never have been quite sure exactly what mud is. it all seems to depend who you ask and how you ask it. the term has been used to signify everything from wet cement, a sixties rock band, or a little water mixed with dirt. (though why the pedant is asking in this case i really couldn't say, unless it's an affectation used to make the writer appear a bit more hip). before slinging neo cons around, i suppose it would be a good idea to define your terms a little better.
For someone who no doubt considers themselves something of a linguist, i find it surprising you're not aware that a word or phrase may have multiple definitions, and the application of a little interpretive common sense is worth doing before capitalising on opportunities to create fatuous semantic arenas where one's false sense of superiority is reinforced.
"to expect a superpower to willingly hand over advantage to its erstwhile friends and allies is equally naive. it may not be nice and it may not be right, but it is the way the game of international politics is played by everyone - get used to it, get over it and get on with your life".
I was not talking about handing over advantages, i was talking about taking liberties; the liberties of the people of Iraq and of course the people of the U.S. If the freedom afforded the authorities through such legislation as the patriot act doesn't frighten you, and the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people doesn't fill you with revulsion, then i feel i should not even be having this conversation. The lies told by the U.S and U.K. governments that have been exposed, not on you tube,not by Alex Jones or Ron Paul, but in the mainstream media, should set off alarm bells in any decent human being to the extent that the resulting tinnitus would be something that would be a part of them to the grave.
Who are you to tell me to "get used to it, get over it and get on with your life"? If everybody thought like you, where would we all be? I will not even begin to answer that, but i will share this with you my friend, condescending rationalists are rarely the life and soul of anything and the egocentric drive to be right will make anyones life a living hell.
Lets see where are we? Oh yeh...
"everyone is allowed to speak their mind, but respect is reserved for those who do so in a rational manner. your post, replete with an abundance of violent invective and manic gibberish, is far from rational and nearly unanswerable".
Again, i ask you who you are? This time however it is to ask how you came by the moral authority to decide who respect is reserved for? Did you buy it? Or did you just give it to yourself? A Christmas gift perhaps? Violent invective? Correct, ya pompous wee prick. Manic what i wrote, i quite agree. I have learned never to disagree after getting tipsy with anyone about anything that can not be dealt with immediately.Draining and pointless. My mistake. Oh, ones man's gibberish is another's folk art.
I will have the manners to read any response you may post, but just one. I'm not cut out for this form of negativity. I made a mistake.
Best wishes. S