Changing opinion on Global Warming

It's dessert, not desert, dumb-dumb. Next time you want to insult someone try to know the difference between dessert and desert.

Your first link states the following:

And for your second link?

Would you like for me to repeat what is said here? No, I think you can read.... Oh wait, you can't. Dumb-dumb.

The last link you provided was a reiteration of the second, and goes on further to state:

Dude, you make this too easy for me. I own you.

What is your obsession with rape? Do you think rape is funny?

That was too fun. Thanks for being my entertainment. And next time, learn how to spell and internet before you engage with me, ok sweet cheeks?


Use truly,
You're my bitch. I own you. You can't answer my simple questions. I repeatedly showed you over and over how much of a right wing shill you are, and all you can do is play games back and forth. How about be a man and stick to the topic, how about answer my questions like a good little bitch.

Go make me a sandwich bitch. I own you.

See below as an honest man calls it perfectly:

You are the most insecure insignificant moron I have seen on this forum. Reading through the 13 pages of this topic was painful enough, reading your countless posts was excruciating. You are the worst type of idiot. An insecure, immature weak and pathetic lil boy sitting behind a keyboard tearing people down and talking about how smart you are, how big your dick is, how cool and handsome you are. LOL anyone who is secure, loves there self and has the things you say you do DOES NOT feel the need to brag about it. Only ugly, insecure pimple faced weak bullied children have to say "Look at me!! Im cool!!"

lol. Go teach your self some martial arts. Buy a gun and learn how to use it. Empower your self and that insecurity that is raping your reality will melt away.

God bless you m8.
See below as an honest man calls it perfectly:


Aww, ain't that cute. Two bitches proven wrong try to gang up on poor ole me. What shall I ever do... boo hoo hoo.
You bitches need to make me a dessert, note the second s @Sexologist420 -- the first is something you eat (other than each others cocks), the other is a dry arid barren landscape (not unlink your house when having a house party)
Disagree. Not only has the existence of global warming been conclusively proven, but ALL of the predicted effects are indeed demonstrably in the process of happening; CO² levels are already at record highs- for the entire span of human civilization, not just the last year or ten, sea levels ARE and have been rising for years, global weather has been getting more extreme, levels of other climate active pollutants like methane are also at all-time highs. Then there's other even more, scary estrogen reactive pollutants that mess with the very foundation of our bodies, radioactivity, heavy metal contamination...

It takes someone really well versed in self delusion not to see what's going on.

Corporations don't care about the environment or the needs of stupid humans because it isn't profitable to do so. This is why we need laws, so everyone plays on a level playing field and those who are being exploited can sue for redress of grievances. Unless that's available to EVERYONE, we don't have freedom or democracy in our country. What we have instead is dollar driven fascism.

Been meaning to reply: Sorry friend, but you speak of self-delusion and you are your own best example. Let me start by saying that for any scientist to say things are settled in this arena is pretty ludicrous considering the huge amount of variables and unknowns. That said, almost all of your points are just plain wrong.

"...the existence of global warming has been conclusively proven"
Satellite data, which was generally the standard until it stopped working for the global warming crowd, shows that there has been little or no warming for the last 19 years. Maybe you are choosing to believe those trotting out things like "2014 was the warmest year on record" and I will tell you that they are not using the standard. Satellite data has been proven to provide the most accurate account. (I can get you links)
Bottom line are warming not only has not been proven but just the opposite is true.

"CO2 levels are already at record highs"
Here you are correct. Not sure there is much we can do about China, India, and volcanos, but strangely...see point number one. In spite of through the roof CO2 the temperatures have not risen in almost 2 decades. I know Bjorn Lomborg has acquiesced on this point but all the charts still show temps rising first and then maybe it accelerates things but I am still not buying it. You are kind of dancing around the fact that although high, there have been higher levels in Earths know...without man, cars, corporations. Where I agree with Lomborg though is that y'all are getting your pants in way too much a bundle regardless. Do we all want to strive towards less pollution? You bet, but lets not do it to the populations detriment and without hyperbole about things like coal fired plants.

"sea levels ARE and have been rising for years"
There has been some rising, but NOTHING close to what the alamists were telling us a decade ago and according to most experts the rise that has happened this century so far has not been alarming at all. The Maldives still exists and a richer because of their being used as an a failed one. Like the ice caps the oceans have been rising and falling forever...pretty arrogant of man to thing we can do something about that.

"global weather has been getting more extreme"
blantently NOT true. So much of what you are stating is what was prognosticated by you and yours using hysteria conjured up out of one bad hurricane year.

As to the rest, well I am not versed in the estrogen problem, but I have to at this point say I have my doubts based on your record so far.
Aww, ain't that cute. Two bitches proven wrong try to gang up on poor ole me. What shall I ever do... boo hoo hoo.
You bitches need to make me a dessert, note the second s @Sexologist420 -- the first is something you eat (other than each others cocks), the other is a dry arid barren landscape (not unlink your house when having a house party)
Gang up? You are a fucking cartoon.
Been meaning to reply: Sorry friend, but you speak of self-delusion and you are your own best example. Let me start by saying that for any scientist to say things are settled in this arena is pretty ludicrous considering the huge amount of variables and unknowns. That said, almost all of your points are just plain wrong.

"...the existence of global warming has been conclusively proven"
Satellite data, which was generally the standard until it stopped working for the global warming crowd, shows that there has been little or no warming for the last 19 years. Maybe you are choosing to believe those trotting out things like "2014 was the warmest year on record" and I will tell you that they are not using the standard. Satellite data has been proven to provide the most accurate account. (I can get you links)
Bottom line are warming not only has not been proven but just the opposite is true.

"CO2 levels are already at record highs"
Here you are correct. Not sure there is much we can do about China, India, and volcanos, but strangely...see point number one. In spite of through the roof CO2 the temperatures have not risen in almost 2 decades. I know Bjorn Lomborg has acquiesced on this point but all the charts still show temps rising first and then maybe it accelerates things but I am still not buying it. You are kind of dancing around the fact that although high, there have been higher levels in Earths know...without man, cars, corporations. Where I agree with Lomborg though is that y'all are getting your pants in way too much a bundle regardless. Do we all want to strive towards less pollution? You bet, but lets not do it to the populations detriment and without hyperbole about things like coal fired plants.

"sea levels ARE and have been rising for years"
There has been some rising, but NOTHING close to what the alamists were telling us a decade ago and according to most experts the rise that has happened this century so far has not been alarming at all. The Maldives still exists and a richer because of their being used as an a failed one. Like the ice caps the oceans have been rising and falling forever...pretty arrogant of man to thing we can do something about that.

"global weather has been getting more extreme"
blantently NOT true. So much of what you are stating is what was prognosticated by you and yours using hysteria conjured up out of one bad hurricane year.

As to the rest, well I am not versed in the estrogen problem, but I have to at this point say I have my doubts based on your record so far.

Yet, science sees it differently than you on almost all of your accounts. Both factually and interpretively.

For example, you state in response to "global weather has been getting more extreme", "blantently NOT true. So much.... blah blah" -- never mind the fact you don't know how to spell the word blatantly, but you don't support your claim. You never do. You just say stupid shit and don't support it. If I wanted that kind of information I'd turn on Fox News.
How many failed predictions, discredited assumptions and evidence of incorrect data are required before an idea loses credibility? CO2 is not causing warming or climate change. It is not a toxic substance or a pollutant. Despite this President Elect Obama met with Al Gore on December 9 no doubt to plan a climate change strategy based on these problems. They make any plan to reduce of CO2 completely unnecessary.

Proponents of human induced warming and climate change told us that an increase in CO2 precedes and causes temperature increases. They were wrong. They told us the late 20th century was the warmest on record. They were wrong. They told us, using the infamous “hockey stick” graph, the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) did not exist. They were wrong. They told us global temperatures would increase through 2008 as CO2 increased. They were wrong. They told us Arctic ice would continue to decrease in area through 2008. They were wrong. They told us October 2008 was the second warmest on record. They were wrong. They told us 1998 was the warmest year on record in the US. They were wrong it was 1934. They told us current atmospheric levels of CO2 are the highest on record. They are wrong. They told us pre-industrial atmospheric levels of CO2 were approximately 100 parts per million (ppm) lower than the present 385 ppm. They are wrong. This last is critical because the claim is basic to the argument that humans are causing warming and climate change by increasing the levels of atmospheric CO2 and have throughout the Industrial era. In fact, pre-industrial CO2 levels were about the same as today, but how did they conclude they were lower?
So the pre-industrial level is at least 50 ppm higher than the level put into the computer models that produce all future climate predictions. The models also incorrectly assume uniform atmospheric global distribution and virtually no variability of CO2 from year to year.

Beck found, “Since 1812, the CO2 concentration in northern hemispheric air has fluctuated exhibiting three high level maxima around 1825, 1857 and 1942 the latter showing more than 400 ppm.” Here is a plot from Beck comparing 19th century readings with ice core and Mauna Loa data.

So how doe you get people to stop fighting lol stop argument.jpg
How is he managing to simulate the three zones of atmosphere inside that jar?

It must be a real trick to manage to be able to manipulate the temperature and pressure from 15PSI to 0 all inside a cookie jar. Oh wait, that isnt happening.....

Oversimplification for the win!!!
How is he managing to simulate the three zones of atmosphere inside that jar?

It must be a real trick to manage to be able to manipulate the temperature and pressure from 15PSI to 0 all inside a cookie jar. Oh wait, that isnt happening.....

Oversimplification for the win!!!
Are you telling me you're not proficient enough to follow along a 2nd grade science experiment?
I am telling you that the climate model Bill Nye is using ER: a jar inside a climate controlled room with static pressure is NOT representative of the atmosphere and whatever reaction he causes to occur cannot be extrapolated on a 1-1 basis as such.

I am also telling you that the 97% of scientists crap that you keep spewing was eloquently proven complete bullshit by numerous members of this forum yet you continue to repeat it ad nauseum. Which simply proves that you cannot accept anything that disagrees with your religion.
I am telling you that the climate model Bill Nye is using ER: a jar inside a climate controlled room with static pressure is NOT representative of the atmosphere and whatever reaction he causes to occur cannot be extrapolated on a 1-1 basis as such.

I am also telling you that the 97% of scientists crap that you keep spewing was eloquently proven complete bullshit by numerous members of this forum yet you continue to repeat it ad nauseum. Which simply proves that you cannot accept anything that disagrees with your religion.
The only sources that dispute the 97% of peer reviewed published papers are conservative hack job sites, nothing credible. So that claim automatically get's dismissed

The 2nd-grade science experiment posted shows that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, the fact of which idiots like Michelle Bachmann still deny
Who disputes it is a greenhouse gas?

The same imaginary people that deny the climate changes?

You have fun with your crusade. Gotta get some shut eye so I can take exams and get another technical license tomorrow. You know, to increase my value.
Who disputes it is a greenhouse gas?

The same imaginary people that deny the climate changes?

You have fun with your crusade. Gotta get some shut eye so I can take exams and get another technical license tomorrow. You know, to increase my value.
Michelle Bachmann along with a wide margin of your republican party. Some of you idiots actually think more CO2 is better for the environment, because trees n stuff..

8pm, my God! You might miss Matlock!
Ha ha, that experiment doesn't actually work as shown in the Nye video. It is oversimplified and not repeatable with the set up he uses.

Co2 is certifiably testable as a greenhouse gas, just not quite the way shown.