The Lucid Dream Thread (Post Your Techniques)


Well-Known Member
It is VERY possible to Lucid Dream and have Vivid Dreams without herbs, people do it all the time. What the Herbs do is make it easier to Lucid Dream, as well as allow for stronger Dreams. For example, there have been reports of people using Calea leaf and having dreams where 2 different people were actually experiencing the same dream. This was what the plant was used for in Native Mexico before the Settlers and everyone came. So when you want to Lucid Dream, it doesn't matter if you are using herbs or if you are not using herbs, but everyone should do a ritual. The ritual is more likely to bring dreams than any herb, the herb just boost the dream and the vividness and the possibilities.

1. The absolute BEST way to Induce a Lucid Dream is one I learned from a Youtube channel called "Channel Fadge". What he did was write "AWAKE" on his hand. There has been research done, and when you are in a dream you can read, but words will change and move around. So if you write "AWAKE" on your hand and then go through the day looking at it every once in a while, then when you are in your dream you will look at it as a reflex because you are used to it. But when you read it, it will say something different than "AWAKE" or it will have the letters moving or something. This also works with watches. If you look away from writing or a clock in a dream, it will change.

2. You have maybe heard of the movie "Waking Life", in this movie they make a suggestion. When you are dreaming, lights don't always work the same. So in the movie there is a guy who is always flipping light switches on and off to check if he is dreaming. This could be used as an actual method to check for Lucid Dreams.

3. You have probably heard of people tying a string on their finger in order to remember something. I remember in cartoons the joke was they would tie the string on their finger, then they would remember they had something to remember, but they would forget what they were supposed to be remembering. You can use this just like the "AWAKE" on the hand. Research in to Dreams has shown that if you look at your hands you have a better chance of staying asleep and becoming Lucid in your Dream. For some reason the hands are a focal point that allow you to focus without waking up all the way to get that focus.

4. If you wear some kind of Jewelry that you can count all day, like beads, this can help you become Lucid in a Dream. You could also use a rubber band and snap yourself. Either way the goal is to get these things to become a habit in waking life, then you will be able to recognize differences in the dream.

These methods could be considered either part of "D.I.L.D." which is "Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming" where you discover you are in a dream, or "M.I.L.D." or "Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream" which is where you write down your dreams every night and do rituals to help yourself wake up in the dream.

"W.I.L.D." which is "Wake Induced Lucid Dream", this is where you set your alarm 2 hours before you normally wake up, this way you can go back to sleep and have a brain that is already a little more awake.
In the past Dreams were accessed with a purpose, for example, in Ancient Australia there was a time period known as "Dream Time", this is when Humans invented boats and all kinds of other things. And in Ancient Greece, Western Medicine was invented through dreams, in the ancient Hospitals known as "Aesclapion"s, doctors would find cures by inducing dreams in themselves.

Dreams are meant to be used to bring the Future and the Past together. Ancestors and Inventions come together in one place where they both exist, even though neither of them exist in waking life.

Ancient people did not say "Left" and "Right" for directions, because those don't really make sense in the big picture, they would say "East" or "West" or "North" or "South", or whatever it was in their language. This was how most ancient cultures were, people were much more united. This is also how the Dream world was viewed. It wasn't viewed as "My dream" in "My head", it was considered to be a place shared by all people and in some cultures the dream world was identified as the Spirit world.

Once you are able to Lucid Dream regularly and feel as if you have a handle on it, try to find someone else who is good at Lucid Dreaming and take a Dream Herb or an Ubulawu mixture or Hottentot tea, and see if you can have the same dream. Once more people are saying "Our dream" instead of "My dream" when they wake up, the better off the world will be.

Then, once you are good at group Dreaming, try to bring that space into reality using Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca can allow you to access the Spirit world while you are awake. Before trying to bring the Dream state into reality using Ayahuasca, do a few brain exercises, like sitting in the dark for a period of time, or closing your eyes and meditating more often. Most people don't ever close their eyes until they go to bed. Also, look up "Icaros" which are songs that Natives use to alter their Ayahuasca experience.

The goal of Dreaming is not to think "I am entering my mental landscape now" it is better to think "I am entering something other people have been into before".

How to make Progress in a Dream:

1. Find a communication device. If you are Lucid Dreaming and want a storyline to unfold, find some kind of Cell phone or Walkie talkie or something and see if anyone is on the other end. TVs and Radios can also work this way, as well as the internet. They all have the ability to reply to you, because they are reflections of your own mind.

2. Find a house and explore it.

3. Find a road to go down.

4. Find a school and talk to people there, teachers may reflect people you find authoritative or educated.

5. Dreaming of water can change an entire dream. If you find a lake, or a shoreline, or a pool or something, the dream can pretty much go any direction from there.

The goal of Dreaming is not to think "I am entering my mental landscape now" it is better to think "I am entering something other people have been into before".

How to make Progress in a Dream:

1. Find a communication device. If you are Lucid Dreaming and want a storyline to unfold, find some kind of Cell phone or Walkie talkie or something and see if anyone is on the other end. TVs and Radios can also work this way, as well as the internet. They all have the ability to reply to you, because they are reflections of your own mind.

2. Find a house and explore it.

3. Find a road to go down.

4. Find a school and talk to people there, teachers may reflect people you find authoritative or educated.

5. Dreaming of water can change an entire dream. If you find a lake, or a shoreline, or a pool or something, the dream can pretty much go any direction from there.

Tibetan Dream Yoga is probably the only ancient Tradition of Dreaming that completely identifies itself as a Lucid Dream religion. In Ayahuasca ceremonies they talk about "Accessing the Spirit world" but they do not talk about dreams, yet in Ancient Greece they invented Western Medicine by using the "Dream World" the same way the Shamans use the Ayahuasca "Spirit World". And in Ancient Egypt they identified Dreams as a Spiritual world, but not much research has gone in to Lucid Dreaming in Egypt. Tibetan Dream Yoga has been practiced for at least 1,000 years.

I will not personally start practicing Tibetan Dream Yoga until I have gone through a bunch of Dream Herbs and test their effects without Rituals. Then I will go back through and use them with rituals. For now I will study Dream Yoga so that I know a little bit about what I am doing when I start. I have been studying it peripherally for a little while, but not with the focus I will put on it during this long term dream experiment I am doing.

So here is what I have learned so far:

In Dream Yoga the Dream world is seen as a place where you can gain enlightenment, and the goal of Dream Yoga is to make massive progress in your dreams.It is similar to regular Yoga and is based on some of the same ideas. For example"Sadhana" which is Spiritual Progress.

When you read most Lucid Dream Guides, they will usually just get you to the Point of Lucid Dreaming. Much of it is focused on the WILD, MILD, DILD, WBTB, etc etc. Techniques. But often times people do not make suggestions past that, except maybe to Fly or Meditate or use Jedi powers. But in Tibetan Dream Yoga "Realize You are Dreaming" is step 1. Not the last step like in usual guides, that is the first step in Dream Yoga.

The next goal in Dream Yoga is to eliminate any fears while dreaming. So once you "Realize you are in a dream" you have to ACTUALLY "Realize you are not in the real world" so you have no restrictions. Breathe underwater, Put out fire with your hands, Jump off a cliff, Find a snake or anything else you may be afraid of or think can harm you.

Then once you are aware that you are not in the real world, the goal is to contemplate the real world and how it is similar in how time passes and things happen, etc. Meditate on reality while you are in your dream.

You can always go back to thinking about reality and interchange between different goals, but the next goal is to take control of the dream world. Playing with the Physics instead of just living within them. Not just making yourself fly, but making a tree carry you to the clouds. Or changing the weather or moving the Sun, Moon and Stars. Or Shrinking a mountain. Also try making things completely different, for example turning a Fish into a Dog, or turning a Tree into a Person.

Then, you have to realize that in the dream you are not a constant object. You can also change in the dream to become other things.

Then from there, the goal is to contact different entities in the dream and travel to different places with them or through them. These worlds are known as "Loka" in the ancient Sanskrit Language and are also talked about in Hindu tradition. The Entities you are supposed to seek are known as "Yidam" and can also be found in Buddhist Yoga.

There was an old-ish game called "LSD Dream Emulator" and if you look up videos for it where people play it, you will maybe start to get a feel for possible dream "Rules" or dream "Laws of Nature" or something like that. The game is based on Shintoism and not Dream Yoga, but does have a similar theme.

Comparing your dreams to reality is a must in Dream Yoga so writing down your dreams is probably a good way to start doing that. Also thinking about your dreams while you Meditate is a good opposite technique to Meditating on Reality while you are dreaming.

A Ritual used in Tibetan Dream Yoga is known as the "RAOM GAOM" Mantra, where you say "RRRAAAOOOMMMM" and "GGGGAAAOOOMMM" with special emphasis on the "O". This is meant to help you remember your dreams if you do it when you wake up.

This is the Dream Yoga technique for inducing Dreams. The Symbol below is the Tibetan Syllable that sounds like "Ah". If you imagine this symbol in the middle of your chest, and think "Ahhhhhhh" in your head. It will help you go into a Vivid or Lucid dream.

Eventually the goal is to treat the Dream world and Reality the same, and to find a better center to go through your day with. Being able to think, "I want to dream about that" can actually make any situation a new situation from what it was. Even if you have a problem arise, being able to look at it as if it were a dream problem makes it easier.

Before you go to sleep, Review the day in your mind while you are laying down. Think about the people you saw, or the places you went, or the Food you ate, or anything you did that day.

Just like regular Yoga, breathing exercises can be used in and out of your dream to clear your mind of other thoughts.
There are not any threads or anything about SOWILD yet, but there are a few things about the idea out there.

In Tibetan Dream Yoga one of the practices to induce lucid dreams is to compare the Dream world to reality and think about the similarities. If you do this enough you can do it in your dream also and if you spend enough time thinking about the similarities. you will become Lucid when you are dreaming because you will realize it is a dream.

This is basically just taken straight from Tibetan Dream Yoga and given a name so it can go with the WILD, MILD, DILD, WBTB, CAT and other techniques. So SOWILD is just when you compare the similarities between the Dream world and the real world both when you are awake and in your dream, in order to help you realize you are dreaming.

"Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?"- Morpheus, named after the Greek God of Dreams

When people see things in their dreams, a lot of the time they automatically want to Interpret the dream, but there is another option called "Dreamwork". Instead of asking "What did that mean?" and looking to a book and identifying an object or animal in a "Dream Book", you interpret the Dream based on the individual person. Comparing the Dream experiences and emotions to experiences and emotions in their regular life to look for reasons instead of "a meaning". This way the Dream is not seen as a Prophetic thing but a Reflective thing.

This allows for a group of people to compare imagery within their own lives, or an individual person to learn about themselves. There are people called "Dreamworkers" who do this regularly which is like a form of Therapy where where a person can go and get another person's opinion on the experiences or emotions in a dream. I am not sure if there are groups for group dreaming or Dream Yoga yet, but that could bring a whole other aspect to Dreamwork.

Dream Interpretation is the practice of using the vast historical recordings of dreams that we have to try to find the meaning of your dream within the same "Rules" as all the other dreams. For example, maybe it means something if you see a Skull in your dream or if you see Flowers in your dream or if you see a certain kind of Tree in your dream or if something dies in your dream or if you lose your teeth in your dream (that is one a lot of people have).
Dream Interpretation (if you get historical things and not New Age stuff) basically act as a catalog of situations that may have arisen in your head, based on what other people have dreamed about before you.
In Ancient Greece there were Hospitals but they were called "Asclepeion" and the Doctors there would induce dreams in themselves, then interpret those Dreams to create cures. The Greek version of Dream Interpretation is known as "Oneiromancy". In Ancient Egypt it was also a common practice to Interpret dreams.
A Veridical Dream is a dream that either happens to the Dreamer in real life later, or that is happening to someone else in real life while the Dreamer is having the dream, or that already happened to someone else previously but not that the dreamer was aware of.

For a dream to be Veridical, these things have to be Verified, so a record of the dream and record of the account would both be necessary for a complete claim to be made.

This is similar to Deja Vu but in relation to dreams, and you would try to confirm it.
I was going to start this dream experiment about 6 months ago because I had a few Dream Herbs, and I started growing some plants and I am still growing them and will be breeding my own Dream Herbs. But around that time I found out about LSD Dream Emulator and I thought it was crazy so I watched someone play like 14 in game days (not real days).

I got more Dream Herbs now, and I started this experiment again, so I decided to look up LSD Dream Emulator on Youtube again and people are saying it is on PC now. Playing the game can actually induce Dreams, and if you watch some videos of it you will see why. It takes days to go through and it is crazy, I have never played it, but I think it is cool that there is a game that can induce dreams and it was rereleased within the past few months. I might try to get the game and try it as a dream ritual at some point.

LSD Dream Emulator Wiki
The way a game induces dreams is known as "The Tetris effect".
This is similar to Machine Learning or Pattern Recognition, but with dreaming.

I decided to make a list of all the things I am going to be trying. And I will also be trying mixtures like Ubulawu, which has a few of these things (below) in it and has been used as a dream brew in South Africa for a long time.

Syrian Rue- MAOI to make other things stronger, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor to induce Dreams and it turns Serotonin into Melatonin.

Ginko Bilboa: MAOI to make other things stronger, also promotes good blood flow in the brain.

Cinnamon: Glutithione Inhibitor, which will make other things stronger.

Kanna: SSRI to keep Serotonin in the brain for Dreaming

Galantamine- Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor

Melatonin: To promote sleep and dreams

5-HTP: To promote Melatonin Production and dreams

L-Theanine: To promote sleep and Neurotransmitter activity.

Yohimbe: To promote brain activity while sleeping.

Imphepho: Used in Hottentot Tea and contains tons of Terpenes.

Silene Capensis: The main ingredient for the Ubulawu dream brew. This herb alone is also very good at inducing dreams.

Synaptolepis Kirkii: It has been found that this has Neuroprotective properties, but has been used for a long time in the Ubulawu mixture.

Entada Rheedii: Used for dreaming in South Africa.

B6: Promotes normal sleeping patterns and Dreams when used in doses around 150mg+

Valerian Root: Used to help people fall asleep, also works like Catnip for cats.

Zyrtec: Allergy Medicine that works as an Anti-Histamine and promotes dreams.

Green Tea: Contains caffeine, EGCG and L-Theanine.

Choline: Promotes the creation of Acetylcholine in the brain for dreaming.

Alpha-GPC: Stronger than Choline, but basically does the same thing.

Calea: Powerful dream herb from the Oaxaca Mexico natives.

Alepidea: South African dream Herb, effects are similar to Marijuana.

Zinc:Building block of the brain to help dream recall.

Wormwood: Related to Mugwort and said to induce dreams

Sinicuichi: Used in a Mixture in a Native Oaxaca Mexico brew. Said to induce dreams and sometimes change your eyesight to yellow while you are awake and it is in your system. That is not a common effect.

Clove: Some people claim it induces dreams, and it contain Eugenol which could have a way of effecting dreams.

Kava: Contains Yangonin (Cannabinoid) and a series of Kavalactone. People claim it causes dreams.

Poppy Seed & Mustard Seed: Contains Melatonin and can help induce dreams.

Damiana: Used in the first Margaritas with the Alcohol. Can induce Dreams.

Echinacea Purpurea: L-DOPA stimulator in the brain, as well as immune system booster.

Buchu: For Hottentot tea, contains a lot of Terpenes.

Peppermint: Said to induce dreams.

German Chamomile: For easier sleep and to induce dreams.

St. John's Wort: Effects Serotonin Receptors and GABA receptors and has been noted specifically for giving people bad dreams, but I will still try it to see what happens.

Ginseng: To promote brain function while sleeping.

Mulungu: Nature's Valium, to help with sleep.

Mugwort: Well known dream Herb.

Guarana: Contains Caffeine and Theobromine, which is the "Love Molecule" scientists identified. I just wanted to find out if it would effect dreams.

Mucuna: L-DOPA, NMT, etc. to promote dreams.

Asprin: Claimed to caused dreams by some people.

Vervain: Dream herb used by Native Americans.

Mexican Tarragon: Dream Herb used by Native Americans.

Cyperus Articulatus Root (Priprioca): Dream Herb that grows all over the world.

Wooly Bulrush Root: Dream Herb used by Native Americans.

Sarsaparilla Root: Used for Lucid Dreaming by some people.

Celastrus paniculatus (Intellect Tree): To promote brain function while sleeping.

Wild Lettuce: Used for Lucid Dreaming by some people

Apple Juice: A LOT of people claim Apple Juice induces dreams. No one is really sure why, but there are theories about Sugar and B vitamins and all kinds of stuff.

Also, I might try some kind of Nicotine patch, because people say that those give them crazy dreams. And Nicotine does hit the Choline receptors.
This is Silene Capensis, the main Ingredient in Ubulawu. Most people don't even know about Ubulawu and try the Silene Capensis alone and many people still report dreams. Silene Capensis is considered one of the most powerful dream herbs all by itself. Dose is 200 mg of raw root per night.

I do not have all the parts for Ubulawu yet but they are coming in the mail. I have the Alepidea Amatymbica, but I need the main ingredient which is Silene Capensis and a few other ingredients. One ingredient I will be adding is Synaptolepis Kirkii another is Entada Rheedii, then Mulungu. I will not add all of these at once, I will try them one at a time then combine them in different ways. Then combine them all together. After that I will start adding things from the Hottentot tea to make the Ubulawu stronger. I will add Imphepho and Buchu leaf, then I will add Kanna. Same as before I will try these individually, then mix them in different combinations, then mix them all together.

So at that point I will have Ubulawu and Hottentot Tea for dream Induction. And I will start to add the Mexican dream Herbs, like Calea and Coleus.

So I am going to mix pretty much all the different dream brews from as many cultures as I can. I will make sure not to do any dangerous mixes, for example I won't add the Syrian Rue seeds in any Ubulawu only with individual herbs or at most with 2 other herbs.

So that is something that will be going on with the herbs I keep posting about.

Recently a Photoreceptor known as Melanopsin was discovered in the Human eye, it is special because it does not just function as a receptor, but the receptor actually has a deeper effects on our brain because it is meant to maintain your sleep cycle and other things that have to do with the 24 hour cycle we are used to.You have probably heard someone say "The Blue light of a computer screen can make you stay awake longer without meaning too" and this actually has scientific basis. If you grow plants, you know that plants respond to light and that the flower Cycle usually requires a red spectrum of light.

Phytochrome is the molecule in plants that is sensitive to red light.

Here is the Light Research Center's study on Red light

Here is the Light Research Center's study on the effects of light on the Endocrine System

Here is what Harvard says about blue light

Blue Light compared to Caffeine in a study

This paper explains a test where Blue and Green light were tested against each other in an MRI in a group of people.

This paper explain how if someone was exposed to Orange light, they had different results on a test.

This explains a double blind study that was done that showed if your ear canal is exposed to light, your brain has more cognitive function

If you watch the Space Ghost Coast to Coast episode with Timothy Leary before he died (you can find it somewhere online if you look hard enough) he was talking about how he was able to use lights to stimulate LSD like hallucinations in people and even got them to see angels.
A common Practice for Lucid dreaming is wearing headphones that play Binural Beats. Binural Beats have not been completely proven to work, but anecdotally there are thousands if not millions of people that claim it works for them. The idea is that there are sounds that disrupt your normal brain patterns by kind of bouncing off of the waves your brain makes.

Here is an 8hr Binural beat.

Binural Beats are based on your Gamma brain waves. They have done studies and found that if they shock someone who is sleeping with 40 Hz of electricity, they will have a Vivid or Lucid dream.

Here is a National Geographic article about it.

There is also I-Doser, it works through the same action as Binural Beats and they claim to be able to make you feel like you have smoked Marijuana or eaten Peyote or snorted Cocaine, and according to a few studies there have been results that show it does work to some extent. But no formal large scale study has been done.

Here is there site.
Fasting: Many religions involved fasting. If you don't eat for a few days, it will actually cause different brain patterns than usual. You can still drink fluids and some people drink apple cider or apple cider vinegar mixed with honey. I am pretty sure there are people in America that could not even imagine doing this, but it works. It can help you get ideas and all kinds of stuff.

Closing your eyes: If you close your eyes, your brain releases melatonin, this is the action by which you fall asleep. MOST people go all day without closing their eyes except when they go to sleep. If you close your eyes more often, it will change the way you think.

Dizzy states of Consciousness: In some religions, especially Jewish mysticism, it was common for Rabbis to work themselves into a trance state by shaking their heads back and forth, or preforming different rituals that would make them dizzy, and this would allow them to enter a moment of "Unconscious" or "Subconscious" thought.

Lucid Dreaming: This is most easily achieved through a ritual, such as writing "AWAKE" on the back of your hand, then checking to see if you are awake throughout the day. Or other cues that you can look for in your dream. Things you have to read are best because your dreams usually move words around so that they don't say the same things.

Harmony: This is achieved when 2 people hum, chant or sing. If you have ever made a deep vibrating sound with your throat and a friend made the same sound with the same pitch, that sound you hear is harmony. When 2 waves (like the sounds you are making) hit each other at the same Pitch, they will bounce off of each other and create and invisible effect that causes the sound to alter in the air. This is Harmony.
This book used to be available on Kindle for like $15, but I just checked Amazon and it is only available as a $300+ Hard copy, no PDF. So I looked and found it on Nook on Barnes and Noble and got it for $13-ish dollars and I am only 19 pages in but already it has TONS of info.

Here is a link so other people can find it, I will be incorporating it into my dream experiments.

The author also has a bunch of other books that I will probably try to get eventually. I want to get something about Ancient Greek dream based hospitals next though.
During the Roman and Greek periods they were worshiping a Greek God known as Asclepius and they were using the ancient Greek Tradition of Asclepius to heal people. This involved Surgery, Medicine, Yoga type practices (Early Chiropractic methods) and Dreams. Doctors today still even say the Hippocratic Oath which was written by the Ancient Greek man known as Hippocrates, who is the father of Western Medicine.

Just before 200 AD there were still Temples of Asclepius (known as Asclepeion) where they would go for healing. There was an Orator (Politician) named Aelius Aristides and he wrote a book called "Sacred Tales". This book covers his journey to the Temple/Hospital (his Pilgrimage) then he talks about his 2 year experience with the Priests and everyone in the Temple, as well as his dreams while there.

I could not find a copy of Sacred Tales, but I found a Textbook that breaks down Sacred Tales. It breaks down the Pilgrimage, the Rules and Behaviors/Ceremonies in the Temple, as well as the Dreams. So I am going to use it along with the Egyptian Dream book "Behind Closed Eyes", mixed with Tibetan Dream Yoga which still has Tibetan Monks who write books about it. And I am going to pretty much do some Medical Grade Dreaming.

Sacred tales also just so happens to be the fullest historical account we have of a Pagan seeing their God.
So I have been reading "Behind Closed Eyes: Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt" by Dr. Kasia Szpakowska. I am not finished with the book yet but so far it has gone over the Theories of Dreams that have existed throughout time.

Since Frued we have seen Dreams as a form of Wish-fulfillment where the brain does "Dreamwork" (different than what Dreamworkers do) to turn your real world experience into something different but similar to your real world experience.

This is not how they thought of Dreams in the Ancient world. In Ancient Egypt they did not really have any words to describe "Dream Activities" and instead most dreams are something you "see" not something you experience. The Egyptian word rsw.t means to "awaken" while sleeping. m??.nm rsw.t means "to see in a dream".

So to them Dreams were something that you got to see not something you neccisarilly experience. And the way they categorized dreams was Dreams that were Sought or Provoked and Dreams that come Spontaneously.

In many places Dreams were categorized as "True or False", but in many other places they had other systems to categorize dreams, in Ancient Greece there was even one book that had Categories such as "Beer in a dream" or "Child Birth in a dream" etc.
I was recently thinking I needed to get colored pencils to do some drawings but then I ordered a dream herb and it came from a company that sells seeds and they sent me their seed of the month for January. The seed just so happens to be Henna seeds. Henna is the temporary tattoo art that they have in tourist places, but it is and has been used by people in Eastern countries for thousands of years and was even used in Ancient Egypt. It is used to dye the skin or hair and it only lasts as long as that layer of skin is still there, unlike a tattoo which goes past the outer layer which is what makes it permanent.

I have heard of some tattoo artists that will actually do Henna first so that you can walk around for a while with the tattoo before you get it so you know if you really want it.

So since I have some Henna seeds but no Colored pencils, I decided I will just start making Henna patterns. Then once I grow the plants I can start trying them out. They can be used for all kinds of rituals and ceremonies. For example, instead of writing "Awake" on my hand, I could draw a pattern. And in my dream if the pattern changes, or if I am able to smudge it or anything like that, then I know I am in the dream. And this will work really well because Henna stays on your skin for like a month, or until that layer of skin falls off. Which isn't too long, but is long enough for it to become a factor in a dream.

You can get Henna seeds at world seed supply. It is their Seed of the month Jan 2015, so everyone should get Henna seeds. You can clone the plants once you have one and give them to other people so that more people can have Henna plants and cloning is not hard at all, there are tons of guides online, I have written one and there are tons of videos on youtube for it.