I see religion as giving some people hope or something to believe in.
Personally I feel churches are a waste of time. Can't believe people waste their time over there yet if that what those people wanna do with their life, well thats their right to do so.
I don't know if there is a god or not and if there is a god, how did that happen, who made god ? If I had to worship something, I rather worship the sun, least the sun gives us life and without the sun, we all be dead and gone. There used to be a sun god until we understood how the sun works. Now it can't be a "god" so god is now something we can not see....whatever, I got other stuff to think about and do...I have morals, I'm going to heaven if there is a heaven and if there isn't, yuck, I better keep trying to have fun here on Earth while I still can, lol