THE LOT ~ Music Festival Lifestyle

Lol nah actually I've been doing a lot of yoga lately and because of that have no need for a massage, though I greatly appreciate the offer. But at some point this summer me and whodat will be out that way, if his ol lady has her way it'll be to come out for the cannabis cup lol either way we'll definitely be out in your neck of the woods SOMETIME this summer. We'll have to meet up and kick it.
Lemme know holmes.
First , I'm not a lot kid, if anything I'm a lot adult, I'm 38 years old. Second, answer my question Beatles BBQ! Why do you keep avoiding answering my questions? How do you call rainbow the real FAM on one post, then say how sketchy rainbow is??
I like how tour calling me a gangster cause in said I would punch you lol. Your full of shit BBQ and you know it, this is why your avoiding my questions. Oh you can make a thread all about L and how the family does things , but then you can't back your shit up? And poi poi, please just shut the fuck up, I picture you as one of these half candy raver kids with gages as big as coke bottles in their ears lmao, maybe that's why when you meet some rainbow FAM they seem sketch to you, because we don't like you maybe? And if you must know Thad made my wings, if youust know. Now.please answer some, at least one of my questions.
Your pulling my card??? Shit the fuxknup dude! I have straight the fuxking up called out your boyfriend, I want to know why he says rainbow is the 1 and only dead FAM, but then talks about other family's, and then says rainbow is the sketchiest. Come on, anyone reading these that has half a brain will ask themselves the same thing... Its all written right here. So go fuck yourself kid. You are a straight up custy! I would slap you on the back of your neck with mybswaety balls if I ever see you. Please let's all meet up so you can pull me and my whole crew card,PLEASE, IM FUXKING BEGGING YOU. you wouldn't say a single word of this shitt to my face, that's a fact. And you guys would all love this "gangster" when some nitrious mafia fags are ruining your lot but you all have no balls to do anything about it. You don't even see those fags in new england anymore because us "gangsters" throw them the fuckmoff our lots and our party's. Prove my wings are made by Thad? So what, you want me to post a pick of my wings and me giving you the finger or something? Have your boyfriend answer my questions, then I will answer another one of yours. I have already answers one of your questions, but you beat around the bush with mine. Please please come tells us we are all a bunch of junkies and thieves and gangsters, please. And there is more than one reason for the rainbow name buddy, kind of depends on whonyou ask.... And why would I have to send you a PM? Its not some big secret... Wtf. Oh and wings don't mean shit anymore buddy, shows how much you know lmao. Every wannabe out there can go buy some wings and pretend, it happens all the time, one of the reasons GDP had to close the books a few years back. Please stop regurgitating shit you hear at festies. Go do some m1 and spin some balls around your head plz.
And I like how you say my "ego drivin behavior" .... When you guys are the ones talking shit on another group of people in the first place! WOW. I'm the coolest motherfuxker you would ever meet, give you the shoes off my feet or the shirt off my back, my last bite of food, but I'm not going tonsit here while some bubblegumming custys talk shit about something they know nothing about.
First off I don't bounce around festivals talking about any of this shit, and I hardly rock my wings anymore. The only reason I'm saying any of this here is because you and your boyfriend are talking shit on rainbow, wait , then saying its the one true FAM, but a bunch of junkies whomsell.shitty of fake L... Well witch it?Oh and I can fuxking promise you I would spit in your face, by myself , if i was ever to see you anywhere. Why don't we meet up somewhere and find out? Come.on, where you gonna be this summer? We can communicate threw this forum and meet up somewhere :). I'm serious. I don't need the wrecking crew behind me to tell some little ear gages poi poser to shut the fuxknup. You boy has never been printed, or ever laid any crystal. You shouldn't even be in this convo, but its yoir ego that has you involved.keep talking trash dude, your ignorant as fuck. .done until your boyfriend can explain his contradictions. And even though your an asshole, I would still feed you after I punch you :). Just stop talking shit about rainbow dude.
Yea man, anywhere you go has sketchy people, no shit.... But why feel the need rainbow specifically?? That is my entire beef. I know I have been to more shows and festies than you bro, and every single one has had waves and waves of sketchy ppl, so why not just say that instead of saying "rainbow"? And I never claimed to be printed, you don't have to be printed to be FAM, you need to be printed to lay sheets. Even though I still got my hands on Czech crystal.... And I didn't mean feed you L, I meant justvfeed youbwhayever banging eats me and my mama are cooking up.... And I don't care if you are some muscle bound meat head weighing 230 pounds ofnpire muscle, I'll still poop in your face. And we won't be beating the shit out of each other, I won't be getting the shit beat out of me , period, you couldn't even put a finger on me, kid. So if your as down as you claim, then smarten the fuck up, you should kno exactly what I'm talking about. And your right, we shouldn't be having this covo, because you guys shouldn't be calling out a group of people because of YOUR experience with a small group. It would be like me calling everyone who spins poi a candy raver pussy just because 90% of them are... Do you get where I'm coming from at all dude?
Yea man on this we can actually agree for the most part (im still holding out that we'd be beating the shit out of eachother if you spit in my face lol) but the reason I said rainbow specifically had to do with backing up someone I genuinely consider a friend, I'm sure you can appreciate if not understand that. But no I've got no problem with rainbow as a whole which is a point I've been trying to make this whole time. And if you must know I'm more of a fire dancer, my profile pic is the only one where you can't see my face and those poi aren't even mine. But shit man here'a the deal if I run into you at a fest I'll cook us all up some grub one night you cook it up the next and I garuntee by the end of the weekend we'll be friends. I am sorry though that you felt I was attacking rainbow as a whole cause I was not, I promise. I have friends that are rainbow (I just wasn't gonna tell you that while we were mid arguement). And for the record I'm a little fucker lol I'm 5'9 150 lbs but I'll take on anybody that disrespects me or any of my friends if they won't defend themselves.
Well, I can respect this post. I really don't want to start shit with anyone, but, just said, I will take on anyone who disrespects, and I felt rainbow was really disrespected. And for the record, when I said good for the dude selling fake doses, what I meant by that was, if you bought fake L you didn't know your source, so you should have busted out the test kit, bit you didn't, you bought something off some dude you don't know and you won't be able to tell if it was real until at least 15-20 mins after you took it, in this day and age that's stupid. And I don't mean as in you personally, I'm saying you as people in general.
Well, I can respect this post. I really don't want to start shit with anyone, but, just said, I will take on anyone who disrespects, and I felt rainbow was really disrespected. And for the record, when I said good for the dude selling fake doses, what I meant by that was, if you bought fake L you didn't know your source, so you should have busted out the test kit, bit you didn't, you bought something off some dude you don't know and you won't be able to tell if it was real until at least 15-20 mins after you took it, in this day and age that's stupid. And I don't mean as in you personally, I'm saying you as people in general.
I feel you on the whole test kit thing they are definitely a necessity if your gonna get shit from someone you don't know, which I don't advise. The issue with what he was doing was he was only diluting them not selling something else as them so it'll still read like it's supposed to. And your basic test kits don't show purity just chemical compound. So it made it extra dirty. Then him telling me what he was doing then asking if I needed work just baffled me. But personally anymore I'll only deal with trusted sources especially since I've really no need to deal with anyone else.
I feel you on the whole test kit thing they are definitely a necessity if your gonna get shit from someone you don't know, which I don't advise. The issue with what he was doing was he was only diluting them not selling something else as them so it'll still read like it's supposed to. And your basic test kits don't show purity just chemical compound. So it made it extra dirty. Then him telling me what he was doing then asking if I needed work just baffled me. But personally anymore I'll only deal with trusted sources especially since I've really no need to deal with anyone else.
Well.,you were smart then lol. I deal with boomers almost exclusively these days, because the L scene is so sketch IMO. Yea sounds like that dude sucked, and if he was rainbow then he is badly reppin the whole tribe IMO. A real rainbow wouldn't sell any fake L, and would view it as sacreligeious.... I wasn't supporting him, sonsorry it sounded like that. One time there was a kid selling fake L on a fuxking dead print!!! Can you believe that??? We gave him a choice, give us all your money and gems and jewelry, or take this wash..( we lured him into my bros camper, so he was trapped and had to peace it up somehow) to my surprise, he took the wash, saw the errors on his ways, and to this day is a cool ass dude lol, I run into him a few times every year. I'll admit, when I said good for the dude selling fake L, in was pissed at y'all soni was trying to rub it in that you got fake L... But you didn't so... Every group , every "FAM" has sketchy heads, I just don't want a whole group to be summed into being sketchy cause you met or know some.sketch rainbow kids.... You could.make some new jack that reads this thread think everyone rainbow is some junkbox trying to sell them fake or shitty drugs, when that is totally not the deal. Anyways, how's this for ego... I'm sorry I got so upset... I know what's really up so I shouldn't get so mad about it, but I'm human and there is error in my ways. And I'm not a holy roller, Jesus is the reason for the season was a joke ha.
First , I'm not a lot kid, if anything I'm a lot adult, I'm 38 years old. Second, answer my question Beatles BBQ! Why do you keep avoiding answering my questions? How do you call rainbow the real FAM on one post, then say how sketchy rainbow is??
I like how tour calling me a gangster cause in said I would punch you lol. Your full of shit BBQ and you know it, this is why your avoiding my questions. Oh you can make a thread all about L and how the family does things , but then you can't back your shit up? And poi poi, please just shut the fuck up, I picture you as one of these half candy raver kids with gages as big as coke bottles in their ears lmao, maybe that's why when you meet some rainbow FAM they seem sketch to you, because we don't like you maybe? And if you must know Thad made my wings, if youust know. Now.please answer some, at least one of my questions.
You are an idiot. Family is Family. And if You start dividing that fact.. You are a fool.
I am not answering because it is a waste of time. You have quite a mouth on You.

If You read that information was provided graciously from chinacat of
I did not write that thread, I simply shared that information and MANY people have enjoyed it for years... You are the first one to come at Me because YOU ARE SO RIGHT mr. Heady

And if You didnt read else where... I stated that anyone is going to find shady people in ANY festival or "family"

HEy everyone.... Look how heady @MjAeJdIiK is!!!!

He has the biggest muscles to steal your face with the strongest acid on lot!!!
He will take all of Your shiny rocks, toys, and possibly even Your cigarette roaches.
He is so heady, He may even lick the sweat off Your forehead to get higher off Your vibes.
You are an idiot. Family is Family. And if You start dividing that fact.. You are a fool.
I am not answering because it is a waste of time. You have quite a mouth on You.

If You read that information was provided graciously from chinacat of
I did not write that thread, I simply shared that information and MANY people have enjoyed it for years... You are the first one to come at Me because YOU ARE SO RIGHT mr. Heady

And if You didnt read else where... I stated that anyone is going to find shady people in ANY festival or "family"
MJ made you step.back. to black ink for a.second. there. What's going on?
@Lotus minded @Poi-Poi and @skuba ...
its disgusting how fake this video is

so have You all heard of voice overs? Alex Jones does it all the time. He hires a professional voice actor to mimic some famous person's voice... Like Joe Rogan for instance.
Here is one of Bob Weir.... That aint His real voice.

*thick twangy southern accent*
"This young Bob Weir here is possessed by THE DEVIL.
Look at that satanic star woven onto His chest. The Grateful Dead is THE DEVIL."
"Nothin' shakin' on shakedown street? It used to be the heart of town. Don't tell Me this town ain't got no heart. You just gotta poke around."~The Grateful Dead

Family resides at these festivals, @mikek420 . They will treat You as Family. Even if You are introverted, these amazing individuals can bring One out of Their shell. Festival lifestyle is important to taste this day and age to see where We are headed.
Depending on what kind of festival You go to brings the certain crowds, also the artists performing brings certain crowds as well. A lot of rainbow gathering festivals can bring some very shady characters. All festivals can bring sketchy people but most music festivals make up extremely good people with amazing intentions.
And if someone shady is suspected, the whole tribe will inform each other. It is amazing.

The festival community is the most evolved and unified group of people.
Literally the strongest commUNITY of people I have ever seen.
Right here you specifically say rainbows can bring out the very shady characters, THEN you say all party's can... Why do you call.out rainbow by name?? Then on your home page tour telling someone that rainbow is the only real.dead family?? If your going to call.out a party as shady why not say camp bisco instead? At least you would be telling the truth? I like how you just avoid my questions with your bullshit nonsence. And so what if chinacat wrote it? Fuxk chinacat too, yea real cool buddy to go on the internet and blab about some deep ass shit that you shouldn't be blabbing about... At least poi poi had the balls to have a debate instead of just sparing off like the spunion you are. Your so fuxking lame.