Well-Known Member
I believe Ohio will pass 2 and fail 3. But that's Ohio. I will vote for 3 and against 2. Best option at this time.
How so? And only answer if your from Ohio...everyone who is against RO has the same argument..
I believe Ohio will pass 2 and fail 3. But that's Ohio. I will vote for 3 and against 2. Best option at this time.
Who Is going to pass it...UTEP? You would rather have them and only a 100g for possession? No grass root will not pass it therefore they do not have the money...on this side of the Mississippi u need money end of story...NORML has had a chapter since 2002? And they cant even get medicinal...only a wack as decriminalization law...where I still know people are going to jail for less then the 100gsWould you vote for a bill that made it law that only budweiser could produce and sell beer in Ohio? What about one that would make verizon the only legal cell phone provider? How about a bill that only allows farmers to grow monsanto seeds? That is what this bill is all about. I would rather not see it become the norm. I have been waiting for legalization for decades now, I can wait another year or two for it to be done right. Public opinion is changing fast.
It really doesn't matter anyway. The last I saw support for issue 2 was around seventy percent. That will effectively kill issue 3 dead in the water. We probably should start looking towards doing it right in 2016.
I get RO could have made it better but they are pushing it with MONEY...do you have 2 mil to invest? So you believe that they should gamble millions of dollars so you can make millions? Yea right They should be able to make money and and then some....where is this poll at? Site it...id love to see it
The governor apts 7 members to a MJ commission who they have the right to shut down and add grow sites to the magic number 10... there is no price fixing its all supply and demand!!
Oh yea this isnt beer were talking about its marijuana...and all its medicinal values...there is way to many kids and people for that fact that need this...clean quality medicine...I know your answer ah these jig grow sites wont grow good blah blah blah but grow your own quality medicine and FEED YOU ECS
So you don't see a problem with two people doing the same thing, and one is considered a law abiding citizen, while the other is a criminal who should be sent to jail. The only difference between the two is one had the money to buy legislation in their favor.
I have no desire to open a dispensary or grow op or anything like that. I'm sure there would be plenty of jobs available in the industry outside of growing if that was important to me. I'm sure they would grow great weed. If they had the money to back this I am sure they have the resources to hire some good growers. My opposition isn't about weed.
I would be all for a medical bill, but I doubt the people behind responsible ohio would. There isn't as much money to be made.
And that's why it probably will end up in the supreme courtFrom what I have seen, they were both passing, but two had a much higher percentage. It should be interesting. I bet a lot of people end up suing each other.
OTEP has a better proposal....BUT do you know there president came out and said "I will vote no to issue 3 and vote no for issue 2, I am totally against ROS plant but if they don't pass it, it will set back ohio legalization for years to come!"As a neighboring state, I watch Ohio closely. OTEP has a better proposal imo if they can get it on the ballot. But as always, money talks and I believe OTEP is grassroots. Take a look.
That might not be a blessing.Basically most state legislatures don't like to work so they copy somebody else's. I'll believe OH legalizes when I see it. Not being a pessimist. I'm just 66 and been smoking since 1966 and I have heard and seen it all. In OR only somebody who is already rated medical is allowed to work in the industry apparently. As far as retail. OH will get hung up on that. Watch. The big thing is pot needs to be totally removed from any Schedule listing. Especially Schedule I which is totally asinine. That is for narcotics only and pot is not a narcotic.Ohio would be the first state to go from no medicinal to fully legal...that would really show the federal government something ...and as all these presidential candidates know if you don't win 2 out of 3 ohio,penn,Florida you don't win presidency ...so if ohio passes this on a off year election it's going to change the minds of a lot of top elected officials and the presidential campaign
Schedule 2 is narcotics schedule 1 is lsd, extacy,meth,crack, and weed lol ...but actually I'm looking for the article now, there is a group of doctors that are trying to get it changed to schedule 2 so the fda, and gov can now test with it because it's illegal to test sched 1 drugsThat might not be a blessing.Basically most state legislatures don't like to work so they copy somebody else's. I'll believe OH legalizes when I see it. Not being a pessimist. I'm just 66 and been smoking since 1966 and I have heard and seen it all. In OR only somebody who is already rated medical is allowed to work in the industry apparently. As far as retail. OH will get hung up on that. Watch. The big thing is pot needs to be totally removed from any Schedule listing. Especially Schedule I which is totally asinine. That is for narcotics only and pot is not a narcotic.