Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

Kokesh served
Yes, I know, he was in the same service I was. The USMC. I was before his time though. The comment was more towards Doer, not the OP.
In fact, you say you are Marine. Yet, you claim the US Marine Corp was before the USA.

But, Congress created the Marines Corp, after the Continental Marines were disbanded.
Weird, huh, sir? You being the LT, and all, I mean, sir.

In February 1776, the Continental Marines embarked on their maiden expedition.[2] The Continental Marines were disbanded at the end of the war, along with the Continental Navy.[3] In preparation for the Quasi-War with France, Congress created the United States Navy and the Marine Corps. The Marines' most famous action of this period occurred in the First Barbary War (1801–1805)
I wasn't a LT in the Marine Corps, I have never claimed that.
The Marine Corps was born on November 10th 1775. At Tun Tavern in Philadelphia. Every Marine knows this, its common knowledge.

"Back in 1775, My Marine Corps came alive, Sound off!! Ohhrah!! oohrah!!"

Dispute that.

Furthermore your claim is that a US Service does not exist until the first day of its first battle. In that case the US army never fought in the revolutionary war and did not become a force until 1891 at the whiskey rebellion and not at the time congress made such a armed service on 3 June 1784. This is what you are saying when you claim that the USMC did not begin until its first fight. Is that really your claim? Do you want to take that one back now?
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A man that has not served has no right to judge those who have..

yes we can, that is in fact exactly why you served, supposedly. to defend my right to openly and publicly judge you and others like you.

sounds like you might have served for one of those other reasons that is not defending the constitution, perhaps cowardice ignorance or greed.

good job on proving the title of the thread correct.
yes we can, that is in fact exactly why you served, supposedly. to defend my right to openly and publicly judge you and others like you.

sounds like you might have served for one of those other reasons that is not defending the constitution, perhaps cowardice ignorance or greed.

good job on proving the title of the thread correct.

No sir. You have every right to mock my service and I have the right to get my panties in a wad when you do.
I'll be honest. The reason I joined is pride. I was a punk ass kid that thought he knew everything. I left home at 16. At 17 I had a bad wreck and totaled my car losing my job. My father said I could come back home.

I was prideful and joined the military instead of accepting his help.

I don't think it gets any more truthful than that.
Yes, I know, he was in the same service I was. The USMC. I was before his time though. The comment was more towards Doer, not the OP.

I wasn't a LT in the Marine Corps, I have never claimed that.
The Marine Corps was born on November 10th 1775. At Tun Tavern in Philadelphia. Every Marine knows this, its common knowledge.

"Back in 1775, My Marine Corps came alive, Sound off!! Ohhrah!! oohrah!!"

Dispute that.

Furthermore your claim is that a US Service does not exist until the first day of its first battle. In that case the US army never fought in the revolutionary war and did not become a force until 1891 at the whiskey rebellion and not at the time congress made such a armed service on 3 June 1784. This is what you are saying when you claim that the USMC did not begin until its first fight. Is that really your claim? Do you want to take that one back now?
What was your rank ?
I joined the Army because I had nothing better to do, and it looked like an adventure. It was. I don't regret it one bit. Instead of bitching about stuff, get out there and try a few things.

Mucho respect for the Marine Corps, and all the services.
The Army is a fucking scam....twice deployed vet here and an Army brat from a 28 year SGM who died while in service...19D and SF shit too

Project Shad bitches.....
and the stench of war. Smedley Butler wrote about it

Ignorance, plain fucking ignorance and of the US Armed Forces....if the shoes fits, throw it
The Army is a fucking scam....twice deployed vet here and an Army brat from a 28 year SGM who died while in service...19D and SF shit too

Project Shad bitches.....
and the stench of war. Smedley Butler wrote about it

Ignorance, plain fucking ignorance and of the US Armed Forces....if the shoes fits, throw it

You can always find reasons to be bitter.

If you let go of the bitterness and hate you will be the better for it.
Not a man`s bone in that boys body. "When I joined the Marines"...does not equal "When I became a Marine".

He wants you to watch his TV shit,...that is all. His squeaky whiney voice is all you need to pay attention to.

He`s the P doubt...
I think it takes courage for a booshdag marine to become an entire box of used douches. He's still a wannabe Alex Jones though.
Not a man`s bone in that boys body. "When I joined the Marines"...does not equal "When I became a Marine".

He wants you to watch his TV shit,...that is all. His squeaky whiney voice is all you need to pay attention to.

He`s the P doubt...
Well, his opinion is that the military (and US government) are criminal organizations, so why would you find it surprising if he disassociates himself with it?

Of course he wants people to watch his channel, he believes people should know the things he talks about and they should think critically about what it means to "support the troops"

Watch this clip for an example, he interviews people who just saw American Sniper and you get to see the wheels turning in their head when he makes a point that contradicts their beliefs;

I never would have pegged Pad for a Kokesh fan. He's aligned with the Pauls almost completely. Good stuff.

For real entertainment watch his interview of occupiers. You may not be his fan after that though.
I refuse to refer to the branches as anything but the tools they are, no proper nouns from me on purpose. Maybe once or twice from autocorrect perhaps, never on purpose though. My time in was memorable for many reasons, there were ups and downs. Overall a very positive experience, but they get no proper nouns from me.

The Army is a fucking scam....twice deployed vet here and an Army brat from a 28 year SGM who died while in service...19D
I can understand your position, it is a bit hard to have the positives outweigh the negatives with the death of your father on the con side. What specific things clinched your opinion on this? Would you share them with us if you are comfortable doing so?

I did two tours in Iraq.

I didn't know your father but based on that MOS and time period he must have been a very tough fellow.
Well, his opinion is that the military (and US government) are criminal organizations, so why would you find it surprising if he disassociates himself with it?

Of course he wants people to watch his channel, he believes people should know the things he talks about and they should think critically about what it means to "support the troops"

Watch this clip for an example, he interviews people who just saw American Sniper and you get to see the wheels turning in their head when he makes a point that contradicts their beliefs;

I started to watch the clip. Stopped after a bit because I can see his game. He`s got you, because you are convinced that he disassociates himself from the Military and I can see that it`s the Military that disassociated with him. When he said that fighting in Iraq was not defending the homeland because they are in Iraq and not in the homeland, anyone with half a brain would see the game of trickery he`s playing on selected folks. He`s not going to walk up to the five Marines that came out of the show and talk his shit to them. (not in the clip) if he did, that`s why it`s not in the clip.

The movie about Kyle is just that, a money making entertainment thing. The Samoli Pirate movie, Lone survivor, the Bin Laden attack and the Kyle story are all just simple everyday not out of the ordinary, SEAL team shit. You can point to a room full of SEAL and any one of them can do what these movies depict and every one of them has better stories to tell. You wont hear their story or see the medals because in real life, not the movies, they want it that way.

How come he`s not interviewing a Carrier Captain, or Tanker, or Aviator, or anyone that stands there in a decorated uniform ?

I give you my reason, He`s not doing interviews with the likes of a real deal because with all his great military experience,....He knows not what they do.

Now go back and believe that he disassociated with the Military.......I`d like to see his DD-214.
Tell you what, should this guy be out front of the theater after Lone Survivor, and interviewed either one of the Luttrell brothers, he wouldn`t last ten seconds.
Yes, I know, he was in the same service I was. The USMC. I was before his time though. The comment was more towards Doer, not the OP.

I wasn't a LT in the Marine Corps, I have never claimed that.
The Marine Corps was born on November 10th 1775. At Tun Tavern in Philadelphia. Every Marine knows this, its common knowledge.

"Back in 1775, My Marine Corps came alive, Sound off!! Ohhrah!! oohrah!!"

Dispute that.

Furthermore your claim is that a US Service does not exist until the first day of its first battle. In that case the US army never fought in the revolutionary war and did not become a force until 1891 at the whiskey rebellion and not at the time congress made such a armed service on 3 June 1784. This is what you are saying when you claim that the USMC did not begin until its first fight. Is that really your claim? Do you want to take that one back now?

I don't claim anything. The first day of its battle? Are you drunk on Friday night? I said nothing about any of that. You said before the USA, I said no the same thing that formed the USA formed the USMC.....the US Congress, as Constituted to do so.

And you did not say you are a Reserve Lt. USMC?

Must be be someone else that said that?