Church shooting.

blacks kill each other at about the same rate whites do.

whites kill blacks at 150% the expected rate, while blacks kill white at less than 100% the expected rate.

you can go back to your irish klan chapter and ask for a new talking point.

According to Nate Silver, American blacks are victims of homicide 1200% greater than in comparable developed countries. Since 90% of black homicide victims are killed by black perpetrators... well, you do the math.

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If this was a Muslim, there would be no question about it, everyone here would be screaming it's terrorism

But when it's a white kid with a fanatical right wing ideology, he's "just some nutjob"

People need to start looking a little bit deeper...
I'm with you in that it was terrorism, I mean the dude stated his goal was to start a race war. Just as I think Ft Hood was terrorism and was called workplace violence, it won't surprise if there is a reluctance to call this domestic terrorism. Kind of defeats the purpose of all of that NSA spying if we can't stop things like this or the Boston bomber.

To stay consistent, either both actions are terrorism, or neither are, I think both are.
What violence did Snowden use again ?
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation"

That violence.
According to Nate Silver, American blacks are victims of homicide 1200% greater than in comparable developed countries. Since 90% of black homicide victims are killed by black perpetrators... well, you do the math.

85% of whites are killed by whites, what's your point klanman?
Paddy, these were Christians that were murdered. I would think you would be kinda happy. Check your signature.

desert dude, these were blacks that were murdered by a white man. i would think you would be really, really happy. check your history of joining white supremacy groups on this very website, whose members were rooting for a race war.
Why do you believe Snowden is comparable to McVeigh?
Both were in the military. Both had been exposed to the bad things our military/government were capable of. Both were trying to open the eyes of the American people to things being done by the Government. Both were willing to give up their way of life to try and make a change.

Their methods were different, but their ultimate goals were very similar.

Going by definitions, both are terrorists.
Both were in the military. Both had been exposed to the bad things our military/government were capable of. Both were trying to open the eyes of the American people to things being done by the Government. Both were willing to give up their way of life to try and make a change.

Their methods were different, but their ultimate goals were very similar.

Going by definitions, both are terrorists.
Snowden saw illegal surveillance activity, collected evidence and released it. McVeigh was delusional and saw ruby ridge and Waco as a government war on freedom, when the government admitted to being wrong, so he decided the best course of action was to bomb a building. ISIS wants a better world, so I guess most people are just like them, just using different methods.
Snowden saw illegal surveillance activity, collected evidence and released it. McVeigh was delusional and saw ruby ridge and Waco as a government war on freedom, when the government admitted to being wrong, so he decided the best course of action was to bomb a building. ISIS wants a better world, so I guess most people are just like them, just using different methods.
Are you a tax paying citizen of the USA?

Cuz if you are, you would be considered a terrorist by tens/hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Are you a tax paying citizen of the USA?

Cuz if you are, you would be considered a terrorist by tens/hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Yes, and yes. But what does that have to do with Snowden and McVeigh?
We have degrees of murder for a reason. Read up on it, so you can have a better understanding of why first degree murder is viewed differently from voluntary manslaughter

So you have absolutely no point to make other than you wanted to be condescending.. and incorrect. Murder is murder, manslaughter is manslaughter. They are 2 different things.

This guy is clearly in first degree territory. Does calling him a terrorist make his crime any more punishable? Nope. He will be executed for murder, not terrorism.