Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

There was a time when some bunch of assholes covered the streets with cannabis filled with shards of glass ... like broken windows shoved into buds ect.
Weight / Money

that shit is fucked up, too many ppl doing shitty ass things to the fine herb for the hussle, I heard stories 2 days ago in the city of people spraying weed with sprite and then putting it in the freezer, adds weight, makes it sticky and look good, but its still shit
What you gotta do is stop buying from lowlife bottom of the barrel dealers. They buy an oz at terrible prices and do all they can to sell gs and 1/8ths attempting to make enough money to get by.
Find you a real dealor that just got a fifty or 20 pack shipped in. Get it for the low and its quality...ish
What you gotta do is stop buying from lowlife bottom of the barrel dealers. They buy an oz at terrible prices and do all they can to sell gs and 1/8ths attempting to make enough money to get by.
Find you a real dealor that just got a fifty or 20 pack shipped in. Get it for the low and its quality...ish

i never said my dealers did that, they do that in the city i don't live in the city
What you gotta do is stop buying from lowlife bottom of the barrel dealers. They buy an oz at terrible prices and do all they can to sell gs and 1/8ths attempting to make enough money to get by.
Find you a real dealor that just got a fifty or 20 pack shipped in. Get it for the low and its quality...ish

The problem was the country had no weed for months on end due to a ton of big police busts that year. The first stuff that turned up had been fucked with, Every nice "none lowlife" dealer was duped into it.. The dealers are the ones who lost money on it because they had to remove all the pieces of glass =( It come and went.... lets just hope the people behind it got there comeuppance.

For a while after that there was tons of different cuts and adulterants being put onto / sprayed onto buds =(. Most of it is still some what suspect these days .. with faked smells, hormone blasted buds & every time that supply drops.... the nasty silicone sprayed shit turns up.
The problem is everyone thinks the silicone shit is the highgrade because they know no better =(. Real weed looks "shit" to most of them.

This is why I grow.
Has anyone ever taken apart the prerolls from a dispensery, I found some pretty nasty looking shit in those. The free ones are the worst

Oh dispensary pre rolls are disgusting. I always cut them open to see what kind of garbage was stuffed into them. It's usually full of seeds and stems. I found a piece of plastic from a medicine bottle in one before.
Oh dispensary pre rolls are disgusting. I always cut them open to see what kind of garbage was stuffed into them. It's usually full of seeds and stems. I found a piece of plastic from a medicine bottle in one before.
My god! that sounds awful, How do they get away with it?
My god! that sounds awful, How do they get away with it?
They don't think people will open them, it's so easy to just spark it up and toke away. But I never smoke a joint if I didn't see it get rolled, I always take apart the prerolls. I bet the bud tenders would shit there pants if you broke it down in front of them.
Its just beyond shady, Most people can taste that shit.. and seeds pop.. plastic stinks... It wouldnt fool me.. Id be back in there raging my nut demanding a few free oz's for trying to poisoning me. What dicks =(
ive got a friend who found a hand full of copper bb's in the middle of a lb lol
i don't remember how much extra weight it added, but I thought it was kind of funny due to the situation
Whats the craziest thing you've found in weed? Have you ever bought a nice sac of compressed bud, went home and broke that shit up, and found some wierd shit. From my experience, I've found hair, what looked like pecil shavings, lead, ect. Don't assume its your dealer, but likley dropped in some where down the line of supply and demand. Post your story.

wow ..i have only ever gottten one bad bag .....some spice was throwen to increase the weight

the person that did it to me .........i set up.......i got some LSD and some coke ......took the 2 grams of coke and turned it into a 8 ball.......the strip i got i cut 2 of and then packaged it up with 3 fakes turning 10 hits 25

put it under his driver seat ...........and called the cops on a drunk driver he has a reacord he is a automatic search (like alot of us are u got popped for weed u are in the system to search it is why the 1 cop car ticket turns into the 3 cop car search )

.i am evil when u earned it and i go for the kill strait off bat ...sell me fake shit and i used fake shit to get u introuble

other then that the basic twine /bail wrapping off some brick weed (worst was the snuggles shit someone actually packed the shit with snuggles sheets to ship into my area ) smoking a teddybear horrible stuff
wow ..i have only ever gottten one bad bag .....some spice was throwen to increase the weight

the person that did it to me .........i set up.......i got some LSD and some coke ......took the 2 grams of coke and turned it into a 8 ball.......the strip i got i cut 2 of and then packaged it up with 3 fakes turning 10 hits 25

put it under his driver seat ...........and called the cops on a drunk driver he has a reacord he is a automatic search (like alot of us are u got popped for weed u are in the system to search it is why the 1 cop car ticket turns into the 3 cop car search )

.i am evil when u earned it and i go for the kill strait off bat ...sell me fake shit and i used fake shit to get u introuble

other then that the basic twine /bail wrapping off some brick weed (worst was the snuggles shit someone actually packed the shit with snuggles sheets to ship into my area ) smoking a teddybear horrible stuff

I had some of that dryer sheet stuff too, it tasted like, smelled like and smoked like crap. Me and a friend got an ounce and it was smoked up in two days because we thought if we smoked a bunch of it we might get high but no, it just sucked.
I had some of that dryer sheet stuff too, it tasted like, smelled like and smoked like crap. Me and a friend got an ounce and it was smoked up in two days because we thought if we smoked a bunch of it we might get high but no, it just sucked.

it was around here for months someone got a deal on a few pounds of it was that stuff or really over priced hydro (basement weed had that musty taste to it only get from open floor unfinished basements)

we used gravtiy bongs to get over the fact it was crap smoke ........2 liters of smoke 1 hit thc plus the cough (lack of oxygen) it got u there
Found some crushed doritos in a three pound bag of shake as well as a cigarette butt. Shit was crazy!!!!!