Church shooting.

so it's the black people at fault for being slaughtered, rather than the white supremacist for slaughtering them?

No it is not but if someone does try to take your life, you are responsible for defending yourself in a country that allows you to defend yourself with guns. People take this right for granted.
No it is not but if someone does try to take your life, you are responsible for defending yourself in a country that allows you to defend yourself with guns. People take this right for granted.

i'm of the opinion that racist white supremacists shouldn't be terrorizing americans, but i tend to have different views on these matters than holocaust deniers like you.
wow, you're a holocaust denier too.

it's summer at RIU alright.

Wow i wasnt expecting all that , its funny though cause just this morning i was crusing youtube checking out ww2 special op's vids & found a revised doccumentary about how Hitlers actions were really misunderstood & he was a man of peace, i had to stop watching when the narrator blamed the invasion of poland on Winston Churchill.

Fyi meinporsche im in my 60's & have met holocaust survivors while living in Lebanon in the 70's , my wife & i were neighbors of a sonder kommando who dealt with the dead bodies, idk about numbers but denying it ever happened isnt realistic .
Wow i wasnt expecting all that , its funny though cause just this morning i was crusing youtube checking out ww2 special op's vids & found a revised doccumentary about how Hitlers actions were really misunderstood & he was a man of peace, i had to stop watching when the narrator blamed the invasion of poland on Winston Churchill.

Fyi meinporsche im in my 60's & have met holocaust survivors while living in Lebanon in the 70's , my wife & i were neighbors of a sonder kommando who dealt with the dead bodies, idk about numbers but denying it ever happened isnt realistic .

Did you watch the video I posted where the Sondercommando lies about cyanide poisoning? Here it is in case you overlooked.
If you would bother to watch the videos, you will be quite surprised mein bro.

I like videos ,wtf vids are you talking about ? Post em up & i'll look at em , ww2 just finished less than a decade before i was born so ive spoken with alot of ww2 vets in the US & other countries .
There is no way to ask politely all terrorists assholes to stop terrorists acts. If that is how it works, the war on terror would be pwned. The trolling is to be expected unless there is like actual logic in their writings. If I were to say the Holocaust is a lie, you would call me a hateful bigot. But what if it were true? It is not illegal to deny Holocaust where I live but it is illegal to do so in Germany which is suspicious.

This guy is the best eye witness to the Holocaust yet fails to accurately describe a gassing victim.

This woman is caught lying about the Holocaust. She has given speeches to 6 million school children.

These are real Holocaust death camps.
These videos.
Wow i wasnt expecting all that , its funny though cause just this morning i was crusing youtube checking out ww2 special op's vids & found a revised doccumentary about how Hitlers actions were really misunderstood & he was a man of peace, i had to stop watching when the narrator blamed the invasion of poland on Winston Churchill.

Fyi meinporsche im in my 60's & have met holocaust survivors while living in Lebanon in the 70's , my wife & i were neighbors of a sonder kommando who dealt with the dead bodies, idk about numbers but denying it ever happened isnt realistic .

whatever disagreements we have are tame compared to the normal summer wave we always seem to get around here.
Did you watch the video I posted where the Sondercommando lies about cyanide poisoning? Here it is in case you overlooked.

Like i posted previously ive met holocaust survivors & spoken directly with them ,when we lived in Beirut our neighbor was a sonder kommando responsible for hauling corpses to ovens , i spoke with him every day for the 3 yrs we were neighbors in the 70's , he never spoke of gassing people but he did weep about the 30 to 50 people a day him & his partner put in an oven ,everyday 7 days a week for 2 yrs , my wife is very religous & he prayed alot with her for forgiveness of what he had done .

Imagine that shit , praying for forgiveness for doing something while a prisoner that had you refused to do you'd of been shot on sight , he was a fucking wreck of a man emotionally even though 20 yrs had passed since he was at the camp , him & i smoked logs upon logs of opium together & drinking coffee while talking , wasnt anything fake about him .

Edit , i just watched about half the video you posted & got so fucking pissed off by the narrators condescending tone i had to stop watching it .

The idiotic narrator is focused on things like weather people were standing up or fell over & the color of their skin after being gassed , how the hell is that guy supposed to remember or know exactly what gas was used & in the dimly light basements & beat red body thats been dead several hours would be blue as a mother fucker from the blood that pools in a corpse after death .

Wow was that video depressing , if you cant tell by the narrators condensing. tone that he's driven by an agenda than your perception skills are lacking badly .
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"As an American we are taught to accept living in the melting pot, and black and other minorities have just as much right to be here as we do, since we are all immigrants."

"Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks"

"Europe is the homeland of White people"

"blacks are subconsciously viewed by White people are lower beings"

"The South had a higher ratio of blacks when we were holding them as slaves"

"I dont deny that we are in fact superior"

"I hate with a passion the whole idea of the suburbs. To me it represents nothing but scared White people running. Running because they are too weak, scared, and brainwashed to fight"

"Segregation did not exist to hold back negroes. It existed to protect us from them"

These are some more interesting excerpts from Dylann Roof's manifesto. This last one I had to really lol at, poor kid.

"Who is fighting for these White people forced by economic circumstances to live among negroes"

Seems like this kid was upset that he was denied his "privileges"?
Like i posted previously ive met holocaust survivors & spoken directly with them ,when we lived in Beirut our neighbor was a sonder kommando responsible for hauling corpses to ovens , i spoke with him every day for the 3 yrs we were neighbors in the 70's , he never spoke of gassing people but he did weep about the 30 to 50 people a day him & his partner put in an oven ,everyday 7 days a week for 2 yrs , my wife is very religous & he prayed alot with her for forgiveness of what he had done .

Imagine that shit , praying for forgiveness for doing something while a prisoner that had you refused to do you'd of been shot on sight , he was a fucking wreck of a man emotionally even though 20 yrs had passed since he was at the camp , him & i smoked logs upon logs of opium together & drinking coffee while talking , wasnt anything fake about him .
The guy blatantly lied about cyanide poisoning and he was an eye witness to a good portion of the Holocaust. What more do you want? I don't care if your friend who might not even exist says it happened. This Sondercommando lied on video. End of story.
These Holocaust survivors say the concentration camps were not so bad.

This woman lived through ww2 and knew that Auschwitz was a labor camp.
how many people are in your local klan chapter?
Are you not willing to have the debate? I'd like to do this without the insults. The jewish people should rejoice in the fact that millions were not systematically murdered. The real murderous government was in the USSR long before Hitler ever came to power. Every communist country from then on in have done the same murdering programs.