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How does the buds potency usually match up with some indoor grows?
I disagree to a point......Yes, indoor can be managed to consistently be "higher" in overall THC.......BUT, with that said. I also believe that outdoor run to it's proper finish. Express a different and deeper "type" of high, maybe you can say more intense...Outdoor cant compare to indoor when its conditions are peaked. 1200ppms co2, 72-85 degrees, 50% humidity cant beat it with 400ppms, 50-100degrees, and random humidity and more bugs outside. BUT you will get a whole lot more bang for your buck with outdoor, espwcially if you use supplimental lighting and a greenhouse
I get where your comming from with the light spectrums but when people are using the high quality HPS lighting like i do at $120 a bulb switching twice a year, you cant compare. but, outdoor is the best for a new grower looking to get a bang for his buck and start an indoor growI disagree to a point......Yes, indoor can be managed to consistently be "higher" in overall THC.......BUT, with that said. I also believe that outdoor run to it's proper finish. Express a different and deeper "type" of high, maybe you can say more intense...
This is due to the natural lighting spectrum available and that includes the UV spectrum's so often lacking in artificial lighting!
I may get more mold problems outdoors when I run a cpl of personal stash plants from time to time, BUT I get almost no bug problems outdoors in pots in the ground. Go figure?
What about people who live in climates that are perfect for growing cannabis? You're telling me they can't produce high quality buds outside?you can NOT produce the same quality outside as inside. When you say "doing it right" that means conditions for each place being at its best. You cant control co2, nor humidity, nor temp outside. Unless you do a greenhouse and then your just admitting the facts that you need indoor adjustments to produce the same quality. do whatever you do outside with your soil inside and see whats better. I grow veganically, and outdoor stuff i see is poop in comparison. To many outdoor growers trying to pass off their shit as meds. Its pathetic to me.
What about people who live in climates that are perfect for growing cannabis? You're telling me they can't produce high quality buds outside?
Lol. Your bias is obvious.
But please don't try to act like indoor automatically means better medicine. I know plenty of indoor growers whose grow rooms are far from optimized and their indoor buds couldn't compete with my worst outdoor. And i know plenty of back yard growers who take the time to fully care for their plants needs and short of testing you would never be able to tell their medicine was outdoor.
And as far as price, potency,yield, and bag appeal go greenhouse is superior to both methods.
It's free.... That's why outdoor is cheaper.Your stupidity amazes me.you go from how optimizing outdoor is best and how you know unoptimozed indoor. THE POINT IS THE BETTER OF THE TWO AT THERE OWN POTENTIAL. A greenhouse is both indoor and outdoor. Like i said you CANNOT control an outdoor grow to produce the same quality. Tell me this then my plants veg and flower under 1000 watters with 140k+ lumens per 16sq ft. Nearly 9k lumens per sq ft. The sun is about 10k When the light is directly shining on your plants. which usually is 50-70% of the time between sunrise and sunset. Please riddle me how the sun is "better"
My stupidity amazes you? You know nothing about me or my intelligence levels. The fact that you feel the need to turn to personal insults and TYPING IN ALL CAPS proves how immature and emotional you are. Truly a man child.Your stupidity amazes me.you go from how optimizing outdoor is best and how you know unoptimozed indoor. THE POINT IS THE BETTER OF THE TWO AT THERE OWN POTENTIAL. A greenhouse is both indoor and outdoor. Like i said you CANNOT control an outdoor grow to produce the same quality. Tell me this then my plants veg and flower under 1000 watters with 140k+ lumens per 16sq ft. Nearly 9k lumens per sq ft. The sun is about 10k When the light is directly shining on your plants. which usually is 50-70% of the time between sunrise and sunset. Please riddle me how the sun is "better"
you can NOT produce the same quality outside as inside. When you say "doing it right" that means conditions for each place being at its best. You cant control co2, nor humidity, nor temp outside. Unless you do a greenhouse and then your just admitting the facts that you need indoor adjustments to produce the same quality. do whatever you do outside with your soil inside and see whats better. I grow veganically, and outdoor stuff i see is poop in comparison. To many outdoor growers trying to pass off their shit as meds. Its pathetic to me.
Thats a good reply there. And i agree to an extent. but i still find that outdoor on its own cant compare in potency to a plant that has its limiting factors peaked. Take a look into those.There's a reason why they don't grow wine indoors.
Indoor weed will never have the taste complexities that outdoor will have. You're never going to get the sun or the weather or the terpenes and extra resin that an outdoor plant will produce to protect itself from the hostile environment. You're also not going to get the smooth, hydro-chemical-nute-free smoke of an outdoor girl. A greenhouse, organic soil grow comes DAMN close though.
If you take the best outdoor grower and the best indoor grower in the world, and you give them both clones of the same plant, the outdoor will be superior. You just can't duplicate a proper outdoor grow indoors. I totally agree with you: most outdoor growers make "poop" weed, because they are usually trying to cash-crop.
The reason why indoor is usually of a better quality is because, in general, indoor growers care more. It's not the process, it's the people.
I'm not mad at all. What would I have to be mad about? You're the one typing in all caps and hurling insults.Hahahahahaha. You got so mad look how much you had to type to try and cut me down.
The fact is your a new member who likely has no experience.