Garden ripped out in norcal

She said since you can see through bottom of fence it's not enclosed . That she would be back to see if I fixed it .
They allowed me to keep 1 plant since my plants were all spread out so there would be plenty of air flow . The lawyer said they should have gave me 24 hrs to get to code instead they said rip these out right now or I fine you right now . Told me to hurry . Once I took them out she said that she would be back today to make sure the bottom of my fence was covered .


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She's working on a percentage and said she has some research to do . She said there was a case won where the judge said using a helicopter without any complaints wasn't legal . She said different county different law but she was looking into it .
Geeez, isn't that how 99% of grows are found and destroyed?

She said since you can see through bottom of fence it's not enclosed . That she would be back to see if I fixed it .
The top isn't enclosed either. LOL

Like the lady that calls the cops because of a guy in the building next to hers is exposing him self to her.
Cops get there and say's to the lady, we don't see anything mam, she said stand on the dresser...... SMH

Good luck, I hope all works out for you....
The only reason I kept the smaller plant was it was a exotic and I might as well keep the best bud of the bunch . The rest were blue d and not my fav weed to medicate with . I figured the bitch wasn't going to come back but if she does than I will have her call Chanel James . That is my representing lawyer .
The only reason I kept the smaller plant was it was a exotic and I might as well keep the best bud of the bunch . The rest were blue d and not my fav weed to medicate with . I figured the bitch wasn't going to come back but if she does than I will have her call Chanel James . That is my representing lawyer .
Have you fixed the fence?..
No my lawyer told me that no judge will allow the fine to stand and she was 80 percent sure it will be thrown out. I don't live close to anyone and its behind my house in the middle of a orchard
Do you guys think I will be better off just biting the bullet and letting this go ? I'm pretty upset but Ive started to accept the fact what happen . Im more afraid that if I continue down this path that I stand a chance of opening up Pandora's box . If they really look into me I'm afraid of this turning from me suing them to them prosecuting myself . I don't trust lawyers and never have but I also feel like you have to stand your ground to make change . I'm pretty torn on the entire thing .
I'm not going to lie I feel like some of you have been down this road more than myself and the suggestions of me just leaving it alone def has me thinking twice .
IMO your plants are spread out to far, over this box limit. Just maximize your setup within county guidelines, or find a county that supports your growing needs. It sucks, but look how far we have come, they just had you chop them down, no ticket, no jail time etc. Thats a pretty good deal, and its the only bright side to the story. I say take your money and invest in this box style growing, dont waste it on a lawyer the laws are very clear. But there is always a chance of You changing something within the system. GL
Bro I'm in the same boat as you. I live in Sacramento. I used to rage it in my backyard, then they passed the same ordinance as you now have. it sucks.
Do you see any changes coming forward for next year ? Yeah it sucks a fat dick . I have family in Washington and its hard not to just say fuck it all n move up there to get away from this .