties" in terms of support for Israel.

So why wouldn't one expect the support or non-support to be a function of an individuals philosophical belief? Ie, people of the islamic faith might not be so supportive.
I believe the Christians that you are referring to are Evangelical, and the do not speak for the majority of Christians. The Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christians need Jews in Israel, or the Rapture will never take place. The Congress doesn't care about Christians, it cares about AIPAC and all those Jewish donors. Just watch how the politicians in Washington support Israel in it's refusal to sign the non-proliferation treaty, while calling for more sanctions on Iran. It's all about the money, honey. No more, no less.

Very astute. Just follow the money...
how surprising.

The list is endless- as if somehow money means anything in terms of the justice we were all brought up to believe in.

I personally don't like how things are working in this country and I'd like to change them. We the People have been ignored, marginalized and railroaded for so long, it's become absurd;

Non compete agreements required for prospective New York dog walkers. Seriously;
People here can't talk about Israel without getting butt hurt so they hurry to go of topic
americans are so full of propoganda they can't discuss Israel rationally
they will wake up one day but it will be to late
People here can't talk about Israel without getting butt hurt so they hurry to go of topic
americans are so full of propoganda they can't discuss Israel rationally
they will wake up one day but it will be to late
funny how any talk of israel always wind up with clowns like you screaming that they are illegitimate, and the pallies are right to insist that all the jews be pushed into the sea.

i guess thats what you consider "rational"