What do you think is an appropriate raise for someone working minimum wage?

Please stop skirting the question.

Your question is why should CEO's make so much more money? The market place decides. When sports were small and in their infancy the players made shit. That was because the crowds were small and the income was low. As time has moved on the crowds got much bigger, the revenues increased and it fantastically increased the salaries of the players. The graph would be amazing!!! What does it really mean though?

In a corporation, public stock is issued and people buy it. Then, they buy or sell it based on the profit that stock generates. Companies compete to bring in the most revenue and their boards of directors hire and pay CEO's according to their supposed abilities. I do not presume to tell them how to run their businesses or make their stock holders happy.

On the flip side, voluntary contracts are made between prospective employees and employers who offer jobs. There is no coercion nor force taking place.

You suggest that the numbers make you unhappy and some sort of involuntary coercive force be put in place to punish these CEO's in favor of the employees. I am not in favor of it base on freedom and choice.
Me too :D

I'd capture them first though, make a game out of it, then make em work off all the years of gluttony they've accumulated, I know I hate eating fat on the cows I eat.

"C'mon Ralph, run on the wheel or else you get the prod again.."

"But I hate running!"

"That's why you're a fat ass, now make my meat lean and tender, you're the special guest this Thanksgiving! : prod prod:"

You're a dumbass. Everyone knows the flavor's in the fat. Any meat that regularly moves is tough. You don't want something on the wheel that you'll eat soon- shits like leather.
Me too :D

I'd capture them first though, make a game out of it, then make em work off all the years of gluttony they've accumulated, I know I hate eating fat on the cows I eat.

"C'mon Ralph, run on the wheel or else you get the prod again.."

"But I hate running!"

"That's why you're a fat ass, now make my meat lean and tender, you're the special guest this Thanksgiving! : prod prod:"

Lol, and people accuse me of being angry. You are so worked up that you get exited at the thought of torturing people. Kind of scary eh?
Your question is why should CEO's make so much more money? The market place decides. When sports were small and in their infancy the players made shit. That was because the crowds were small and the income was low. As time has moved on the crowds got much bigger, the revenues increased and it fantastically increased the salaries of the players. The graph would be amazing!!! What does it really mean though?

In a corporation, public stock is issued and people buy it. Then, they buy or sell it based on the profit that stock generates. Companies compete to bring in the most revenue and their boards of directors hire and pay CEO's according to their supposed abilities. I do not presume to tell them how to run their businesses or make their stock holders happy.

On the flip side, voluntary contracts are made between prospective employees and employers who offer jobs. There is no coercion nor force taking place.

You suggest that the numbers make you unhappy and some sort of involuntary coercive force be put in place to punish these CEO's in favor of the employees. I am not in favor of it base on freedom and choice.
All that bullshit, and you STILL didn't answer. The jump in CEO salaries has nothing to with the size of the companies. Using that logic, all companies were small in 1975?
You're the utopian who thinks capitalism will somehow end poverty.

Either that or you want there to be a lot of poor people

No, I realize that poverty is not something that can be cured. If you dont have any money you are poor. If you dont work, you dont have any money. It is easy to be poor because it takes no effort.
No, I realize that poverty is not something that can be cured. If you dont have any money you are poor. If you dont work, you dont have any money. It is easy to be poor because it takes no effort.
Yet labor creates all wealth and there is more than enough wealth for all to live comfortably. Those living the most comfortably create no wealth, they simply accumulate by virtue of owning property and those who labor are perpetually on the brink of poverty or poor already.
Yet labor creates all wealth and there is more than enough wealth for all to live comfortably. Those living the most comfortably create no wealth, they simply accumulate by virtue of owning property and those who labor are perpetually on the brink of poverty or poor already.

Well, and everyone in America gets their income from these evil rich people. But lets leave that fact out of the equation so they sound like really evil shits...
Because you seem to have very definite opinions on everything except that. I'd really like to hear why you think that this is OK.

Because I am against the government arbitrarily deciding upon salaries of anyone, particularly based on something defined as 'fairness'.
No they don't. Other way around. Capitalism is wealth redistribution from labor to private owners of infrastructure and resources.

Labor is not wealth, labor is potential...

For wealth to be re-distibuted you have to have wealth on the table...

The wealth (money) is distributed for the (labor) which creates a product which can then be sold to for (money) and the cycle continues.