Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

I joined the Army because I had nothing better to do, and it looked like an adventure. It was. I don't regret it one bit. Instead of bitching about stuff, get out there and try a few things.

Mucho respect for the Marine Corps, and all the services.

Well if it was not you and not Drama, who claimed USMC, Reserve Lt? I had a conversation with him about did he really want to make Captain. I said I know Capt of Marines. Did he really want that?
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Well, his opinion is that the military (and US government) are criminal organizations, so why would you find it surprising if he disassociates himself with it?
You can come to the opinion that all humans are self deceived, tribal thugs. And that we all are just 10 meals from raiding our neighbors and killing their dog, just to eat.

You can say that criminals are governments and governments are criminals.

You can say blue is green. It is just word play.
The Army is a fucking scam....twice deployed vet here and an Army brat from a 28 year SGM who died while in service...19D and SF shit too

Project Shad bitches.....
and the stench of war. Smedley Butler wrote about it

Ignorance, plain fucking ignorance and of the US Armed Forces....if the shoes fits, throw it

You volunteered, as did ABC.

Why don't you tell us why you joined? I think you and ABC were out to scam us, the People.

Then when it got real, you forgot the reason it is so real.
Some of my old friends were heavily involved in Cambodia, parents shot in front of them, forced labor camps, etc. That's my cousin Bonzo on the left, he lead some gorilla warfare types to freedom from the Pol Pot killers.

I stood for the Draft, got a very high number, but got in so much trouble, I thought a Judge was going to make me sign up.
I'm only asking a question guy. If you say you didn't then you didn't. I do smoke and confuse shit
You don't know me at all if you really think I would claim to be a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps when I was not.

This is all easily disproven if you do a search on those particular words one at a time or all together, you will never find a post where I claim to be an officer in the Marines, nor have I ever posted a picture of said uniform.

It's like if you do a Search for N*&%ER and look at all of the people who claim to not be racists, I know one of them has said it over 500 times. The search feature is very powerful.
You don't know me at all if you really think I would claim to be a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps when I was not.

This is all easily disproven if you do a search on those particular words one at a time or all together, you will never find a post where I claim to be an officer in the Marines, nor have I ever posted a picture of said uniform.

It's like if you do a Search for N*&%ER and look at all of the people who claim to not be racists, I know one of them has said it over 500 times. The search feature is very powerful.

He said face and backed down. He had a vague memory of someone in a uniform.
You don't know me at all if you really think I would claim to be a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps when I was not.

This is all easily disproven if you do a search on those particular words one at a time or all together, you will never find a post where I claim to be an officer in the Marines, nor have I ever posted a picture of said uniform.

It's like if you do a Search for N*&%ER and look at all of the people who claim to not be racists, I know one of them has said it over 500 times. The search feature is very powerful.

It's not whether I know you are not. It is who said they were a Lt of Marines, in the Reserves but was passed over for Captain?
I started to watch the clip. Stopped after a bit because I can see his game. He`s got you, because you are convinced that he disassociates himself from the Military and I can see that it`s the Military that disassociated with him. When he said that fighting in Iraq was not defending the homeland because they are in Iraq and not in the homeland, anyone with half a brain would see the game of trickery he`s playing on selected folks. He`s not going to walk up to the five Marines that came out of the show and talk his shit to them. (not in the clip) if he did, that`s why it`s not in the clip.

The movie about Kyle is just that, a money making entertainment thing. The Samoli Pirate movie, Lone survivor, the Bin Laden attack and the Kyle story are all just simple everyday not out of the ordinary, SEAL team shit. You can point to a room full of SEAL and any one of them can do what these movies depict and every one of them has better stories to tell. You wont hear their story or see the medals because in real life, not the movies, they want it that way.

How come he`s not interviewing a Carrier Captain, or Tanker, or Aviator, or anyone that stands there in a decorated uniform ?

I give you my reason, He`s not doing interviews with the likes of a real deal because with all his great military experience,....He knows not what they do.

Now go back and believe that he disassociated with the Military.......I`d like to see his DD-214.
@ 2:12 - Kokesh: "Would you say he's [Chris Kyle] a hero for defending the homeland, then?
Green shirt - "100%. Anyone who goes over there is right? So by default.. You've decided to go over there and fight for our country, you're absolutely defending the homeland."

What kind of blind ignorance is that? No matter what if you join the military, you're a hero according to this guy.. Hopefully you can understand how a belief like that could be incredibly dangerous..

@ 2:26 - Mother & Daughter: "Yes!" & "Absolutely, definitely"
Kokesh: "And why, what makes him [Chris Kyle] a hero?"
Mother: "He went over and above. He did everything for his country. He believed he was protecting us."
Daughter: "Yeah, I agree. He had an undying love for keeping the people he cared about safe as well as people he didn't even know, so.."
Kokesh: "So it was because he was defending people here at home, right?"
Mother: "Yes"

OK, so anyone who believes what they're doing is right is a hero?? Absurd.

@ 3:30 - Beard: "I believe he was protecting our nation in a time of war."
Kokesh: "What was the threat to our nation?"
Beard: "Terrorism"
Kokesh: "From Iraq?"
Beard: "uhh, from Al-Qaeda, from different terrorist groups, not in just one country, all over the place"
Kokesh: "When did Al-Qaeda come to Iraq?"
Beard: "uhh, they're in Syria, they move around"
Kokesh: "Well this is an important question because you're saying that you support him [Obama] being, ya know goin' after Al-Qaeda in Iraq so, when did Al-Qaeda get to Iraq?"
Beard: "Al-Qaeda was never in Iraq, but I'm really glad Saddam Hussein was taken out of power, because he actually had plans to attack America whether people realized it or not.."
Kokesh: "What were those plans?"
Beard: "When we went in there, we found the plans.."
Kokesh: "Like the weapons of mass destruction?"

Look at this guy avoid the subject, people like this and the 3 other people mentioned as well who don't know the reality of what actually happened are blinded by nationalism and pride, and movies like these are partly responsible for that. Kokesh even asks later on in the clip if any of them believe movies like American Sniper glorify the military and alter their perceptions and all of them admit it does. Anyone who doesn't see that is ignorant anyone who won't admit it isn't being honest.

The fact is we went in wasted trillions and lost thousands of people for nothing a decade later. We made the Middle East a more dangerous place and created more terrorists than when the war on terror began; . If you think going back in and doing the same thing without a detailed, outlined, exact strategy for victory, you're making the exact same mistake again. If you expect something different to happen this time, feel free to explain how/why it would be any different, I'm all ears
@ 2:12 - Kokesh: "Would you say he's [Chris Kyle] a hero for defending the homeland, then?
Green shirt - "100%. Anyone who goes over there is right? So by default.. You've decided to go over there and fight for our country, you're absolutely defending the homeland."

What kind of blind ignorance is that? No matter what if you join the military, you're a hero according to this guy.. Hopefully you can understand how a belief like that could be incredibly dangerous..

@ 2:26 - Mother & Daughter: "Yes!" & "Absolutely, definitely"
Kokesh: "And why, what makes him [Chris Kyle] a hero?"
Mother: "He went over and above. He did everything for his country. He believed he was protecting us."
Daughter: "Yeah, I agree. He had an undying love for keeping the people he cared about safe as well as people he didn't even know, so.."
Kokesh: "So it was because he was defending people here at home, right?"
Mother: "Yes"

OK, so anyone who believes what they're doing is right is a hero?? Absurd.

@ 3:30 - Beard: "I believe he was protecting our nation in a time of war."
Kokesh: "What was the threat to our nation?"
Beard: "Terrorism"
Kokesh: "From Iraq?"
Beard: "uhh, from Al-Qaeda, from different terrorist groups, not in just one country, all over the place"
Kokesh: "When did Al-Qaeda come to Iraq?"
Beard: "uhh, they're in Syria, they move around"
Kokesh: "Well this is an important question because you're saying that you support him [Obama] being, ya know goin' after Al-Qaeda in Iraq so, when did Al-Qaeda get to Iraq?"
Beard: "Al-Qaeda was never in Iraq, but I'm really glad Saddam Hussein was taken out of power, because he actually had plans to attack America whether people realized it or not.."
Kokesh: "What were those plans?"
Beard: "When we went in there, we found the plans.."
Kokesh: "Like the weapons of mass destruction?"

Look at this guy avoid the subject, people like this and the 3 other people mentioned as well who don't know the reality of what actually happened are blinded by nationalism and pride, and movies like these are partly responsible for that. Kokesh even asks later on in the clip if any of them believe movies like American Sniper glorify the military and alter their perceptions and all of them admit it does. Anyone who doesn't see that is ignorant anyone who won't admit it isn't being honest.

The fact is we went in wasted trillions and lost thousands of people for nothing a decade later. We made the Middle East a more dangerous place and created more terrorists than when the war on terror began; . If you think going back in and doing the same thing without a detailed, outlined, exact strategy for victory, you're making the exact same mistake again. If you expect something different to happen this time, feel free to explain how/why it would be any different, I'm all ears

First of all, Kokesh has no clue where AQ is, they are known in Samalia, other African Nations too, Oman, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico and Canada and the USA,....Tell us how Kokesh says anything about AQ that isn`t out his ass ?

Am I supposed to take advice from a guy that walked away from being a man ?

While I agree with the assessment of how we fought over there and how we spent over there, took too long and cost too much, I don`t say we should not have gone over there and should we again, I aint taking their side. They are cold blooded murderers in the name of a religion. They say day after day before the wars even, that their goal is to rule the world with Sharia law shit.

If you want to wait and see, fine, but if others want to go early and F` up their plans, then you can stay home and cry for them. It is your right to do so.

One day you`ll see war is about killing, not Political Correctness, If we are doing it, we`re doing it, if you want out, go over to your corner and cry about it.

Who is Kokesh to dictate who feels heroism and who shouldn`t ? Who is Kokesk to speak for me ? Fuck him and his bullshit rhetoric.

When do we get to see Kokesh interview a active duty soldier, or Rank ? Is it hard for him to do ?

What is the issue about glorifying your Military? Oh, Kokesh wasn`t glorified...
First of all, Kokesh has no clue where AQ is, they are known in Samalia, other African Nations too, Oman, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico and Canada and the USA,....Tell us how Kokesh says anything about AQ that isn`t out his ass ?
AQ is not in Mexico, Canada or the US..

That question was asked towards the guy who gave justification for the invasion of Iraq as there being AQ in Iraq, so the fact that AQ was not in Iraq prior to the invasion is a fabrication of the reality of the situation.

Something like 45% of Americans still believe Iraq played a role in 911, today in 2015, so I'd say that's a pretty important distinction to make when it comes to invading other sovereign nations

Am I supposed to take advice from a guy that walked away from being a man ?
"Walked away from being a man" by recognizing the crimes being committed by our government and his role in perpetuating that, ie. the murder of innocent civilians
While I agree with the assessment of how we fought over there and how we spent over there, took too long and cost too much, I don`t say we should not have gone over there and should we again, I aint taking their side. They are cold blooded murderers in the name of a religion. They say day after day before the wars even, that their goal is to rule the world with Sharia law shit.
You're conflating an entire group of people to the fraction of extremists that commit terrorism. There are 2.2 billion Muslims on Earth, not all of them are terrorists
If you want to wait and see, fine, but if others want to go early and F` up their plans, then you can stay home and cry for them. It is your right to do so.

One day you`ll see war is about killing, not Political Correctness, If we are doing it, we`re doing it, if you want out, go over to your corner and cry about it.
You're confusing pacifism with non interventionism. I see no credible threat to the US coming from the Middle East. The same justifications you use to take military action against ISIS could be used to take action against any group opposed to American foreign policy which is a dangerous precedent to set, regardless of who is the president.

The belief that we fight these organizations to secure American safety or freedom is immature, shallow and naive. We fight to secure financial interests for small groups of people at the cost of American lives and American tax dollars. You're one of the millions of Americans, as portrayed in Kokesh's clip, who is simply blinded by nationalism to see it.

Who is Kokesh to dictate who feels heroism and who shouldn`t ?
I'm afraid you don't understand how heroism works..