More people need to grow them some food...

Yeah we know your position
Pedophilia should be allowed if it is consensual
Fuck you Rob Roy

My position is what other people consent to may not meet with my approval. Either way, it's not my intention to force other people to live their life according to my dictates, we differ there. Although, I personally am not happy with you, if your prohibitionist plan sends a kid to jail where he is raped.

You favor jailing SOME people for weed related activity and think it's an acceptable plan. I do not.

Your defense of jailing people for weed is weak, in fact, Prohibitionist it's a little scary that you think people should be jailed for weed.
Actually Chesus model is based on the one in D.C.
For people who just want to be able to grow and give away to friends would be awesome. Better than what we have in some states.
Hey it's a step.

Why not have both models? Give it away if you want, charge if you want?

There is a community garden in town that looks like a damn jungle from the street, thriving and beautiful, 100% volunteer and all is given away to those in need. And I'll be damned, this garden is less than a block away from a grocery store. ZOMG!!! HOW THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!

Chesus' model deserves a laugh so hard that someone literally shits themselves. I might do it on purpose just to give him the creds.
Why not have both models? Give it away if you want, charge if you want?

There is a community garden in town that looks like a damn jungle from the street, thriving and beautiful. And I'll be damned, this garden is less than a block away from a grocery store. ZOMG!!! HOW THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!

Chesus' model deserves a laugh so hard that someone shits themselves, literally. I might do it on purpose just to give him the creds.
No Chesus model is a start to get the ball rolling. I understand where he is coming from. Right now we have states in which it is illegal to grow. His model stops that.
and which is more flawed not being able to grow and give away to friend or being allowed to grow and give away to friends ?

Solving a problem involves striking the root cause.

Your friends plan simply emboldens the idea that some people can own other people. Prohibition springs from the concept of a negation of self ownership. Conceding self ownership under threat of force is what CAUSED the problem in the first place. and a diversion from the root cause, hence any real solutions can not be made if the root cause is not addressed.

You can apparently be satisfied with a law which jails people for peaceful interactions. Don't you think government should butt the fuck out of peoples lives or should people pay them extortion money for permission to interact peacefully on a basis the participants have chosen?

Also, is that a stain in your shorts?
No Chesus model is a start to get the ball rolling. I understand where he is coming from. Right now we have states in which it is illegal to grow. His model stops that.

Right now we have states where it is LEGAL to grow, sell, trade, give away, ... What's the hold-up?
Amendment 64
Amendment 64 specifically authorizes:
  1. Colorado residents to legally grow up to six marijuana plants as long as three or fewer of these plants are mature at any given time;
  2. Coloradans who grow marijuana are allowed to possess the marijuana they’ve produced on the premises where it was grown;
  3. All marijuana must be grown in an enclosed location and it cannot be grown publically or sold to the public;
  4. Property owners may prohibit or otherwise regulate the possession, consumption, use, and growth of marijuana on their property.
Solving a problem involves striking the root cause.

Your friends plan simply emboldens the idea that some people can own other people. Prohibition springs from the concept of a negation of self ownership. Conceding self ownership under threat of force is what CAUSED the problem in the first place. and a diversion from the root cause, hence any real solutions can not be made if the root cause is not addressed.

You can apparently be satisfied with a law which jails people for peaceful interactions. Don't you think government should butt the fuck out of peoples lives or should people pay them extortion money for permission to interact peacefully on a basis the participants have chosen?

Also, is that a stain in your shorts?
right now at this very minute we have laws that would give you a felony for growing a plant in some states. Chesus and the DC model stops that.
What is up with your fascination with looking at mens underwear for shit stains ? Does the wife know about this ?
Right now we have states where it is LEGAL to grow, sell, trade, give away, ... What's the hold-up?
There are pages of laws on the books in Colorado for legally selling weed. If it ever goes legal federally look for the USDA, the FDA and a whole host of other alphabet agencies to get involved.

The big problem with full legalization is more people oppose it because they think criminals will be selling it
right now at this very minute we have laws that would give you a felony for growing a plant in some states. Chesus and the DC model stops that.
What is up with your fascination with looking at mens underwear for shit stains ? Does the wife know about this ?
It is a felony in Wisconsin regardless of intent or plant count.
1 plant = jail time and civil forfeiture of property
right now at this very minute we have laws that would give you a felony for growing a plant in some states. Chesus and the DC model stops that.
What is up with your fascination with looking at mens underwear for shit stains ? Does the wife know about this ?

So, beating the slaves on alternate days rather than every day is an acceptable plan? What if it were legal to wash clothes but illegal to wash other peoples clothes for money? Isn't that nonsensical laundryman?

Sorry, for mentioning your shorts, I couldn't help it, the odor wafted my way and I thought an animal had crawled into your pants. I have no prurient interest in your anus.
So, beating the slaves on alternate days rather than every day is an acceptable plan? What if it were legal to wash clothes but illegal to wash other peoples clothes for money? Isn't that nonsensical laundryman?

Sorry, for mentioning your shorts, I couldn't help it, the odor wafted my way and I thought an animal had crawled into your pants. I have no prurient interest in your anus.
I was wondering how long it would take before a slavery or rape comparison. Dude get some help
How likely do you think police will dedicate resources to going after people selling weed in my scenario?

Very. They cling to anything that will give the appearances of doing something to justify their unnecessary existence in the prohibition of substances. They rely on the Nuremberg excuse already and will continue to, otherwise they would have to do real work rather than being modern day slave catchers.
I was wondering how long it would take before a slavery or rape comparison. Dude get some help

Help? Like weed legislation that jails people so they can be raped ? Or extorts money using rapist tactics via a regulatory tax to use a naturally occurring plant? You are advocating and defending those things not me. Sounds like you think somebody else owns you and you are okay with it.

So, should the default position on weed be, that people require government permission to use it ?
back to consensual sex with minors for money?

How does the consensual exchange of money in a weed transaction or any other consensual transaction make the action any more or less acceptable?

Also, you seem desperate to run away from defending the fact you advocate legislation that jails people for weed.
Help? Like weed legislation that jails people so they can be raped ? Or extorts money using rapist tactics via a regulatory tax to use a naturally occurring plant? You are advocating and defending those things not me. Sounds like you think somebody else owns you and you are okay with it.

So, should the default position on weed be, that people require government permission to use it ?
When you say people are you including children
When you say people are you including children

Children should not be jailed, abused or killed by government. Government doesn't own children. Until kids are autonomous, weed should be a private matter between them and their parents etc.

You never answered my question if you think the default position on weed should be self ownership or permission from government?

I'm not surprised that you hold the slave mindset and have ignored the question. Break your chains, they rattle when you drag them around.