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It is VERY possible to Lucid Dream and have Vivid Dreams without herbs, people do it all the time. What the Herbs do is make it easier to Lucid Dream, as well as allow for stronger Dreams. For example, there have been reports of people using Calea leaf and having dreams where 2 different people were actually experiencing the same dream. This was what the plant was used for in Native Mexico before the Settlers and everyone came. So when you want to Lucid Dream, it doesn't matter if you are using herbs or if you are not using herbs, but everyone should do a ritual. The ritual is more likely to bring dreams than any herb, the herb just boost the dream and the vividness and the possibilities.

1. The absolute BEST way to Induce a Lucid Dream is one I learned from a Youtube channel called "Channel Fadge". What he did was write "AWAKE" on his hand. There has been research done, and when you are in a dream you can read, but words will change and move around. So if you write "AWAKE" on your hand and then go through the day looking at it every once in a while, then when you are in your dream you will look at it as a reflex because you are used to it. But when you read it, it will say something different than "AWAKE" or it will have the letters moving or something. This also works with watches. If you look away from writing or a clock in a dream, it will change.
2. You have maybe heard of the movie "Waking Life", in this movie they make a suggestion. When you are dreaming, lights don't always work the same. So in the movie there is a guy who is always flipping light switches on and off to check if he is dreaming. This could be used as an actual method to check for Lucid Dreams.
3. You have probably heard of people tying a string on their finger in order to remember something. I remember in cartoons the joke was they would tie the string on their finger, then they would remember they had something to remember, but they would forget what they were supposed to be remembering. You can use this just like the "AWAKE" on the hand. Research in to Dreams has shown that if you look at your hands you have a better chance of staying asleep and becoming Lucid in your Dream. For some reason the hands are a focal point that allow you to focus without waking up all the way to get that focus.
4. If you wear some kind of Jewelry that you can count all day, like beads, this can help you become Lucid in a Dream. You could also use a rubber band and snap yourself. Either way the goal is to get these things to become a habit in waking life, then you will be able to recognize differences in the dream.
These methods could be considered either part of "D.I.L.D." which is "Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming" where you discover you are in a dream, or "M.I.L.D." or "Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream" which is where you write down your dreams every night and do rituals to help yourself wake up in the dream.
"W.I.L.D." which is "Wake Induced Lucid Dream", this is where you set your alarm 2 hours before you normally wake up, this way you can go back to sleep and have a brain that is already a little more awake.

1. The absolute BEST way to Induce a Lucid Dream is one I learned from a Youtube channel called "Channel Fadge". What he did was write "AWAKE" on his hand. There has been research done, and when you are in a dream you can read, but words will change and move around. So if you write "AWAKE" on your hand and then go through the day looking at it every once in a while, then when you are in your dream you will look at it as a reflex because you are used to it. But when you read it, it will say something different than "AWAKE" or it will have the letters moving or something. This also works with watches. If you look away from writing or a clock in a dream, it will change.
2. You have maybe heard of the movie "Waking Life", in this movie they make a suggestion. When you are dreaming, lights don't always work the same. So in the movie there is a guy who is always flipping light switches on and off to check if he is dreaming. This could be used as an actual method to check for Lucid Dreams.
3. You have probably heard of people tying a string on their finger in order to remember something. I remember in cartoons the joke was they would tie the string on their finger, then they would remember they had something to remember, but they would forget what they were supposed to be remembering. You can use this just like the "AWAKE" on the hand. Research in to Dreams has shown that if you look at your hands you have a better chance of staying asleep and becoming Lucid in your Dream. For some reason the hands are a focal point that allow you to focus without waking up all the way to get that focus.
4. If you wear some kind of Jewelry that you can count all day, like beads, this can help you become Lucid in a Dream. You could also use a rubber band and snap yourself. Either way the goal is to get these things to become a habit in waking life, then you will be able to recognize differences in the dream.
These methods could be considered either part of "D.I.L.D." which is "Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming" where you discover you are in a dream, or "M.I.L.D." or "Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream" which is where you write down your dreams every night and do rituals to help yourself wake up in the dream.
"W.I.L.D." which is "Wake Induced Lucid Dream", this is where you set your alarm 2 hours before you normally wake up, this way you can go back to sleep and have a brain that is already a little more awake.