Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

So where did YOU serve? Knee service at the Greyhound station rest room doesn't count

what does red have to say about red using the implication of homosexuality as an attack?

You use the implication of homosexuality as an attack. That proves you believe being gay is to be despised. You want to portray yourself as being some goody-two-shoes, but you just keep showing what an evil person you are.

guess red just called himself evil. i'm sure his families (may they RIP) concur.
Well, his opinion is that the military (and US government) are criminal organizations, so why would you find it surprising if he disassociates himself with it?
You can come to the opinion that all humans are self deceived, tribal thugs. And that we all are just 10 meals from raiding our neighbors and killing their dog, just to eat.

You can say that criminals are governments and governments are criminals.

You can say blue is green. It is just word play.

Only if you redefine every word you just wrote would there be any word play involved. Your government is undoubtedly criminal in action and behavior by a number of US and International standards.
First of all, Kokesh has no clue where AQ is, they are known in Samalia, other African Nations too, Oman, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Mexico and Canada and the USA,....Tell us how Kokesh says anything about AQ that isn`t out his ass ?

Am I supposed to take advice from a guy that walked away from being a man ?

While I agree with the assessment of how we fought over there and how we spent over there, took too long and cost too much, I don`t say we should not have gone over there and should we again, I aint taking their side. They are cold blooded murderers in the name of a religion. They say day after day before the wars even, that their goal is to rule the world with Sharia law shit.

If you want to wait and see, fine, but if others want to go early and F` up their plans, then you can stay home and cry for them. It is your right to do so.

One day you`ll see war is about killing, not Political Correctness, If we are doing it, we`re doing it, if you want out, go over to your corner and cry about it.

Who is Kokesh to dictate who feels heroism and who shouldn`t ? Who is Kokesk to speak for me ? Fuck him and his bullshit rhetoric.

When do we get to see Kokesh interview a active duty soldier, or Rank ? Is it hard for him to do ?

What is the issue about glorifying your Military? Oh, Kokesh wasn`t glorified...

Saddam kept AQ down, with authority. This is accepted by intelligence analysts world wide. After the invasion AQ had a field day. Which isn't surprising given the religious make up of the region, AQ's belief system and the fact that having bombs dropped on your head and families members killed tends to make one want to kill back (and in spite of this they are still a small %).
AQ is not in Mexico, Canada or the US..

That question was asked towards the guy who gave justification for the invasion of Iraq as there being AQ in Iraq, so the fact that AQ was not in Iraq prior to the invasion is a fabrication of the reality of the situation.

Something like 45% of Americans still believe Iraq played a role in 911, today in 2015, so I'd say that's a pretty important distinction to make when it comes to invading other sovereign nations

"Walked away from being a man" by recognizing the crimes being committed by our government and his role in perpetuating that, ie. the murder of innocent civilians

You're conflating an entire group of people to the fraction of extremists that commit terrorism. There are 2.2 billion Muslims on Earth, not all of them are terrorists

You're confusing pacifism with non interventionism. I see no credible threat to the US coming from the Middle East. The same justifications you use to take military action against ISIS could be used to take action against any group opposed to American foreign policy which is a dangerous precedent to set, regardless of who is the president.

The belief that we fight these organizations to secure American safety or freedom is immature, shallow and naive. We fight to secure financial interests for small groups of people at the cost of American lives and American tax dollars. You're one of the millions of Americans, as portrayed in Kokesh's clip, who is simply blinded by nationalism to see it.

I'm afraid you don't understand how heroism works..
Right On Brotha!!
Only if you redefine every word you just wrote would there be any word play involved. Your government is undoubtedly criminal in action and behavior by a number of US and International standards.

No. Criminal? Not by our system. You are defining criminal and you have no rights or duties to do so. You are word playing and making accusations, not stating facts.

Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal

It sounds like a parrot. And none of these Commonwealth standards are applied to us. No court can bring charges. It is silly for you to try to armchair lawyer, the USA.
Saddam kept AQ down, with authority. This is accepted by intelligence analysts world wide. After the invasion AQ had a field day. Which isn't surprising given the religious make up of the region, AQ's belief system and the fact that having bombs dropped on your head and families members killed tends to make one want to kill back (and in spite of this they are still a small %).

This is true, but he dropped the ball and turned towards the Saudi Oil Fields that are mostly Iranian Sh'ia. For that Iran would have invaded across to Syria, and taken the Soviet Base and their Nuke Navy. Sudden Iran is a major, armed to the teeth, player in the Med.

So, if you believe the press bull about a war, you are wrong. Go back and read about Viet Nam and what actually happened. Then cross that with the world PRESS LIES at the time.
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AQ is not in Mexico, Canada or the US..

That question was asked towards the guy who gave justification for the invasion of Iraq as there being AQ in Iraq, so the fact that AQ was not in Iraq prior to the invasion is a fabrication of the reality of the situation.

Something like 45% of Americans still believe Iraq played a role in 911, today in 2015, so I'd say that's a pretty important distinction to make when it comes to invading other sovereign nations

"Walked away from being a man" by recognizing the crimes being committed by our government and his role in perpetuating that, ie. the murder of innocent civilians

You're conflating an entire group of people to the fraction of extremists that commit terrorism. There are 2.2 billion Muslims on Earth, not all of them are terrorists

You're confusing pacifism with non interventionism. I see no credible threat to the US coming from the Middle East. The same justifications you use to take military action against ISIS could be used to take action against any group opposed to American foreign policy which is a dangerous precedent to set, regardless of who is the president.

The belief that we fight these organizations to secure American safety or freedom is immature, shallow and naive. We fight to secure financial interests for small groups of people at the cost of American lives and American tax dollars. You're one of the millions of Americans, as portrayed in Kokesh's clip, who is simply blinded by nationalism to see it.

I'm afraid you don't understand how heroism works..

If one guy with a phone is in the USA, Mexico or Canada,...Iran or Iraq too, AQ is in that country, Maybe not Army or moderate strength, but there non the less because when you lay low, (cells) guys like you are easily fooled.

Iraq was attacked for two major reasons, suspected WMD and training camp safe havens for terrorists. Guys like you again fooled saying, you found nothing, they weren`t there, you have no proof, you a bad man.... To you, that`s confusing and criminal, to me, it`s too bad for Sadam, the Brass spoke and it`s get`n done. Should they had charged Sadam with spit`n on the sidewalk, guys like you and your voice of concern,....don`t fucking matter. You are not badass enough to do anything about it and that`s what it`s all about. You will never understand attack.

You reveal yourself with words like Murder and playing policeman.

Yes, a fraction of the entire group is extremists, the much larger part are not. This is true until you consider that lager fraction is running away, surrendering their arms and troops by retreating, while hundreds of thousands of refugee`s take the high road,...that`s right, they will not make a stand for themselves, they would rather run to the USA or other States with Military services that will fight. Only now, in recent months after ten years of others doing the fight, do these "good' Muslim start to do something about that small fraction being bad. So in conclusion, there is a small fraction of the 2.2 Billion Muslim that commit terrorism and want to live the extreme live, the remaining are on the run, do nothing, wait for someone else, they aint gonna do it, coward fucks crying about being bullied by the few. Had they done something ten years ago, had they got together in numbers and fought back, this wouldn`t have gone as far as it has or lasted as long as it has. You`re not getting a hug or praise being ten years late to the battlefield.

The rest of the post is bla bla to me because it`s about you and his personal opinions that you are entitled to because of what others did long ago. The USA has and will continue to stop killings in the name of religion no matter what part of the world it is happening in, you have issues with that so you have issues with me too. I know,....... but, but, but they said WMD, but, but ,but they.....STFU dude an cry to someone else because not all feel or want to feel the way you do. Stop thinking you can speak for everyone else, there`s a label for that you know ?
Saddam kept AQ down, with authority. This is accepted by intelligence analysts world wide. After the invasion AQ had a field day. Which isn't surprising given the religious make up of the region, AQ's belief system and the fact that having bombs dropped on your head and families members killed tends to make one want to kill back (and in spite of this they are still a small %).

Yes he did, he kept AQ down alright, with the same murdering talent he used on his own people daily. You seem to believe that Should the USA have no Military, no government, love and live in peace, mind our own business, that the rest of the world will never attack or threaten us,...Really ?

That`s what you are coming off as,....

Sadam was no fucking angel, he murdered his own, Sadam had just tried to take Kuwait ten years earlier,...Sadam the good guy got treated unfairly,....cut it out dude,....I was happy killing him and not giving a fucking reason.

Yup, there are people that feel different than you too,....
Double digit millions run from 20 thousand lightly armed bad guys,...yes let them handle it.....that`s a good plan,...Right ?
Yes he did, he kept AQ down alright, with the same murdering talent he used on his own people daily. You seem to believe that Should the USA have no Military, no government, love and live in peace, mind our own business, that the rest of the world will never attack or threaten us,...Really ?

That`s what you are coming off as,....

Sadam was no fucking angel, he murdered his own, Sadam had just tried to take Kuwait ten years earlier,...Sadam the good guy got treated unfairly,....cut it out dude,....I was happy killing him and not giving a fucking reason.

Yup, there are people that feel different than you too,....

If Sadaam was an asshole, it appears he didn't hold the exclusive patent on that behavior.

Where in the United States Constitution does it say that the the USA can attack a foreign country?

Maintain an army? Police the world? Put people in jail for consumption of a plant?

The USA is the only nation state /gang to use the most heinous weapons of mass destruction when it knowingly fried Japanese children alive. Are weapons of mass destruction somehow "good" when the USA uses them to kill innocent babies?
Yes he did, he kept AQ down alright, with the same murdering talent he used on his own people daily. You seem to believe that Should the USA have no Military, no government, love and live in peace, mind our own business, that the rest of the world will never attack or threaten us,...Really ?

That`s what you are coming off as,....

Sadam was no fucking angel, he murdered his own, Sadam had just tried to take Kuwait ten years earlier,...Sadam the good guy got treated unfairly,....cut it out dude,....I was happy killing him and not giving a fucking reason.

Yup, there are people that feel different than you too,....

Saddam murdered with intel and weapons provided by your government.

Congrats. They just no longer had political use for him so instead we have a bunch of Jihadi's (with again, support from your government through intermediaries and allies and directly) running amok causing instability (and now attacking Syria who conveniently is a thorn in the goals of western powers).

Anyway, for all his tyranny Saddam kept things relatively stable. And when he was murdering his own with gas some in your congress wanted to issue sanctions, cut ties etc. The same guys who decided it would be prudent to invade for those reasons (and the manufactured WMD and 9/11 connections) were the guys who prevented congress from cutting ties (which included military aid and intelligence amongst other things) with the regime. Rumsfeld, Cheney et al.

Basically your moral justification for further escalation of violence is totally a joke. If it helps you sleep at night I guess. Reality is the world is run by murderers. Giving your life for these murderers isn't all that noble. Nor is serving them and their interests IMO. On all sides.
I sleep at night because we elect murderous thugs to the Presidency that act like fools to fool the world.

We give them the absolute power to murder anyone as long as they don't get caught. And they can murder a lot more, completely sanctioned by the US Congress. Murder Dealt by Force of Law.

And the USA, not necessarily the world, is safer for it. And that is all we care about.

Is that straightforward enough for you?
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I sleep at night because we elect murderous thugs to the Presidency that act like fools to fool the world.

We give them the absolute power to murder anyone as long as they don't get caught. And they can murder a lot more completely sanctioned.

And the USA, not necessarily the world, is safer for it. And that is all we care about.

Is that straightforward enough for you?


Karma called and said be careful what you wish for....the squirrels will rise and then your nuts will be bitten.
Saddam murdered with intel and weapons provided by your government.

Congrats. They just no longer had political use for him so instead we have a bunch of Jihadi's (with again, support from your government through intermediaries and allies and directly) running amok causing instability (and now attacking Syria who conveniently is a thorn in the goals of western powers).

Anyway, for all his tyranny Saddam kept things relatively stable. And when he was murdering his own with gas some in your congress wanted to issue sanctions, cut ties etc. The same guys who decided it would be prudent to invade for those reasons (and the manufactured WMD and 9/11 connections) were the guys who prevented congress from cutting ties (which included military aid and intelligence amongst other things) with the regime. Rumsfeld, Cheney et al.

Basically your moral justification for further escalation of violence is totally a joke. If it helps you sleep at night I guess. Reality is the world is run by murderers. Giving your life for these murderers isn't all that noble. Nor is serving them and their interests IMO. On all sides.

Yup, he said he wouldn`t use them but he did,....

Yup , we cut him his break and let him live in 1990 after he took Kuwait,...So we made the first mistake and ten years later, Sadam had not changed a bit, with Kuwait still in mind, it`s time tio get him.

Who captured Sadam ?
Who killed him ?

No way were we about to try him in the US where some cut throat lawyer with dollar signs in his eyes and 15 minutes, could get him "off the hook"

Face it or leave, the USA is not going to allow killing in the name of religion,....don`t like it, do something about it.
Fuck you and that pitty bullshit. The use in Japan was to end an ongoing war (Pearl Harbor) by killing them before we lose another hundred thousand troops the conventional way on their land. I`m sure you will just be cleaning your shotgun while bad guys steal from your house after raping your wife. That`s right, I bet you got a "that`s it" point too. Deny it, I fucking call you on it,...You got a "not gonna take it anymore point" ? How long does it take you to reach that point......matters.

Sorry you feel that way. I reached the not gonna take it point long ago, but for different reasons.

Using your logic, the Japanese Americans illegally placed in concentration camps in the "freedom loving" USA should have resisted the theft of their property and their incarceration during world war II ?

When the USA "annexed" Hawaii using force, had they had them should the independent people of Hawaii used nukes against the USA?

It seems like you have adopted a "my team" mentality and whatever your team does is good. I pity you for being stuck in that mindset and being unable to discern right from wrong.
Saddam murdered with intel and weapons provided by your government.

Congrats. They just no longer had political use for him so instead we have a bunch of Jihadi's (with again, support from your government through intermediaries and allies and directly) running amok causing instability (and now attacking Syria who conveniently is a thorn in the goals of western powers).

Anyway, for all his tyranny Saddam kept things relatively stable. And when he was murdering his own with gas some in your congress wanted to issue sanctions, cut ties etc. The same guys who decided it would be prudent to invade for those reasons (and the manufactured WMD and 9/11 connections) were the guys who prevented congress from cutting ties (which included military aid and intelligence amongst other things) with the regime. Rumsfeld, Cheney et al.

Basically your moral justification for further escalation of violence is totally a joke. If it helps you sleep at night I guess. Reality is the world is run by murderers. Giving your life for these murderers isn't all that noble. Nor is serving them and their interests IMO. On all sides.

Two main reasons have emerged since Colin Powell stopped lying. You have to wait for history. The Press is LIES.

- Saddam was leaving the Gap open for Iran. Mitt talked about that in the Debates. (doesn't make him less of an idiot, but he was right about this)

- Saddam made an Actual Attempt on a US President's life. And then we elected his son.
(and now Rocky Racoon, he didn't like that, and he said I'm gonna get that boy)

Not lawful to attempt to kill a US President.

The distant 3rd reason is he did have WMD that is now buried in the Bakka Valley owned by ISIL.
Sorry you feel that way. I reached the not gonna take it point long ago, but for different reasons.

Using your logic, the Japanese Americans illegally placed in concentration camps in the "freedom loving" USA should have resisted the theft of their property and their incarceration during world war II ?

When the USA "annexed" Hawaii using force, had they had them should the independent people of Hawaii used nukes against the USA?

It seems like you have adopted a "my team" mentality and whatever your team does is good. I pity you for being stuck in that mindset and being unable to discern right from wrong.

Stick to the point I responded to if you still can.

You think Japan was just living peacefully minding their own business when Atom Fire came out the sky and cooked their industrial cities for breakfast.

That`s the kind of story changing, word twisting, listen to me bullsitter you are and think I`m going to be. You can`t be more wrong.