Why should anyone believe in Jesus, God, your religion, etc.?

Neither, I do not believe I am God or Jesus.

I believe I am the Christ- the Prophet- the King- the Creator- the Savior- the Messiah- the Lord- the Life- etc..

have you got a god complex or a Jesus complex , ? ...... Or is it neither .. WE DECIDE!!

i said WE as in EVERYONE decides!!! Not u , you have failed, it is OUR ( as in WE and EVERYONE ) decision that you GEORGE MANUAL OLIVIA ARE A FALSE CHRIST ....... That is all .
have you got a god complex or a Jesus complex , ? ...... Or is it neither .. WE DECIDE!!

i said WE as in EVERYONE decides!!! Not u , you have failed, it is OUR ( as in WE and EVERYONE ) decision that you GEORGE MANUAL OLIVIA ARE A FALSE CHRIST ....... That is all .

So what does everyone decide?

So what does everyone decide?

That you're full of messianic shit, glomming onto attention while pretending to be 'special' and have original ideas.

You brag about exploiting your time in psychiatric facilities for getting free food, blow jobs and "atta-boys", from other committed patients; Same for your time in county jail. You brag about working the system in order to gain psychiatric disability checks to live off, yet mother already puts a roof over your head.

In general, you're not an honest human being, jesus christ. We all find ways to entertain ourselves and get ahead in life, you certainly have your methods george. In the end you won't be known so much for being staggeringly dumb, more so backwards.

That you're full of messianic shit, glomming onto attention while pretending to be 'special' and have original ideas.

You brag about exploiting your time in psychiatric facilities for getting free food, blow jobs and "atta-boys", from other committed patients; Same for your time in county jail. You brag about working the system in order to gain psychiatric disability checks to live off, yet mother already puts a roof over your head.

In general, you're not an honest human being, jesus christ. We all find ways to entertain ourselves and get ahead in life, you certainly have your methods george. In the end you won't be known so much for being staggeringly dumb, more so backwards.



I plan on growing again, and that will be My job. But I can't start growing again until I save up enough money to pay the bills, buy new growing supplies, etc..

Soon enough, I will be just like all of the other growers.

Never been One to be "Like" everyone else Me, And Religion is outdated! and just causes Problems...Mostly...

Don't Cost a lot to start Growing again..... Few CFL's(Mh/Hps if You can sell summat and Invest a little more) and some Matt White Paint...Anything is possible IF you want it enough...

Never been One to be "Like" everyone else Me, And Religion is outdated! and just causes Problems...Mostly...

Don't Cost a lot to start Growing again..... Few CFL's(Mh/Hps if You can sell summat and Invest a little more) and some Matt White Paint...Anything is possible IF you want it enough...


I want to be fully prepared, so I don't go broke from paying the bills before I harvest.

I have all of the equipment in My house, but I probably need a new TDS meter, and PH meter: along with other things.

Plus, I need to fix My plumbing before I move back to My house, there are some broken pipes.


I plan on growing again, and that will be My job. But I can't start growing again until I save up enough money to pay the bills, buy new growing supplies, etc..

Soon enough, I will be just like all of the other growers.

I doubt you'll be like other growers. Try to start smoking weed, no don't really lol.

Budget for at least six months savings before your new grow turns around. I'd wish u luck with that endeavor, but how does one really "save" while avoiding employment? you'll need a minimum of 15k to start-up in another state on a shoe string budget.

In the meantime be the non-smoker non-grower that only talks about growing way off in the future (you've already done this for years). get somewhat drunk each evening living with mom at age 30, on psychiatric disability, and troll a cannabis forum with your misguided self aggrandizement notions about being a half-baked messiah. By all means keep-the-dream-alive, but pick one dream and drop the horseshit dude.

George You, my friend, are F'n Troll.

I doubt you'll be like other growers. Try to start smoking weed, no don't really lol.

Budget for at least six months savings before your new grow turns around. I'd wish u luck with that endeavor, but how does one really "save" while avoiding employment? you'll need a minimum of 15k to start-up in another state on a shoe string budget.

In the meantime be the non-smoker non-grower that only talks about growing way off in the future (you've already done this for years). get somewhat drunk each evening living with mom at age 30, on psychiatric disability, and troll a cannabis forum with your misguided self aggrandizement notions about being a half-baked messiah. By all means keep-the-dream-alive, but pick one dream and drop the horseshit dude.

George You, my friend, are F'n Troll.


Pro tip- if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!

I see religion as giving some people hope or something to believe in.

Personally I feel churches are a waste of time. Can't believe people waste their time over there yet if that what those people wanna do with their life, well thats their right to do so.

I don't know if there is a god or not and if there is a god, how did that happen, who made god ? If I had to worship something, I rather worship the sun, least the sun gives us life and without the sun, we all be dead and gone. There used to be a sun god until we understood how the sun works. Now it can't be a "god" so god is now something we can not see....whatever, I got other stuff to think about and do...I have morals, I'm going to heaven if there is a heaven and if there isn't, yuck, I better keep trying to have fun here on Earth while I still can, lol
I want to be fully prepared, so I don't go broke from paying the bills before I harvest.

I have all of the equipment in My house, but I probably need a new TDS meter, and PH meter: along with other things.

Plus, I need to fix My plumbing before I move back to My house, there are some broken pipes.


You do realize now that you've posted your identity many, many times on this forum, any house you own can be easily watched by law enforcement. Anybody you rub the wrong way can make a simple phone call and your jig would be up. Just something to keep in mind, as I doubt you've thought this through...
The problem with too many Atheists that comment on most religion, in this case Christianity, is that MOST arn't informed on ANY of what these theologies teach.

It's a waste of my time personally, to argue with someone who has never studied the Bible. You form an opinion based on alot of things but not on the one thing that's important in conversation: the theology itself. Really your opinion is humorous at best.

It makes sense not to really dissect most other religions because there are red flags we know violate our subjective moral values. Also lack of evidence.

The Bible has quite a bit of evidence. Not to mention historical evidence. Most historians (even non-Christians) will tell you based on the guidelines for determining historical evidence, Jesus existed.

Explaining the motives for the Apostles to say, use Jesus and make up a theology after he passed away isn't far fetched. That's IF the theology was useful to a person or group in power. That's IF the theology helped execute a plan for power.

Problem is, when you look at true Christianity, like Protestants (not Catholics, The Roman Empire created Catholicism because the philosophy of Jesus spread too quickly and they couldn't control it. They decided to use it to their advantage and ADD all this mumbo jumbo, mostly contradicting the very thing they base they're religion on: The Bible and the theology Jesus proposed. This is why Catholic priests wear silk robes and gold, while Jesus preached against such things and basically wore a potato sack for his clothes) (Mormons also contradict a book they sponsor: The Bible) you truly realize it's the only religion that would be HARMFUL to an empire seeking control. This is why the Roman Empire had to put it's twist on it.

People take the theology of Jesus for granted. You sit here in the United States taking for granted why you love it here: This country was set up on the morality of Jesus. You have the freedom to oppose Jesus here because of Jesus. You think you know right from wrong "subjectively" instead of "objectively".

If I placed you Atheists in Islam tomorrow you would soon beg for Jesus and his philosophy of PURE LOVE.

People also think they are too smart for Jesus because we have great science today! Thats so funny, most mock the Bible "why doesnt it tell me more about science and not about metaphors and "fairy tales".

It's because thousands of years ago noone could comprehend science! And God could give a fuck if you understand the science of the world, thats not going to make the world better for anyone, not even yourself. It's a spiritual guide that has stood the test of time. Jesus must of had something going if he is the most known human being to exist in human history!

Just an opinion from someone who has read and STUDIED the Quran, Torah, most of translated Hindu Scriptures, Book of Mormon, and the Bible.

Anyone who has truly studied theologies please chime in, would love to hear from you.