First , I'm not a lot kid, if anything I'm a lot adult, I'm 38 years old. Second, answer my question Beatles BBQ! Why do you keep avoiding answering my questions? How do you call rainbow the real FAM on one post, then say how sketchy rainbow is??
I like how tour calling me a gangster cause in said I would punch you lol. Your full of shit BBQ and you know it, this is why your avoiding my questions. Oh you can make a thread all about L and how the family does things , but then you can't back your shit up? And poi poi, please just shut the fuck up, I picture you as one of these half candy raver kids with gages as big as coke bottles in their ears lmao, maybe that's why when you meet some rainbow FAM they seem sketch to you, because we don't like you maybe? And if you must know Thad made my wings, if youust know. Now.please answer some, at least one of my questions.