Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Can you please point out exactly where it states AR-15, fully automatic, silencer and 100 round capacity.
I could point out where the government isn't supposed to have a standing army. Derp dee durr.
Can you please point out exactly where it states AR-15, fully automatic, silencer and 100 round capacity.
I could point out where the government isn't supposed to have a standing army. Derp dee durr.
Seems like everyone is relocating at the moment. Can't wait to get all settled in, get a couple three season greenhouses up and running. Start a decent compost pit. Worm bin. Maybe pick UB's brain a bit. Get a couple pointers.
Could you describe in precise english just what "shall not be infringed" means? Thank you.
If Obama wanted to decrease "gun violence", then he should do even more to encourage greater gun ownership.
Got a new microscope too eh?
i am more intelligent than you, and that upsets you.
what's the gun ownership rate like in england, where you are 46 times less likely to be killed by a gun?
I'd imagine its stabbingly lower.
- Jiji
Who's the jerkoff in your new sig? That is some substantially disgusting shit to read.
what's the gun ownership rate like in england, where you are 46 times less likely to be killed by a gun?
God damn. Haven't felt my guts twist that hard on a quote in quite a while.he's an old hit. lots of long winded purple prose, and some hard to reconcile ideation. your classic neckbeard gone senile.
What is the violent crime like in England where you are 4 times as likely to be assaulted?
The constitution prohibits the government from infringing on the people's right to bear arms.
so why does japan have strict as fuck gun control, but a lower assault rate than we do, george?
weren't you just trying to make some point about that?
Japan is a different country with a different culture than the US, Andy.
They should model their civil rights on the US and prohibit their government from infringing on their citizen's right to keep and bear.
the government can't infringe the citizen's right to keep and bear an AR.
Why are you, and most lefties, so frightened and mistrustful of fellow citizens.
The US is a wonderful and safe place.