Well-Known Member
The world Bank is going to become VERY powerful.
based on what information?
do you also believe JFK was a conspiracy?
The world Bank is going to become VERY powerful.
based on what information?
do you also believe JFK was a conspiracy?
The world Bank will be handling the flow of cash with carbon credits.
My bad. I am operating on very little sleep right now.Right, but how did you make the leap that the world bank, which is already quite powerful, will become VERY powerful with this new found responsibility? Is the money theirs? How does controlling the Carbon Financial Unit make them VERY powerful?
Not sure about that, but almost everyone here beats you in the maturity department.i will have to console myself with my larger amount of money, hotter wife, bigger house, and better cannabis.
you may console yourself with more delusion about having angered me in some way.
Unfortunately, YOU were the one who FIRST made the statement that those country's energy sources were "majority" renewable. Either admit you were caught in a lie or YOU produce the links...after which I would be happy to move the discussion forward.Let's work backwards here, shall we?
re WSJ + libtard + victim:
View attachment 3556430
You quoted nothing of the such. And yes, you labeling me as following some "leftist master" is you calling me a "libtard". I am far from playing victim madam, I'm white, make more in one year than you've made in 10, own 4 homes, 3 vehicles and more guns and ammo than a small Michigan Militia. You are certainly confusing me with someone else, you have no idea who I am and what I represent.
re "So you said these countries all are using 50% or ....":
I never said, those countries I listed were using 50% or better renewables, those are literally your words. Nice try though "no spin zone". Stick with facts madam, it will work out better for you in the long run.
re Scotland and Germany energy failure:
Yes, let's talk about the failed renewable energy in Scotland and Germany. Please provide me with links to [credible] sources showcasing the failures, Im curious to see what you consider a failure.
Clearly your panties are tangled in a bunch and you've got your defensive back up against a wall. Take a step back, breathe, calm down. Now, let's examine a few points here. First, we are having this "discussion" because I dismissed your reference to brietbart -- can you provide me with the same information that brietbart has provided from a different source? Say, AP or Reuters? Second, if you wish to debate something on the merits of fact, let's try to stick to them, shall we? Please quote exactly where I stated that all the countries I listed previous are using 50% or better renewable energy.
I will not participate in your spinning of half truth and assumptions based on your biased political leaning. If you'd like to discuss facts, I'm open, otherwise fuck off madam.
My bad. I am operating on very little sleep right now.
Is there anything you want to share? You seem to know more than me.
All I know is that through them and the UN people will be buying and selling credits on an auction?
Is it similar to stocks?
No sarcasm here.
Not sure about that, but almost everyone here beats you in the maturity department.
Unfortunately, YOU were the one who FIRST made the statement that those country's energy sources were "majority" renewable. Either admit you were caught in a lie or YOU produce the links...after which I would be happy to move the discussion forward.
As to all your arm-flailing and insulting...take a nor your assets impress me. Owning a home or two and a gun or to is mutually exclusive from being a libtard. How stupid is it to use a stereotype to defend yourself from me supposedly stereotyping you. Logic, not your strong suit?
And then you turn into a fraud relying on the laziness of othersto not bother to follow along. Not surprised, of course, just the common next step for libtards when their bullshit is exposed.Thank you for admitting you bend the truth and twist people's words. I appreciate your acknowledgement of that.
You seem to be good at avoiding topics at hand and jump right into the back and forth tit-for-tat. If it makes you feel comfortable to place me in the "libtard" pool, as you've so eloquently labeled repeatedly, I'm ok with it. Not sure what you mean by "...use a stereotype to defend yourself from me supposedly stereotyping you." -- you literally called me a libtard ONE fucking word prior to that statement. lol.
Anyway... Let's keep on track shall we? First, let's revisit your breitbart claim -- can you please provide me with an alternative source that will say the same thing the breitbart article has stated? Why is this hard for you to do?
As for countries that use renewable energy: -- So much for your "failed Scotland renewable energy" theory.
Again, I sincerely apologize that I hurt your feelings, I honestly did not know you were extremely sensitive.
And on the off chance you decide to not provide me with an alternative link to your breitbart article, and wish to stay on topic of renewable energy as I have outlined -- let me ask you, why are you so against renewable energy? Why do you insist on slowing progress?
Read it. Understand it. Learn from it. Fact check it.
This is the original weather man. He created and founded The Weather Channel. He spent over 7 decades studying weather and over 60 years on tv telling the world about the weather. He knows his shit. He's studied the REAL science. Not the doctored bull shit liberal pukes edit and try to shove down your throat.
Wake up and educate your self. Stop believing the mainstream bull shit.
By John Coleman
It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus. Read the rest of the original blog
And then you turn into a fraud relying on the laziness of othersto not bother to follow along. Not surprised, of course, just the common next step for libtards when their bullshit is exposed.
Again, NONE of your links show anyone but Sweden utilizing more than 50% renewables in spite of the libtard, flowery, articles. Breitbart indeed.
Please stop perpetuating lies. Thanks.
Read it. Understand it. Learn from it. Fact check it.
This is the original weather man. He created and founded The Weather Channel. He spent over 7 decades studying weather and over 60 years on tv telling the world about the weather. He knows his shit. He's studied the REAL science. Not the doctored bull shit liberal pukes edit and try to shove down your throat.
Wake up and educate your self. Stop believing the mainstream bull shit.
By John Coleman
It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the “research” to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims. Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus. Read the rest of the original blog
lol. Yea, that's what I thought. Nitwit. You are all bark no bite. You haven't proven shit, nor will you ever. Your inability to answer my simple questions as well as your ability to completely ignore facts when they are presented to you in a clear and concise manner shows how much of a waste of life you are. Good luck with your Klan life. I owned you, proved it to you over and over, and even gave you the opportunity to discuss it like civilized individuals, but you continued to whine, cry and cast insults. Fucking loser. You're my bitch, go make me a sandwich.
Moar powah 4 De JOOS! !Right, but how did you make the leap that the world bank, which is already quite powerful, will become VERY powerful with this new found responsibility? Is the money theirs? How does controlling the Carbon Financial Unit make them VERY powerful?
Yeah dude, an 81-year-old with no scientific credentials who has done no actual research into climate change himself is more credible than NASA, NOAA, the IPCC and 37 national academies of science
Just because I exposed you as a liar doesn't mean you need to embarrass yourself further. Have some dignity, man.
You are the most insecure insignificant moron I have seen on this forum.
Go teach your self some martial arts. Buy a gun and learn how to use it.
God bless you m8.
Thank you. You're like a rapist calling me a goody-two-shoes. So I take the above as a complement. It's all about perspective, and I've done my job.
Hiding behind the internet emboldens the littlest of man. Boy, I'm likely twice your size and most certainly own more guns than you. I reload 300 blackout, 308, 223, 45, 40, 9mm and 380, I have well over 10,000 rounds of ammo. -- How about you?
If you want to make this a pissing contest, let me assure you, I will win.
No such thing boy.