mate no one held a gun to your head and told you to do something, everyone was putting in their input from their growing experiences. Your original post was real arrogant and people see that shit on forums and roll their eyes and make smart arse comments. You then became the better man and decided to feed on others advice and laugh off the dickheads. Now it seems you have gone back into your ways of your original post. From what I have read on these 8 pages, there have been a good handful just giving you direction and trying to help you not fall into the hands of disappoinment.
And your money your choice is 100% correct, but also there is buyer beware shit out there as well, stuff that is a gimmick and does more harm than good and better off building a DIY system than paying someone for your failures (not saying you will fail or that the equipment you are choosing to buy will fail). But then there are some people that should not touch a screw driver and better off buying something off the shelf.
Now for the rest of you people that read Nicksol's original post and immediately replies with your numbers game BS, I suggest you stop being lazy and read the whole thing before you chime in on his post. If you had you would have seen he had made a flip in attitude, but no you were too keen to be seen and heard that you had to jump the reads to get on the end. Its people like this that scare people away from forums and refuse to ask questions later on if they run into difficulties