Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
@Fogdog Moslem is an alternate spelling for a Muslim. nitro just isn't that smart.
Moslem is kind of old fashioned. The term that best matches translation into English is Muslim, at least that's what I've read. So, I was OK with changing it and conceding a point to that chump. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather trumP be president than another Clinton or crazy old ass Bernie . Bernie ideas might have worked 100 years today they won't fly. If Bernie wins get ready for all our jobs to move overseas. I could see billionaire s renouncing there American citizenship rather than pay out 80/90%of there salaries.. atleast trump has his own money and is very buissness savy maybe that's what this country needs.


Well-Known Member
I'd rather trumP be president than another Clinton or crazy old ass Bernie . Bernie ideas might have worked 100 years today they won't fly. If Bernie wins get ready for all our jobs to move overseas. I could see billionaire s renouncing there American citizenship rather than pay out 80/90%of there salaries.. atleast trump has his own money and is very buissness savy maybe that's what this country needs.
Businesses move fluidly. Governments do not. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how long it'll take to sink in when she wins?

It's her turn dude, she is the anointed one come to save us all from whatever she tells us our problem is on the day.
It amazes me how foreigners seem to get it, but a lot of Americans are unable to grasp such a simple concept. Not only does an enormous ammount of debt threaten our economy, but our national security as well.

Pfizer moves to Ireland. Once again the Irish are taking in more American jobs. I wonder if it's because they disagree with Obama's tax policies. :-? Maybe you could get that genius fog dog to explain for us. I'd like to hear how losing jobs and unstable debt is helping our economy...
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Well-Known Member
It amazes me how foreigners seem to get it, but a lot of Americans are unable to grasp such a simple concept. Not only does an enormous ammount of debt threaten our economy, but our national security as well.

Pfizer moves to Ireland. Once again the Irish are taking in more American jobs. I wonder if it's because they disagree with Obama's tax policies. :-? Maybe you could get that genius fog dog to explain for us. I'd like t

o hear how losing jobs and unstable debt is helping our economy...
Just for the record. If you were given all power to force spending cuts in order to bring the national debt to zero -- tomorrow. Would you do it?


Well-Known Member
Businesses move fluidly. Governments do not. Good luck.
You can only live outside of your means so long until the bills come in and need to be paid. We have been living outside our means as a country for a long time.what we don't need is more stupid spending by democrats. There will need to be drastic cuts period. If not then it will all run out. I'm not a rich man and will never Ben but I can tell you right now that making the top one percent pay for everything is a bad decision. Cuz if I put myself in there shoes I would move somewhere else. America wouldn't get shit rfrom me and I would take my empire with me


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how foreigners seem to get it, but a lot of Americans are unable to grasp such a simple concept. Not only does an enormous ammount of debt threaten our economy, but our national security as well.

Pfizer moves to Ireland. Once again the Irish are taking in more American jobs. I wonder if it's because they disagree with Obama's tax policies. :-? Maybe you could get that genius fog dog to explain for us. I'd like to hear how losing jobs and unstable debt is helping our economy...
American Corporate Tax Rate: 35%
Allows access to US domestic market

Irish Corporate Tax Rate: 12.5%
Direct access to EU markets and most of the rest of the world due to treaties. Easy access to an educated population due to our free 3rd level education.

Give us all your jobs :)


Well-Known Member
Just for the record. If you were given all power to force spending cuts in order to bring the national debt to zero -- tomorrow. Would you do it?
tomorrow? No. It wouldn't be possible. We are not playing a board game bro. This isn't Monopoly


Well-Known Member
Does it matter if they are off by 2/3? Is 2 million dead OK but 6 million not?

Ok, so how many Jews do you think the Nazis killed? You must have an idea for a lower estimate...
Yes it does matter very much for instance Russia killed every second Ukrainian may be look up Holodomer ??? Do you see Ukrainians crying as much as the JEWS ?? i mean really and its estimates are 2.5 - 7.5 million killed
Now some may same well its not the same Sure it is i mean whats the difference between putting a bullet in some ones head???
Or force them into a Gas chamber ??? or starving them to death its forced upon them so SAME THING

Now common sense tell everyone Jews have been persecuted for ever so again lets break it down

Vital events constitute one of the components of population dynamics; the others are migration and, for a group like the Jews, adhesion and withdrawal. In a "closed" population, unaffected by migrations and by adhesions or withdrawals, the numerical evolution depends entirely on the balance of births and deaths. The natural increase (or decrease) is indeed of fundamental importance for the future of any population, but the migratory changes may counteract the vital balance for some time. For example, despite strong natural increase, there was probably no growth in the total number of Jews in Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 20th century because of extensive emigration, mostly to America. On the other hand, among Jewish populations in Central and Western Europe throughout the 20th century prevailing natural decrease was outweighed or at least compensated by a positive migratory balance.

The limited data available from some European cities in the 18th century give the impression that Jewish mortality was already declining. There is ample documentation to show the systematic decline of Jewish mortality all over Europe throughout the 19th century, though there was some time lag between this development among the Jews in the countries of Central and Western Europe, on the one hand, and of Eastern Europe, on the other. In any country of Europe and at any time during the 19th century, the crude death rate of the Jews was almost always lower than that of the entire population of the respective country

Its proven FACT that many of the Events that occured have been Exaggerated

Its like saying John , luke and mark knew JESUS which truth is they NEVER even sat at a dinner table or talked all here say but again its got to be true RIGHT

Luke: Did not know Jesus directly, but gathered His information from eye witnesses and the Apostles. Luke was very careful and detailed in His account.

Mark: Did not know Jesus, and was actually the traveling companion of Paul and Barnabas (who later caused them to split up) *read Acts( which was also written by Luke).* It is said, though not proven, that Peter (the disciple/Apostle) may have dictated the Gospel of Mark to him. It is known that Peter took Mark on to be a disciple for a time.

John: This book is the most widely debated because it's content differs from the others. However, it is thought of to be written by the Apostle John, who knew Jesus very well, and who also outlived the rest of the Apostles. John may have written the book from a different persepctive to shed light on areas that the other gospels did not cover, which would make John's Gospel the last to be written.

its like truth fully saying your a minority now that you are WHITE and its true


Well-Known Member

Ta Ta for now kids. I'm about to get too high to see anything but THIS here...


Yes it does matter very much for instance Russia killed every second Ukrainian may be look up Holodomer ??? Do you see Ukrainians crying as much as the JEWS ?? i mean really and its estimates are 2.5 - 7.5 million killed
Now some may same well its not the same Sure it is i mean whats the difference between putting a bullet in some ones head???
Or force them into a Gas chamber ??? or starving them to death its forced upon them so SAME THING

Now common sense tell everyone Jews have been persecuted for ever so again lets break it down

Vital events constitute one of the components of population dynamics; the others are migration and, for a group like the Jews, adhesion and withdrawal. In a "closed" population, unaffected by migrations and by adhesions or withdrawals, the numerical evolution depends entirely on the balance of births and deaths. The natural increase (or decrease) is indeed of fundamental importance for the future of any population, but the migratory changes may counteract the vital balance for some time. For example, despite strong natural increase, there was probably no growth in the total number of Jews in Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 20th century because of extensive emigration, mostly to America. On the other hand, among Jewish populations in Central and Western Europe throughout the 20th century prevailing natural decrease was outweighed or at least compensated by a positive migratory balance.

The limited data available from some European cities in the 18th century give the impression that Jewish mortality was already declining. There is ample documentation to show the systematic decline of Jewish mortality all over Europe throughout the 19th century, though there was some time lag between this development among the Jews in the countries of Central and Western Europe, on the one hand, and of Eastern Europe, on the other. In any country of Europe and at any time during the 19th century, the crude death rate of the Jews was almost always lower than that of the entire population of the respective country

Its proven FACT that many of the Events that occured have been Exaggerated

Its like saying John , luke and mark knew JESUS which truth is they NEVER even sat at a dinner table or talked all here say but again its got to be true RIGHT

Luke: Did not know Jesus directly, but gathered His information from eye witnesses and the Apostles. Luke was very careful and detailed in His account.

Mark: Did not know Jesus, and was actually the traveling companion of Paul and Barnabas (who later caused them to split up) *read Acts( which was also written by Luke).* It is said, though not proven, that Peter (the disciple/Apostle) may have dictated the Gospel of Mark to him. It is known that Peter took Mark on to be a disciple for a time.

John: This book is the most widely debated because it's content differs from the others. However, it is thought of to be written by the Apostle John, who knew Jesus very well, and who also outlived the rest of the Apostles. John may have written the book from a different persepctive to shed light on areas that the other gospels did not cover, which would make John's Gospel the last to be written.

A post that isn't just attacking another member's opinion!!!!


Well done sir. Too high to read that too. I'll check it out later!!!



Well-Known Member
Yes it does matter very much for instance Russia killed every second Ukrainian may be look up Holodomer ??? Do you see Ukrainians crying as much as the JEWS ?? i mean really and its estimates are 2.5 - 7.5 million killed
Now some may same well its not the same Sure it is i mean whats the difference between putting a bullet in some ones head???
Or force them into a Gas chamber ??? or starving them to death its forced upon them so SAME THING

Now common sense tell everyone Jews have been persecuted for ever so again lets break it down

Vital events constitute one of the components of population dynamics; the others are migration and, for a group like the Jews, adhesion and withdrawal. In a "closed" population, unaffected by migrations and by adhesions or withdrawals, the numerical evolution depends entirely on the balance of births and deaths. The natural increase (or decrease) is indeed of fundamental importance for the future of any population, but the migratory changes may counteract the vital balance for some time. For example, despite strong natural increase, there was probably no growth in the total number of Jews in Eastern Europe at the beginning of the 20th century because of extensive emigration, mostly to America. On the other hand, among Jewish populations in Central and Western Europe throughout the 20th century prevailing natural decrease was outweighed or at least compensated by a positive migratory balance.

The limited data available from some European cities in the 18th century give the impression that Jewish mortality was already declining. There is ample documentation to show the systematic decline of Jewish mortality all over Europe throughout the 19th century, though there was some time lag between this development among the Jews in the countries of Central and Western Europe, on the one hand, and of Eastern Europe, on the other. In any country of Europe and at any time during the 19th century, the crude death rate of the Jews was almost always lower than that of the entire population of the respective country

Its proven FACT that many of the Events that occured have been Exaggerated

Its like saying John , luke and mark knew JESUS which truth is they NEVER even sat at a dinner table or talked all here say but again its got to be true RIGHT

Luke: Did not know Jesus directly, but gathered His information from eye witnesses and the Apostles. Luke was very careful and detailed in His account.

Mark: Did not know Jesus, and was actually the traveling companion of Paul and Barnabas (who later caused them to split up) *read Acts( which was also written by Luke).* It is said, though not proven, that Peter (the disciple/Apostle) may have dictated the Gospel of Mark to him. It is known that Peter took Mark on to be a disciple for a time.

John: This book is the most widely debated because it's content differs from the others. However, it is thought of to be written by the Apostle John, who knew Jesus very well, and who also outlived the rest of the Apostles. John may have written the book from a different persepctive to shed light on areas that the other gospels did not cover, which would make John's Gospel the last to be written.

its like truth fully saying your a minority now that you are WHITE and its true
Maybe I should get high and try reading this again. You go all over the place. Ukrainian massacres, Jewish migration, John Luke and Mark. The holocaust was up there with what Stalin did in Ukraine. I can't argue over which was worse.


Well-Known Member
Iran has already said they will be released soon. Two small boats drifted into Iranian water.
In exchange for what? Knowing Iran, they want something in return

If they don't release American hostages (excluding the four they already have) What will our Commander in Chief do?
Will he get tough? Or try to negotiate with radical Islam?... again


Well-Known Member
In exchange for what? Knowing Iran, they want something in return

If they don't release American hostages (excluding the four they already have) What will our Commander in Chief do?
Will he get tough? Or try to negotiate with radical Islam?... again
Nothing. Iran has said that they'll let the boats go on their way. One of them suffered a mechanical failure which let it drift into Iranian waters and the other boat went after it. Super simple. The other "hostages" are being held in Iran for "espionage."

I mean really what would you do? Start bombing Iran over 10 sailors? Great plan Mr Chicken Hawk.


Well-Known Member
Nothing. Iran has said that they'll let the boats go on their way. One of them suffered a mechanical failure which let it drift into Iranian waters and the other boat went after it. Super simple. The other "hostages" are being held in Iran for "espionage."

I mean really what would you do? Start bombing Iran over 10 sailors? Great plan Mr Chicken Hawk.
Start bombing Iran? Where do liberals come up with this stuff? How come everything is either on idle or full throttle with the loony left? Where has been Obama's ability to think outside the box? He's so predictable that Iran doesn't even respect us. They have already violated the Nuclear Deal, and so what? They don't give a fuck. Obama is a pussy. A lame duck.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should get high and try reading this again. You go all over the place. Ukrainian massacres, Jewish migration, John Luke and Mark. The holocaust was up there with what Stalin did in Ukraine. I can't argue over which was worse.
what i am trying to relate and i know you agree that the JEWS were already doomed before the Holocaust
you know what the numbers are sustain a civilization , or culture here something for to watch

so if the Jews were already declining and its well documented but wait a min here there claiming 6 million plus lol wow impossible

2 million jews migrated to USA
Between 1919 and 2005, the total volume of Jewish international migration from Eastern Europe can be roughly estimated at about 3.8 million (for 1969–2005, this figure includes non-Jewish relatives of Jews); of these, approximately 1.95 million went first to Palestine/Israel, and 1.85 million to other countries

Now here comes the kicker being Full blooded German and i guess Having a uncle that was SS ( though i never met him ) and died in Russia at that time most JEWS which many tend to forget fled with the red army inward as Germany entered Lets not forget about the Czars and Bolshiviks / JEWS :) that dates BACK to the beginning of communism

So with that many so called killed and like the Video says there would be no economic model in recovery and lets face it appears Again Over exagerated non sense

Do i deny that Nazi's killed JEWS ?? not one bit,,, But like my family said it was also kept away from the General public ,, They did not know that it was happening ??? there would of been a out rage if the public knew Don't forget lots of german / JEWS married etc..

But war is WAR and things happen Again if you want to really get Technical ?? i guess USA should be number 1 to blame for all of it i mean they invested heavily into Germany or how would you say it paid them to do it ????

But hey that would be good for another thread


Well-Known Member
Start bombing Iran? Where do liberals come up with this stuff? How come everything is either on idle or full throttle with the loony left? Where has been Obama's ability to think outside the box? He's so predictable that Iran doesn't even respect us. They have already violated the Nuclear Deal, and so what? They don't give a fuck. Obama is a pussy. A lame duck.
Or with more talks with Iran the DoD and State Department have said that Iran has given us assurances that the sailors well being is taken care of and they'll be allowed to continue their voyage from Bahrain to Kuwait promptly.

I prefer this method than threatening Iran that if they don't do that we'll put the screws on them which will only make this entire thing drag on.


Well-Known Member
So again it all comes back to USA as the inital starter and you wonder why so many nations or people dislike you ??? Jews
In exchange for what? Knowing Iran, they want something in return

If they don't release American hostages (excluding the four they already have) What will our Commander in Chief do?
Will he get tough? Or try to negotiate with radical Islam?... again
what can he really do is the question you need to ask your self truth is hey if Turkey can shoot down a plane kill pilots these drift boards CAN SURELY GET THE FIRING SQUAD AND FUCK ALL YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT
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