Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....part 2

not the same animal.

if you take the projected and add to the deficit..landslide!

EDIT: it was really weird now that i think romney was purposely given bad poll info:mrgreen:
If one is a landslide, the other for comparative purposes would be....?

51% to 48%
26 states to 24 states

By what metrics is this a landslide?


I am with Gruber on that one , and I guess there is that many idiots around. Some of the BarryO supporters that were called idiots by Gruber will be a little smarter in the next 21 months. I feel another National Boot in the ass day coming for democrats in 2016. good luck.

I am with Gruber on that one , and I guess there is that many idiots around. Some of the BarryO supporters that were called idiots by Gruber will be a little smarter in the next 21 months. I feel another National Boot in the ass day coming for democrats in 2016. good luck.

Yeah, just like the last one, right?...

Fox News wouldn't lie to you..
listen, if you have a problem with obama, which you clearly do, as evidenced by your multiple uses of racial slurs to describe him, then there is a solution: run a viable candidate to oppose him that people will vote for.

you're perfectly free to run yourself, robbyboy.

but i don't think many people will vote for a racist radical POS like you.


BarryO can't run again, he is used up and will be put out to pasture soon. But you can dream I guess.
If one is a landslide, the other for comparative purposes would be....?

51% to 48%
26 states to 24 states

By what metrics is this a landslide?

by the very words of republicans themselves.

dick morris, larry kudlow, karl rove, george will and others all called for a 320+ electoral vote romney "landslide".

so what do you think that means when obama gets 332 electoral votes?

romney only missed by 63 electoral votes. he coulda flipped california and it wouldn't have mattered.

yeah, another democratic governor really is a boot in my ass.


fucking retard.


Isn't it funny that the one guy you were posting about with the cowboy boots turned out to jam his own boot up his own ass and make you look like an ass at the same time.
No. Just like Blame Bush, Blame Obama can just say screw it, I am getting another term.

Blame Clinton did that too.
The problem with the last election is that the PUBs are still PUBs and they have never mattered.
i think y9ou mean to say obama will soon be enjoying a legacy as one of the best presidents in US history.


Right now he will be known as the biggest gun and ammo salesman known to mankind. I can't think of anything else that would be a positive for BarryO at the moment.

I think the word "all" is a stretch. You should of said Democrat, because those are the only people that believe that shit.

why do you only inhabit blue states?

is it because they have the most humane laws about treating your whale of a wife?

why do you only inhabit blue states?

is it because they have the most humane laws


Hawaii is the most lawless state I have ever lived in to be honest. I have never seen a fish and game cop because I don't think there is any. Fucking paradise is all I can say. The east winds are blowing again tomorrow so I will be back fishing for a couple days. sorry about your luck.