BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I was going to then I saw the look in his daughters eyes, well the tears actually. Realised I was about to deck a pensioner and thought better of it. With all that's gone on recently thank heavens I didn't last thing I need is an assult charge.

Mind he was well pissed off when I told him I wasn't going to punch an old man. lmao crazy old fucker

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just spoken to the non divvy boss, his lass was about fall down drunk when I left, she was falling across the table to stagger to the bar, went down and smashed her face off the table. They're in A&E with her face like a pudding, they've a 4 hour wait for an xray.

Really glad I left when I did.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if they were stronger when I started in '89 but you never needed more than two for an allnighter. I will say the parties were better though. I think not drinking makes it better
I am probably a similar age Oscar. And I never had more than 2. Normally 1 then on a long night a half extra. White doves where my intro and they were lovetastic rusharamma. If I could get shot of the kids for 2 days me and the good lady would do one. It's the only drug she will take funnily enough.


Well-Known Member
Just spoken to the non divvy boss, his lass was about fall down drunk when I left, she was falling across the table to stagger to the bar, went down and smashed her face off the table. They're in A&E with her face like a pudding, they've a 4 hour wait for an xray.

Really glad I left when I did.
So a normal Xmas do then really.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye pretty standard really lol. I nearly told the old fucker I wish he'd not survived when he drank the poppers last year. He has a real habbit of crocking the Xmas do.


Well-Known Member
I am probably a similar age Oscar. And I never had more than 2. Normally 1 then on a long night a half extra. White doves where my intro and they were lovetastic rusharamma. If I could get shot of the kids for 2 days me and the good lady would do one. It's the only drug she will take funnily enough.
Wafer thin Cali's were my first.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
He did what!!? Drank poppers? Amyl Nitrate? Jesus Christ was he hospitalised?
aye, I went out and found him asleep in his car, thought nowt of it he said he was cream crackered, so i left him. after an hour I thought i'd best wake him or he'll not sleep tonight. found him blue slumped over in the car unconscious. blue light to hospital. he'd ingested it by this point and they couldn't pump it out of him. the anti toxin stuff they injected him with turned him blue for a week, no shit. he's now known as poppa smurf.

The toxicologist said I have never seen anyoine survive ingesting Amyl Nitrate. He thought the bee on the front and Bzzzz meant it was like one of these red bull mini shot things and would pep him up for the xmas do.

Me and the lads from graft that weren't family went to KFC, proper ruined the xmas do.


Well-Known Member
If he's still alive next year don't invite him or send him to the wrong restaurant.
He must have just downed it one because I would imagine it tastes foul. He is one lucky fucker.
Poppers smurf lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well that's what I asked him a week later, did you not recoil at the stink of the stuff. All he said was it took him that long to fight his way through the plastic wrap stuff round the bottle he just rived the lid off and slammed it down then everything went black.

Can only imagine how much his head pounded.


Well-Known Member
Once you know what you're dealing with most things are easily sorted.
When I had fungus gnats I didn't know what they were until all the leaves dried up and dropped off ffs How is that GG#4 coming along? Will you be flowering one soon?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Well I'm vegging the mothers just now or rather, keeping them in stasis while I get Xmas out the way and things blow over with the divorcee fuckwit.

I'll put them back under hps after crimbo and take a round of snips. First run was going to be exo but they went to the tip with foot long root systems. Really narked the exo mini I had was about 2 weeks in flower and was gonna get the smelly cherry pollen had to go too.

Still all said and done if I'd left them, knowing my luck plod would have come.
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Well-Known Member
In a few weeks I can give you some more if you need them or a couple of bushy ones I've taken cuts from. I always try and give them away but I normally just bin them when they're rootbound which I hate doing but I've nowhere to put them