Tomorrow is Mother's Day


Well-Known Member
We are going out to brunch tomorrow morning. I hope we are not expecting of much as we are planning on oing to one of the best brunch places in the city on mother's day at a place that doesn't take reservations. Well I hope it isn't raining.

I got my wife a pair of expensive boots for Mother's Day. The sort of thing she wouldn't buy for herself but will love having for many many years to come (I am a big believer in boot longevity through maintenance - 250,000 miles is normal). I got her a pair by the same maker nine years ago on our first Christmas and they still look amazing.
savvy, very savvy ;)


Well-Known Member
I just got thru cooking my wife breakfast and cleaned the kitchen afterwards.....I'll be putting a nice pork loin on the smoker shortly for a nice meal with all the kids later today.
We visited my moms grave yesterday and paid our respects this is my second mothers day without her.
RIP mom .


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I'll be 65 this month
Happy Birthday! So we know what you got your mom for mother's day: YOU :)

Soon enough, but it ain't gonna be public. Need to surveil and fortify the perimeter
The raven flies at midnight and I'll need a couple weeks notice to bag that redhead :) they tend to go indoors for the summer season.

We'll gladly take you up on that offer as soon as we can...I still wanna cook sometime for you guys
I hope so! I have all these thoughts of buying a bag of crazy ass shit and watching what you make of it :) All loaded off our asses. Then you youngsters can go float in the pool and the old ones will nap :) I love naps. Matter of fact that's what I'm giving myself for mother's day. No guns it would disturb my headache.
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Bought mom something really nice like a month early. She was so excited. I'm not sure if my sister is gonna get her anything, she's mooching money off of mom so I doubt she bought anything. She didn't last year either.

I'm mom's favorite, she calls me her "little killer".

Absolutely love that cartoon! she was a good mom did you see how far she kicked his ass outta the nest? No failure to launch there :) So cute.