Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Wow, I have just seen that on the 27th I posted a comment about Alice being 33 inches tall. It's now the 31st 4 days later and she is almost 40 inches.

6 inches in 4 days, man that is fast I hope this plant gives up the info soon. I need to start training it but I don't want to give it any stress at all until I know it's a female. It seems that stressed plants are more likely to be male for some reason.
I keep meaning to get a banana but keep on forgetting. I think it's way too late now and I am a bit suspicious of it working at all but it won't do any harm to try.

Here's a couple of pics just because I know you love it!!!!!!!!

This is a picture of Ivy, well the top of her anyway.


This next one is a clone I took from Genie. she is ready to go in the soil.
I will be planting it in the morning.

Loads of little roots coming out, I'm pleased with this one.
I planted a clone of Alice a few days back but may have done so too early.
She had just one root coming out and it was not as long as the one pictured.

And YES I did just cut them and put them in water. The water does hasve Superthrive in it. It has taken about 26 days - fucking AGES,

Excuse my French"

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
The difference is, I bet your plants have colas going from bottom to top. you can see it.
Surely there is no such thing as a crap plant as long as it has quality bud growing on it,
I'm sure we will both be happy.


Well-Known Member
well i dunno about that yet mate im hoping for a plant like that!! but they got skinny ass stalks...
do u think the bud will still grow normal or do you think it will be smaller??

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
All the best buds I have seen are those like WW with a big-ass cola going up the stalk.
That's what yours look like but then this picture here

Is the same plant that is in my avatar.

I thought is would be a short thing as it was smaller than some of them but it turned out really nice..


Well-Known Member
shit man
i hope i get some nugs like you mate..
i slapped my outher 200w ecolight over my plants so they got a bulb each now jus to be on the safe side!!


Well-Known Member
sup b..
did you do ya clone the same way as honkey with rooting gel and water?

i only got powder man n i have never taken a clone before...
got any newb help mate do you think it would work with powder or am i dreaming...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good, sorry to hear about the temps,,, cant stop laughing about the last owner of the ac. Lmfao! "he was prob. Using it for the same thing and just got a bigger one! db.~tlb! :)
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Well-Known Member
Hi Barking, mate you are not f'n around, I love it! How you liken your ac, I know I'm loving mine :) I finished my new grow space and got me some clones already:mrgreen: Off to the races ;)



Well-Known Member
Hi Barking, sorry I haven't been around to see all your exciting progress. Things have really moved on while I was away. Love your flowering room and all your new gear. Your plants are looking really excellent - you should be in for a great harvest. Alice is especially nice - reminds me of a couple of my own girls. Anyway, great job you're doing mate, keep up the good work ;) Speak to you soon ...

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Hi Barking, sorry I haven't been around to see all your exciting progress. Things have really moved on while I was away. Love your flowering room and all your new gear. Your plants are looking really excellent - you should be in for a great harvest. Alice is especially nice - reminds me of a couple of my own girls. Anyway, great job you're doing mate, keep up the good work ;) Speak to you soon ...
Good to see you GreenB.
I've been fairly busy the last couple of days. I will be updating in the next day or so.
No real changes so far.

I have just found out that these will take about 12 weeks to flower, that's a bummer
but at least they should be fat with bud by then, fingers crossed.

I have just bought some fem WW seeds, might germinate some of them next week if I can change my set-up to adapt. cost me £80 from Pukka Seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hi Barking, nice to see you back. Know how you feel, my Cinammons will take 12 weeks also I reckon. Ah well, hopefully they'll be worth the wait ;) Catch you later man, I'm off to bed LOL.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
By the way, Alice is now 40 inches and has been on 12/12 for about a week. I can't believe a female wouldn't have started flowering by now.
What is the longest female plants can take to flower when in 12/12?
Does anyone have a clue?

Also, it's a sativa, does that make a difference.


Well-Known Member
Sativas take forever to do everything man. Don't worry, it will happen. I'm definitely off to bed now. See you later ;)